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Python extmath.squared_norm函数代码示例

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本文整理汇总了Python中sklearn.utils.extmath.squared_norm函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python squared_norm函数的具体用法?Python squared_norm怎么用?Python squared_norm使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: objective

def objective(K, y, alpha, lamda, beta, w):
    """Objective function for lasso kernel learning."""
    obj = .5 * sum(squared_norm(
        alpha[j].dot(K[j].T.dot(w)) - y[j]) for j in range(len(K)))
    obj += lamda * np.abs(w).sum()
    obj += beta * sum(squared_norm(a) for a in alpha)
    return obj

示例2: objective_admm

def objective_admm(K, y, alpha, lamda, beta, w, w1, w2):
    """Objective function for lasso kernel learning."""
    obj = .5 * sum(squared_norm(
        np.dot(alpha[j], K[j].T.dot(w)) - y[j]) for j in range(len(K)))
    obj += lamda * np.abs(w1).sum()
    obj += beta * squared_norm(w2)
    return obj

示例3: test_norm_squared_norm

def test_norm_squared_norm():
    X = np.random.RandomState(42).randn(50, 63)
    X *= 100        # check stability
    X += 200

    assert_almost_equal(np.linalg.norm(X.ravel()), norm(X))
    assert_almost_equal(norm(X) ** 2, squared_norm(X), decimal=6)
    assert_almost_equal(np.linalg.norm(X), np.sqrt(squared_norm(X)), decimal=6)

示例4: test_norm_squared_norm

def test_norm_squared_norm():
    X = np.random.RandomState(42).randn(50, 63)
    X *= 100        # check stability
    X += 200

    assert_almost_equal(np.linalg.norm(X.ravel()), norm(X))
    assert_almost_equal(norm(X) ** 2, squared_norm(X), decimal=6)
    assert_almost_equal(np.linalg.norm(X), np.sqrt(squared_norm(X)), decimal=6)
    # Check the warning with an int array and np.dot potential overflow
                    UserWarning, 'Array type is integer, np.dot may '
                    'overflow. Data should be float type to avoid this issue',
                    squared_norm, X.astype(int))

示例5: _objective_func

    def _objective_func(self, w):
        bias, wf = self._split_coefficents(w)

        l_plus, xv_plus, l_minus, xv_minus = self._counter.calculate(wf)

        xw = self._xw
        val = 0.5 * squared_norm(wf)
        if self._has_time:
            val += 0.5 * self._regr_penalty * squared_norm(self.y_compressed - bias
                                                           - xw.compress(self.regr_mask, axis=0))

        val += 0.5 * self._rank_penalty * numexpr.evaluate(
            'sum(xw * ((l_plus + l_minus) * xw - xv_plus - xv_minus - 2 * (l_minus - l_plus)) + l_minus)')

        return val

示例6: _beta_divergence_dense

def _beta_divergence_dense(X, W, H, beta):
    """Compute the beta-divergence of X and W.H for dense array only.

    Used as a reference for testing nmf._beta_divergence.
    if isinstance(X, numbers.Number):
        W = np.array([[W]])
        H = np.array([[H]])
        X = np.array([[X]])

    WH = np.dot(W, H)

    if beta == 2:
        return squared_norm(X - WH) / 2

    WH_Xnonzero = WH[X != 0]
    X_nonzero = X[X != 0]
    np.maximum(WH_Xnonzero, 1e-9, out=WH_Xnonzero)

    if beta == 1:
        res = np.sum(X_nonzero * np.log(X_nonzero / WH_Xnonzero))
        res += WH.sum() - X.sum()

    elif beta == 0:
        div = X_nonzero / WH_Xnonzero
        res = np.sum(div) - X.size - np.sum(np.log(div))
        res = (X_nonzero ** beta).sum()
        res += (beta - 1) * (WH ** beta).sum()
        res -= beta * (X_nonzero * (WH_Xnonzero ** (beta - 1))).sum()
        res /= beta * (beta - 1)

    return res

示例7: _kmeans_spark

def _kmeans_spark(X, n_clusters, max_iter=300, worker_nums=10, init='k-means++', random_state=None, tol=1e-4):
    from pyspark import SparkContext, SparkConf

