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Python MiscLib.TestUtils类代码示例

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本文整理汇总了Python中MiscLib.TestUtils的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python TestUtils类的具体用法?Python TestUtils怎么用?Python TestUtils使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: runTestSuite

def runTestSuite():
    Transfer function for setup.py script ro-manager-test
    base = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    #print "Run test suite assuming base path "+base
    sys.path.insert(0, os.path.normpath(base+"/..") )
    sys.path.insert(0, os.path.normpath(base+"/../..") )
    sys.path.insert(0, os.path.normpath(base+"/../../iaeval/test") )
    sys.path.insert(0, os.path.normpath(base+"/../../sync/test") )
    #print "Path: "+repr(sys.path)
    TestUtils.runTests("TestAll", getTestSuite, sys.argv)
    return 0

示例2: getTestSuite

def getTestSuite(select="unit", testargs=[("arg","val")]):
    Get test suite

    select  is one of the following:
            "unit"      return suite of unit tests only
            "component" return suite of unit and component tests
            "all"       return suite of unit, component and integration tests
            "pending"   return suite of pending tests
            name        a single named test to be run
    testdict = {
            [ "testUnits"
            , "testCase"
            , "testArg"
            [ "testComponents"
            [ "testIntegration"
            [ "testPending"
    for (argname,argval) in testargs:
        if argval: setattr(TestExample, argname, argval)
    return TestUtils.getTestSuite(TestExample, testdict, select=select)

示例3: getTestSuite

def getTestSuite(select="unit"):
    Get test suite

    select  is one of the following:
            "unit"      return suite of unit tests only
            "component" return suite of unit and component tests
            "all"       return suite of unit, component and integration tests
            "pending"   return suite of pending tests
            name        a single named test to be run
    testdict = {
            [ "testDummy"
            [ "testDummy"
            [ "testSend"
            , "testListen"
            [ "testDummy"
    return TestUtils.getTestSuite(TestCounters, testdict, select=select)

示例4: getTestSuite

def getTestSuite(select="unit"):
    Get test suite

    select  is one of the following:
            "unit"      return suite of unit tests only
            "component" return suite of unit and component tests
            "all"       return suite of unit, component and integration tests
            "pending"   return suite of pending tests
            name        a single named test to be run
    testdict = {
            [ "testUnits"
            , "testNull"
            , "testLink"
            , "testLinkType"
            , "testLinkCreated"
            , "testLinkRdfType"
            , "testLinkUnknownUri"
            , "testLinkWithGraph"
            , "testLinkWithNotExistentGraph"
            [ "testComponents"
            [ "testIntegration"
            [ "testPending"
    return TestUtils.getTestSuite(TestLinks, testdict, select=select)

示例5: getTestSuite

def getTestSuite(select="unit"):
    Get test suite

    select  is one of the following:
            "unit"      return suite of unit tests only
            "component" return suite of unit and component tests
            "all"       return suite of unit, component and integration tests
            "pending"   return suite of pending tests
            name        a single named test to be run
    testdict = {
            [ "testUnits"
            , "testNull"
            [ "testComponents"
            [ "testIntegration"

    return TestUtils.getTestSuite(TestDatasetSubmission, testdict, select=select)

示例6: getTestSuite

def getTestSuite(select="unit"):
    Get test suite

    select  is one of the following:
            "unit"      return suite of unit tests only
            "component" return suite of unit and component tests
            "all"       return suite of unit, component and integration tests
            "pending"   return suite of pending tests
            name        a single named test to be run
    testdict = {
            [ #"testUnits"
            [ #"testComponents"
            [ #"testIntegration"
            [ #"testPending"
    return TestUtils.getTestSuite(TestGetDatasetMetadataHandler, testdict, select=select)

示例7: getTestSuite

def getTestSuite(select="unit"):
    Get test suite

    select  is one of the following:
            "unit"      return suite of unit tests only
            "component" return suite of unit and component tests
            "all"       return suite of unit, component and integration tests
            "pending"   return suite of pending tests
            name        a single named test to be run
    testdict = {
    return TestUtils.getTestSuite(TestEntityOrdering, testdict, select=select)

