This package provides two macros that are used to write JavaScript code inside
of Julia programs.
The @js macro translates Julia syntax to the equivalent JavaScript
The @js"..." macro is used to write code using string literals with smart
interpolation of values from Julia
julia>using JSExpr
julia>@js document.querySelector("#root")
julia>@js (a, b) -> a + b
JSString("(a, b) => { return a + b; }")
julia> config =Dict("foo"=>"bar");
You can interpolate Julia objects or JSStrings (e.g. from other @js or
js"..." invocations) as well as values from Julia (such as normal
strings, Dicts, etc.).
julia> foo =42;
julia> callback =@js a -> a +$foo
JSString("(a) => { return a + 42; }")
julia> f =@js array ->$callback)
JSString("(array) => { return => { return a + 42; }); }")
Custom Interpolation
By default, values are serialized using the JSON package.
This makes sense for Dicts, Arrays, and most other "primitive" types.
3rd-party packages can customize serialization of their own types by defining
a method for JSExpr.interpolate.
The return value of JSExpr.interpolate should be a JSNode.
julia>struct Link; text::String; href::String; end;
julia> JSExpr.interpolate(link::Link) = JSExpr.JSTerminal(js"<a href=$(link.href)>$(link.text)</a>");
julia>@js@const link =$(Link("Julia", ""))
JSString("const link = <a href=\"\">\"Julia\"</a>")
Object Literals
Objects are ubiquitous in JavaScript.
To create objects using JSExpr, you can use a simple syntax using braces.
There are two variants of this syntax (NamedTuple style and Pair style).
You can also create objects use normal NamedTuple syntax.
JSExpr does not attempt to translate semantics between Julia and JavaScript
(with a few very minor exceptions covered in Juliaisms below).
Since Dict can be a valid function name in JavaScript, we do not translate
the Julia Dict constructor to an object creation syntax.
JSExpr, for the most part, does not attempt to translate semantics between
Julia and the resulting JavaScript code.
The reason for the decision is that Julia and JavaScript are
wildly different languages and we would invariably mess up some edge cases.
We do, however, translate a few Julian constructs to a semantically equivalent
Range Syntax (...:...)
JavaScript doesn't have a native Range object and the typical way to repeat a
loop body n times is to use a C-style for loop. There is no syntax for this
style of for loop in Julia, and : is not a valid JavaScript identifier, so the
colon function (:) is translated to JavaScript code that acts like a Range
object in Julia.
julia>@jsfor i in1:10
endJSString("for (let i of (new Array(10).fill(undefined).map((_, i) => i + 1))) { console.log(i); }")
The resulting JS is very ugly and will fully materialize the range and so
should only be used for relatively small ranges.
Serializing a JSString to JSON will result in a normal string containing the
JavaScript code.
If you notice anything else that's not supported or doesn't work as intended,
please open an issue.
Ternary Expressions
Julia lowers (during parse) if statements and ternary expressions (... ? ... : ...)
to the same Expr, so JSExpr cannot distinguish between the two.
This poses an issue because JavaScript does not allow non-expression statements
(e.g., loops and variable declarations) inside of a ternary expression, but if
statements cannot be used in contexts which expect a value (but they can be
used in such contexts in Julia).
There are plans to implement a heuristic to emit a ternary expression if
appropriate (e.g., if the bodies of the ternary expression contains only one
sub-expression) but this is not implemented yet.