    conf = SparkConf().setAppName('K-Means_Spark').setMaster('local[%d]'%worker_nums)
    sc = SparkContext(conf=conf)
    data = sc.parallelize(X)

    random_state = check_random_state(random_state)

    best_labels, best_inertia, best_centers = None, None, None

    x_squared_norms = row_norms(X, squared=True)
    #  x_squared_norms = data.map(lambda x: (x*x).sum(axis=0)).collect()
    #  x_squared_norms = np.array(x_squared_norms, dtype='float64')

    centers = _init_centroids(X, n_clusters, init, random_state, x_squared_norms=x_squared_norms)

    bs = X.shape[0]/worker_nums
    data_temp = []
    for i in range(worker_nums-1):
    data_temp = np.array(data_temp, dtype='float64')
    data_temp = sc.parallelize(data_temp)

    for i in range(max_iter):
        centers_old = centers.copy()

        all_distances = data_temp.map(lambda x: euclidean_distances(centers, x, squared=True)).collect()
        temp_all_distances = all_distances[0]
        for i in range(1, worker_nums):
            temp_all_distances = np.hstack((temp_all_distances, all_distances[i]))
        all_distances = temp_all_distances

        #  all_distances = data.map(lambda x: euclidean_distances(centers, x, squared=True)).collect()
        #  # reshape, from (1, n_samples, k) to (k, n_samples)
        #  all_distances = np.asarray(all_distances, dtype="float64").T[0]

        # Assignment, also called E-step of EM
        labels, inertia = _labels_inertia(X, x_squared_norms, centers, all_distances=all_distances)
        # re-computation of the centroids, also called M-step of EM
        centers = _centers(X, labels, n_clusters)

        if best_inertia is None or inertia < best_inertia:
            best_labels  = labels.copy()
            best_centers = centers.copy()
            best_inertia = inertia

        shift = squared_norm(centers_old - centers)
        if shift <= tol:

    return best_centers, best_labels, best_inertia

示例8: _fit_projected_gradient

def _fit_projected_gradient(X, W, H, tol, max_iter, nls_max_iter, alpha,
    gradW = (np.dot(W, np.dot(H, H.T)) -
             safe_sparse_dot(X, H.T, dense_output=True))
    gradH = (np.dot(np.dot(W.T, W), H) -
             safe_sparse_dot(W.T, X, dense_output=True))

    init_grad = squared_norm(gradW) + squared_norm(gradH.T)
    # max(0.001, tol) to force alternating minimizations of W and H
    tolW = max(0.001, tol) * np.sqrt(init_grad)
    tolH = tolW

    for n_iter in range(1, max_iter + 1):
        # stopping condition as discussed in paper
        proj_grad_W = squared_norm(gradW * np.logical_or(gradW < 0, W > 0))
        proj_grad_H = squared_norm(gradH * np.logical_or(gradH < 0, H > 0))

        if (proj_grad_W + proj_grad_H) / init_grad < tol ** 2:

        # update W
        Wt, gradWt, iterW = _nls_subproblem(X.T, H.T, W.T, tolW, nls_max_iter,
                                            alpha=alpha, l1_ratio=l1_ratio)
        W, gradW = Wt.T, gradWt.T

        if iterW == 1:
            tolW = 0.1 * tolW

        # update H
        H, gradH, iterH = _nls_subproblem(X, W, H, tolH, nls_max_iter,
                                          alpha=alpha, l1_ratio=l1_ratio)
        if iterH == 1:
            tolH = 0.1 * tolH

    H[H == 0] = 0   # fix up negative zeros

    if n_iter == max_iter:
        Wt, _, _ = _nls_subproblem(X.T, H.T, W.T, tolW, nls_max_iter,
                                   alpha=alpha, l1_ratio=l1_ratio)
        W = Wt.T

    return W, H, n_iter

示例9: _multinomial_loss

def _multinomial_loss(w, X, Y, alpha, sample_weight):
    """Computes multinomial loss and class probabilities.

    w : ndarray, shape (n_classes * n_features,) or (n_classes * (n_features +
            Coefficient vector.