示例8: getTestSuite

def getTestSuite(select="unit"):
    Get test suite

    select  is one of the following:
            "unit"        return suite of unit tests only
            "component"   return suite of component tests
            "integration" return suite of integration tests
            "all"         return suite of unit and component tests
            "pending"     return suite of pending tests
            name          a single named test to be run
    testdict = {
            [ "testUnits"
            [ "testComponents"
            [ "testIntegration"
            , "testGetHomepage"
            , "testGetStatus"
            , "testGetConfig"
            , "testCommand"
            [ "testPending"
    return TestUtils.getTestSuite(TestWbAccess, testdict, select=select)

示例9: getTestSuite

def getTestSuite(select="unit"):
    Get test suite

    select  is one of the following:
            "unit"      return suite of unit tests only
            "component" return suite of unit and component tests
            "all"       return suite of unit, component and integration tests
            "pending"   return suite of pending tests
            name        a single named test to be run
    testdict = {
        "unit": [
        "component": ["testComponents"],
        "integration": ["testIntegration"],
        "pending": ["testPending"],
    return TestUtils.getTestSuite(TestEventHandler, testdict, select=select)

示例10: getTestSuite

def getTestSuite(select="unit"):
    Get test suite

    select  is one of the following:
            "unit"      return suite of unit tests only
            "component" return suite of unit and component tests
            "all"       return suite of unit, component and integration tests
            "pending"   return suite of pending tests
            name        a single named test to be run
    testdict = {
            [ "testUnits"
            , "testNull"
            , "testCreateRoMetadata"
            , "testReadRoAnnotationBody"
            , "testGetInitialRoAnnotations"
            , "testQueryAnnotations"
            [ "testComponents"
            [ "testIntegration"
            [ "testPending"
    return TestUtils.getTestSuite(TestROSRSMetadata, testdict, select=select)

示例11: getTestSuite

def getTestSuite(select="unit"):
    Get test suite

    select  is one of the following:
            "unit"      return suite of unit tests only
            "component" return suite of unit and component tests
            "all"       return suite of unit, component and integration tests
            "pending"   return suite of pending tests
            name        a single named test to be run
    testdict = {
            [ #"testUnits"
            , "testSingleFileSubmission"
            , "testDirectorySubmission"
            , "testSubsequentDatasetSubmission"
            , "testEmptyDirectorySubmission"
            , "testDatasetDeletion"
            [ #"testComponents"
            [ #"testIntegration"
            [ #"testPending"
    return TestUtils.getTestSuite(TestDatasetSubmission, testdict, select=select)

示例12: getTestSuite

def getTestSuite(select="unit"):
    Get test suite

    select  is one of the following:
            "unit"      return suite of unit tests only
            "component" return suite of unit and component tests
            "all"       return suite of unit, component and integration tests
            "pending"   return suite of pending tests
            name        a single named test to be run
    testdict = {
            [ "testTimerEvent" ,
            "testTimerDisable" ,
            "testTimerHold" , 
            "testTimerHoldPI" ,
            "testTimerEventWithState" ,
            "testTimerEventWithStateAndPresence" ,
            [ "testComponents"
            [ "testIntegration"
            [ "testPending"
    return TestUtils.getTestSuite(TestTimerAction, testdict, select=select)

示例13: getTestSuite

def getTestSuite(select="unit"):
    Get test suite

    select  is one of the following:
            "unit"      return suite of unit tests only
            "component" return suite of unit and component tests
            "all"       return suite of unit, component and integration tests
            "pending"   return suite of pending tests
            name        a single named test to be run
    testdict = {
            [ "testUnits"
            , "testNull"
            [ "testComponents"
            , "testUnauthUserHTTP"
            [ "testIntegration"
            [ "testPending"
            , "testReadMeSSH"
            , "testReadMeDAVfs"
            , "testCreateFileDAVfs"
            , "testUpdateFileDAVfs"
            , "testDeleteFileDAVfs"
            , "testDeleteFileCIFS"
            , "testDeleteFileHTTP"
    return TestUtils.getTestSuite(TestFileDefaultArea, testdict, select=select)