    X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape (n_samples, n_features)
        Training data.

    Y : ndarray, shape (n_samples, n_classes)
        Transformed labels according to the output of LabelBinarizer.

    alpha : float
        Regularization parameter. alpha is equal to 1 / C.

    sample_weight : ndarray, shape (n_samples,) optional
        Array of weights that are assigned to individual samples.
        If not provided, then each sample is given unit weight.

    loss : float
        Multinomial loss.

    p : ndarray, shape (n_samples, n_classes)
        Estimated class probabilities.

    w : ndarray, shape (n_classes, n_features)
        Reshaped param vector excluding intercept terms.
    n_classes = Y.shape[1]
    n_features = X.shape[1]
    fit_intercept = w.size == (n_classes * (n_features + 1))
    w = w.reshape(n_classes, -1)
    sample_weight = sample_weight[:, np.newaxis]
    if fit_intercept:
        intercept = w[:, -1]
        w = w[:, :-1]
        intercept = 0
    p = safe_sparse_dot(X, w.T)
    p += intercept
    p -= logsumexp(p, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
    loss = -(sample_weight * Y * p).sum()
    loss += 0.5 * alpha * squared_norm(w)
    p = np.exp(p, p)
    return loss, p, w

示例10: kmeansopt

def kmeansopt(data, k   ,rng, T = 50  , method = 'kmeans' , tol = 1e-4 ):
    centroids = []
    lable = []
    if(method == 'kmeans++'): 
        centroids = optimize_centroids(data, centroids , k  ,rng )
        centroids = ramdon_centroids(data, centroids , k  ,rng)
#    print("inital centroids")
#    print(centroids)
    old_centroids = []
    #    result_dict = {}
    Iteration = 0
    clusters = [[] for i in range(k)]
    #    while(Iteration < T and not compare(old_centroids , centroids)):
    while(Iteration < T ):
        clusters = [[] for i in range(k)]
        clusters,lable= euclidean(data, centroids, clusters)
    #        print(" The %d times cluster" % Iteration)
    #    print(clusters)
            # recalculate centriods from exist cluster
        index = 0
        old_centroids = list(centroids);
#        print(Iteration)
        for cluster in clusters:
            centroids[index] = np.mean(cluster, axis = 0).tolist()
            index += 1
#    for num in range(0,len(clusters)):
#        for ld in clusters[num]:
#            result_dict[str(ld)] = num
#        print(centroids)
        centroids_matrix = np.matrix(centroids)
#        print(centroids_matrix)
#        print(old_centroids)
        old_centroids_matrix = np.matrix(old_centroids)
#        print(old_centroids_matrix)
        shift = squared_norm(old_centroids_matrix - centroids_matrix)
        if shift <= tol:
#            print("Already Coverage , break")
        Iteration += 1    # End of innerLoop
    return clusters, centroids, lable

示例11: temp_log_loss

def temp_log_loss(w, X, Y, alpha):
    n_classes = Y.shape[1]
    w = w.reshape(n_classes, -1)
    intercept = w[:, -1]
    w = w[:, :-1]
    z = safe_sparse_dot(X, w.T) + intercept

    denom = expit(z)
    #print denom
    #print denom.sum()
    denom = denom.sum(axis=1).reshape((denom.shape[0], -1))
    #print denom
    p = log_logistic(z)

    loss = - (Y * p).sum()
    loss += np.log(denom).sum()
    loss += 0.5 * alpha * squared_norm(w)

    return loss

示例12: _multinomial_loss

def _multinomial_loss(w, X, Y, alpha):
    sample_weight = np.ones(len(Y))
    n_classes = Y.shape[1]
    n_features = X.shape[1]
    fit_intercept = w.size == (n_classes * (n_features + 1))
    w = w.reshape(n_classes, -1)
    sample_weight = sample_weight[:, np.newaxis]
    if fit_intercept:
        intercept = w[:, -1]
        w = w[:, :-1]
        intercept = 0
    p = safe_sparse_dot(X, w.T)
    p += intercept
    p -= logsumexp(p, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
    loss = -(sample_weight * Y * p).sum()
    loss += 0.5 * alpha * squared_norm(w)
    p = np.exp(p, p)
    return loss, p, w

示例13: _kmeans_single

def _kmeans_single(X, n_clusters, max_iter=300, init='k-means++', random_state=None, tol=1e-4):
    random_state = check_random_state(random_state)

    best_labels, best_inertia, best_centers = None, None, None

    # init
    x_squared_norms = row_norms(X, squared=True)
    centers = _init_centroids(X, n_clusters, init, random_state, x_squared_norms=x_squared_norms)

    #  distances = np.zeros(shape=(X.shape[0],), dtype=np.float64)

    # iterations
    for i in range(max_iter):
        centers_old = centers.copy()
        # Assignment, also called E-step of EM
        labels, inertia = _labels_inertia(X, x_squared_norms, centers)

        # re-computation of the centroids, also called M-step of EM
        centers = _centers(X, labels, n_clusters)

        if best_inertia is None or inertia < best_inertia:
            best_labels  = labels.copy()
            best_centers = centers.copy()
            best_inertia = inertia

        shift = squared_norm(centers_old - centers)
        if shift <= tol:

    if shift > 0:
        # rerun E-step in case of non-convergence so that predicted labels
        # match cluster centers
        best_labels, best_inertia = \
            _labels_inertia(X, x_squared_norms, best_centers)

    return best_centers, best_labels, best_inertia

示例14: enet_kernel_learning

def enet_kernel_learning(
        K, y, lamda=0.01, beta=0.01, gamma='auto', max_iter=100, verbose=0,
        tol=1e-4, return_n_iter=True):
    """Elastic Net kernel learning.

    Solve the following problem via alternating minimisation:
        min sum_{i=1}^p 1/2 ||alpha_i * w * K_i - y_i||^2 + lamda ||w||_1 +
        + beta||w||_2^2
    n_patients = len(K)
    n_kernels = len(K[0])
    coef = np.ones(n_kernels)

    alpha = [np.zeros(K[j].shape[2]) for j in range(n_patients)]
    # KKT = [K[j].T.dot(K[j]) for j in range(len(K))]
    # print(KKT[0].shape)
    if gamma == 'auto':
        lipschitz_constant = np.array([
                for i in range(K_j.shape[0]))
            for K_j in K])
        gamma = 1. / (lipschitz_constant)

    objective_new = 0
    for iteration_ in range(max_iter):
        w_old = coef.copy()
        alpha_old = [a.copy() for a in alpha]
        objective_old = objective_new

        # update w
        A = [K[j].dot(alpha[j]) for j in range(n_patients)]
        alpha_coef_K = [alpha[j].dot(K[j].T.dot(coef))
                        for j in range(n_patients)]
        gradient = sum((alpha_coef_K[j] - y[j]).dot(A[j].T)
                       for j in range(n_patients))

        # gradient_2 = coef.dot(sum(
        #     np.dot(K[j].dot(alpha[j]), K[j].dot(alpha[j]).T)
        #     for j in range(len(K)))) - sum(
        #         y[j].dot(K[j].dot(alpha[j]).T) for j in range(len(K)))

        # gradient = coef.dot(sum(
        #     alpha[j].dot(KKT[j].dot(alpha[j])) for j in range(len(K)))) - sum(
        #         y[j].dot(K[j].dot(alpha[j]).T) for j in range(len(K)))

        # gradient += 2 * beta * coef
        coef = soft_thresholding(coef - gamma * gradient, lamda=lamda * gamma)

        # update alpha
        # for j in range(len(K)):
        #     alpha[j] = _solve_cholesky_kernel(
        #         K[j].T.dot(coef), y[j][..., None], lamda).ravel()
        A = [K[j].T.dot(coef) for j in range(n_patients)]
        alpha_coef_K = [alpha[j].dot(K[j].T.dot(coef))
                        for j in range(n_patients)]
        gradient = [(alpha_coef_K[j] - y[j]).dot(A[j].T) + 2 * beta * alpha[j]
                    for j in range(n_patients)]
        alpha = [alpha[j] - gamma * gradient[j] for j in range(n_patients)]

        objective_new = objective(K, y, alpha, lamda, beta, coef)
        objective_difference = abs(objective_new - objective_old)
        snorm = np.sqrt(squared_norm(coef - w_old) + sum(
            squared_norm(a - a_old) for a, a_old in zip(alpha, alpha_old)))

        obj = objective(K, y, alpha, lamda, beta, coef)

        if verbose and iteration_ % 10 == 0:
            print("obj: %.4f, snorm: %.4f" % (obj, snorm))

        if snorm < tol and objective_difference < tol:
        if np.isnan(snorm) or np.isnan(objective_difference):
            raise ValueError('assdgg')
        warnings.warn("Objective did not converge.")

    return_list = [alpha, coef]
    if return_n_iter:
    return return_list

示例15: objective_admm2

def objective_admm2(x, y, alpha, lamda, beta, w1):
    """Objective function for lasso kernel learning."""
    obj = .5 * sum(squared_norm(x[j] - y[j]) for j in range(len(x)))
    obj += lamda * np.abs(w1).sum()
    obj += beta * sum(squared_norm(a) for a in alpha)
    return obj

示例16: enet_kernel_learning_admm2

def enet_kernel_learning_admm2(
        K, y, lamda=0.01, beta=0.01, rho=1., max_iter=100, verbose=0, rtol=1e-4,
        tol=1e-4, return_n_iter=True, update_rho_options=None):
    """Elastic Net kernel learning.

    Solve the following problem via ADMM:
        min sum_{i=1}^p 1/2 ||y_i - alpha_i * sum_{k=1}^{n_k} w_k * K_{ik}||^2
        + lamda ||w||_1 + beta sum_{j=1}^{c_i}||alpha_j||_2^2
    n_patients = len(K)
    n_kernels = len(K[0])
    coef = np.ones(n_kernels)
    alpha = [np.zeros(K[j].shape[2]) for j in range(n_patients)]

    u = [np.zeros(K[j].shape[1]) for j in range(n_patients)]
    u_1 = np.zeros(n_kernels)
    w_1 = np.zeros(n_kernels)

    x_old = [np.zeros(K[0].shape[1]) for j in range(n_patients)]
    w_1_old = w_1.copy()
    # w_2_old = w_2.copy()

    checks = []
    for iteration_ in range(max_iter):
        # update x
        A = [K[j].T.dot(coef) for j in range(n_patients)]
        x = [prox_laplacian(y[j] + rho * (A[j].T.dot(alpha[j]) - u[j]), rho / 2.)
             for j in range(n_patients)]

        # update alpha
        # solve (AtA + 2I)^-1 (Aty) with A = wK
        KK = [rho * A[j].dot(A[j].T) for j in range(n_patients)]
        yy = [rho * A[j].dot(x[j] + u[j]) for j in range(n_patients)]
        alpha = [_solve_cholesky_kernel(
            KK[j], yy[j][..., None], 2 * beta).ravel() for j in range(n_patients)]
        # equivalent to alpha_dot_K
        # solve (sum(AtA) + 2*rho I)^-1 (sum(Aty) + rho(w1+w2-u1-u2))
        # with A = K * alpha
        A = [K[j].dot(alpha[j]) for j in range(n_patients)]
        KK = sum(A[j].dot(A[j].T) for j in range(n_patients))
        yy = sum(A[j].dot(x[j] + u[j]) for j in range(n_patients))
        yy += w_1 - u_1
        coef = _solve_cholesky_kernel(KK, yy[..., None], 1).ravel()

        w_1 = soft_thresholding(coef + u_1, lamda / rho)
        # w_2 = prox_laplacian(coef + u_2, beta / rho)

        # update residuals
        alpha_coef_K = [
            alpha[j].dot(K[j].T.dot(coef)) for j in range(n_patients)]
        residuals = [x[j] - alpha_coef_K[j] for j in range(n_patients)]
        u = [u[j] + residuals[j] for j in range(n_patients)]
        u_1 += coef - w_1

        # diagnostics, reporting, termination checks
        rnorm = np.sqrt(
            squared_norm(coef - w_1) +
            sum(squared_norm(residuals[j]) for j in range(n_patients)))
        snorm = rho * np.sqrt(
            squared_norm(w_1 - w_1_old) +
            sum(squared_norm(x[j] - x_old[j]) for j in range(n_patients)))

        obj = objective_admm2(x, y, alpha, lamda, beta, w_1)
        check = convergence(
            obj=obj, rnorm=rnorm, snorm=snorm,
            e_pri=np.sqrt(coef.size + sum(
                x[j].size for j in range(n_patients))) * tol + rtol * max(
                    np.sqrt(squared_norm(coef) + sum(squared_norm(
                        alpha_coef_K[j]) for j in range(n_patients))),
                    np.sqrt(squared_norm(w_1) + sum(squared_norm(
                        x[j]) for j in range(n_patients)))),
            e_dual=np.sqrt(coef.size + sum(
                x[j].size for j in range(n_patients))) * tol + rtol * rho * (
                    np.sqrt(squared_norm(u_1) + sum(squared_norm(
                        u[j]) for j in range(n_patients)))))

        w_1_old = w_1.copy()
        x_old = [x[j].copy() for j in range(n_patients)]

        if verbose:
            print("obj: %.4f, rnorm: %.4f, snorm: %.4f,"
                  "eps_pri: %.4f, eps_dual: %.4f" % check)

        if check.rnorm <= check.e_pri and check.snorm <= check.e_dual and iteration_ > 1:

        rho_new = update_rho(rho, rnorm, snorm, iteration=iteration_,
                             **(update_rho_options or {}))
        # scaled dual variables should be also rescaled
        u = [u[j] * (rho / rho_new) for j in range(n_patients)]
        u_1 *= rho / rho_new
        rho = rho_new
        warnings.warn("Objective did not converge.")

    return_list = [alpha, coef]
    if return_n_iter:
    return return_list

示例17: enet_kernel_learning_admm

def enet_kernel_learning_admm(
        K, y, lamda=0.01, beta=0.01, rho=1., max_iter=100, verbose=0, rtol=1e-4,
        tol=1e-4, return_n_iter=True, update_rho_options=None):
    """Elastic Net kernel learning.

    Solve the following problem via ADMM:
        min sum_{i=1}^p 1/2 ||alpha_i * w * K_i - y_i||^2 + lamda ||w||_1 +
        + beta||w||_2^2
    n_patients = len(K)
    n_kernels = len(K[0])
    coef = np.ones(n_kernels)
    u_1 = np.zeros(n_kernels)
    u_2 = np.zeros(n_kernels)
    w_1 = np.zeros(n_kernels)
    w_2 = np.zeros(n_kernels)

    w_1_old = w_1.copy()
    w_2_old = w_2.copy()

    checks = []
    for iteration_ in range(max_iter):
        # update alpha
        # solve (AtA + 2I)^-1 (Aty) with A = wK
        A = [K[j].T.dot(coef) for j in range(n_patients)]
        KK = [A[j].dot(A[j].T) for j in range(n_patients)]
        yy = [y[j].dot(A[j]) for j in range(n_patients)]

        alpha = [_solve_cholesky_kernel(
            KK[j], yy[j][..., None], 2).ravel() for j in range(n_patients)]
        # alpha = [_solve_cholesky_kernel(
        #     K_dot_coef[j], y[j][..., None], 0).ravel() for j in range(n_patients)]

        w_1 = soft_thresholding(coef + u_1, lamda / rho)
        w_2 = prox_laplacian(coef + u_2, beta / rho)

        # equivalent to alpha_dot_K
        # solve (sum(AtA) + 2*rho I)^-1 (sum(Aty) + rho(w1+w2-u1-u2))
        # with A = K * alpha
        A = [K[j].dot(alpha[j]) for j in range(n_patients)]
        KK = sum(A[j].dot(A[j].T) for j in range(n_patients))
        yy = sum(y[j].dot(A[j].T) for j in range(n_patients))
        yy += rho * (w_1 + w_2 - u_1 - u_2)

        coef = _solve_cholesky_kernel(KK, yy[..., None], 2 * rho).ravel()

        # update residuals
        u_1 += coef - w_1
        u_2 += coef - w_2

        # diagnostics, reporting, termination checks
        rnorm = np.sqrt(squared_norm(coef - w_1) + squared_norm(coef - w_2))
        snorm = rho * np.sqrt(
            squared_norm(w_1 - w_1_old) + squared_norm(w_2 - w_2_old))

        obj = objective_admm(K, y, alpha, lamda, beta, coef, w_1, w_2)

        check = convergence(
            obj=obj, rnorm=rnorm, snorm=snorm,
            e_pri=np.sqrt(2 * coef.size) * tol + rtol * max(
                np.sqrt(squared_norm(coef) + squared_norm(coef)),
                np.sqrt(squared_norm(w_1) + squared_norm(w_2))),
            e_dual=np.sqrt(2 * coef.size) * tol + rtol * rho * (
                np.sqrt(squared_norm(u_1) + squared_norm(u_2))))

        w_1_old = w_1.copy()
        w_2_old = w_2.copy()

        if verbose:
            print("obj: %.4f, rnorm: %.4f, snorm: %.4f,"
                  "eps_pri: %.4f, eps_dual: %.4f" % check)

        if check.rnorm <= check.e_pri and check.snorm <= check.e_dual and iteration_ > 1:

        rho_new = update_rho(rho, rnorm, snorm, iteration=iteration_,
                             **(update_rho_options or {}))
        # scaled dual variables should be also rescaled
        u_1 *= rho / rho_new
        u_2 *= rho / rho_new
        rho = rho_new
        warnings.warn("Objective did not converge.")

    return_list = [alpha, coef]
    if return_n_iter:
    return return_list

示例18: _norm

def _norm(x):
    """Dot product-based Euclidean norm implementation
    See: http://fseoane.net/blog/2011/computing-the-vector-norm/
    return np.sqrt(squared_norm(x))

示例19: norm

def norm(x):
    return sqrt(squared_norm(x))

示例20: _spherical_kmeans_single_lloyd

def _spherical_kmeans_single_lloyd(X, n_clusters, max_iter=300,
                                   init='k-means++', verbose=False,
                                   random_state=None, tol=1e-4,
    Modified from sklearn.cluster.k_means_.k_means_single_lloyd.
    random_state = check_random_state(random_state)

    best_labels, best_inertia, best_centers = None, None, None

    # init
    centers = _init_centroids(X, n_clusters, init, random_state=random_state,
    if verbose:
        print("Initialization complete")

    # Allocate memory to store the distances for each sample to its
    # closer center for reallocation in case of ties
    distances = np.zeros(shape=(X.shape[0],), dtype=X.dtype)

    # iterations
    for i in range(max_iter):
        centers_old = centers.copy()

        # labels assignment
        # TODO: _labels_inertia should be done with cosine distance
        #       since ||a - b|| = 2(1 - cos(a,b)) when a,b are unit normalized
        #       this doesn't really matter.
        labels, inertia = \
            _labels_inertia(X, x_squared_norms, centers,

        # computation of the means
        if sp.issparse(X):
            centers = _k_means._centers_sparse(X, labels, n_clusters,
            centers = _k_means._centers_dense(X, labels, n_clusters, distances)

        # l2-normalize centers (this is the main contibution here)
        centers = normalize(centers)

        if verbose:
            print("Iteration %2d, inertia %.3f" % (i, inertia))

        if best_inertia is None or inertia < best_inertia:
            best_labels = labels.copy()
            best_centers = centers.copy()
            best_inertia = inertia

        center_shift_total = squared_norm(centers_old - centers)
        if center_shift_total <= tol:
            if verbose:
                print("Converged at iteration %d: "
                      "center shift %e within tolerance %e"
                      % (i, center_shift_total, tol))

    if center_shift_total > 0:
        # rerun E-step in case of non-convergence so that predicted labels
        # match cluster centers
        best_labels, best_inertia = \
            _labels_inertia(X, x_squared_norms, best_centers,

    return best_labels, best_inertia, best_centers, i + 1









Python extmath.weighted_mode函数代码示例发布时间:2022-05-27
Python extmath.safe_sparse_dot函数代码示例发布时间:2022-05-27





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