示例14: getTestSuite

def getTestSuite(select="unit"):
    testdict = {
            [ "testEventCreate1"
            , "testEventCreate2"
            , "testMakeEvent1"
            , "testMakeEvent2"
            , "testMakeEvent3"
            , "testMakeEvent4"
            , "testMakeEvent5"
            , "testEventEqual1"
            , "testEventEqual2"
            , "testEventEqual3"
            , "testEventEqual4"
            , "testEventEqual5"
            , "testEventEqual6"
            , "testEventEqual7"
            , "testEventEqual8"
            , "testEventString1"
            , "testUnits"
            [ "testComponents"
            [ "testIntegration"
            [ "testPending"
    return TestUtils.getTestSuite(TestEventVals, testdict, select=select)

示例15: getTestSuite

def getTestSuite(select="unit"):
    Get test suite

    select  is one of the following:
            "unit"      return suite of unit tests only
            "component" return suite of unit and component tests
            "all"       return suite of unit, component and integration tests
            "pending"   return suite of pending tests
            name        a single named test to be run
    testdict = {
            [ "testDummy"
            [ "testSetTimeDirect"
            , "testSetTime"
            , "testTimeSignalReboot"
            , "testTimeSignalSetTime"
            [ "testDummy"
            [ "testDummy"
            # these two need rework to pick up UDP commands being sent out.
            , "testTimeSignalResetSiteplayer"
            , "testTimeOfDayResetSiteplayer"
    return TestUtils.getTestSuite(TestWebbrickMonitor, testdict, select=select)

示例16: getTestSuite

def getTestSuite(select="unit"):
    Get test suite

    select  is one of the following:
            "unit"      return suite of unit tests only
            "component" return suite of unit and component tests
            "all"       return suite of unit, component and integration tests
            "pending"   return suite of pending tests
            name        a single named test to be run
    testdict = {
            [ "testUnits"
            [ "testComponents"
            [ "testIntegration"
            , "testTestEventHTTPClientIntro"
            , "testSubscriptionForwarding1"
            , "testSubscriptionForwarding2"
            , "testSubscriptionForwarding3"
            , "testSubscriptionForwarding4"
            , "testTestEventHTTPClientDone"
            [ "testPending"
    return TestUtils.getTestSuite(TestEventHTTPClient, testdict, select=select)

示例17: getTestSuite

def getTestSuite(select="unit"):
    Get test suite

    select  is one of the following:
            "unit"        return suite of unit tests only
            "component"   return suite of component tests
            "integration" return suite of integration tests
            "all"         return suite of unit and component tests
            "pending"     return suite of pending tests
            name          a single named test to be run
    testdict = {
            [ "testUnits"
            , "testOrigConfig"
            , "testMakeConfig"
            , "testCopyConfig"
            , "testSetConfig"
            [ "testComponents"
            [ "testIntegration"
            [ "testPending"
    return TestUtils.getTestSuite(TestWbConfigEdit, testdict, select=select)

示例18: getTestSuite

def getTestSuite(select="unit"):
    Get test suite

    select  is one of the following:
            "unit"      return suite of unit tests only
            "component" return suite of unit and component tests
            "all"       return suite of unit, component and integration tests
            "pending"   return suite of pending tests
            name        a single named test to be run
    testdict = {
            [ "testLoadConfig"
            [ "testDummy"
            [ "testOn"
            , "testRed"
            , "testGreen"
            , "testBlue"
            , "testCommand"
            , "testOff"
            , "testBadCommand"
            [ "testDummy"
    return TestUtils.getTestSuite(TestRgbLedLighting, testdict, select=select)

示例19: getTestSuite

def getTestSuite(select="unit"):
    Get test suite

    select  is one of the following:
            "unit"      return suite of unit tests only
            "component" return suite of unit and component tests
            "all"       return suite of unit, component and integration tests
            "pending"   return suite of pending tests
            name        a single named test to be run
    testdict = {
            [ "testLoad"
            , "testRun"
            [ "testDummy"
            [ "testDummy"
            [ "testDummy"
    return TestUtils.getTestSuite(TestScheduleProcessor, testdict, select=select)

示例20: getTestSuite

def getTestSuite(select="unit"):
    Get test suite

    select  is one of the following:
            "unit"      return suite of unit tests only
            "component" return suite of unit and component tests
            "all"       return suite of unit, component and integration tests
            "pending"   return suite of pending tests
            name        a single named test to be run
    testdict = {
            [ "testDummy"
            [ "testDummy"
            [ "testLoad"
            , "testStartStop"
            , "testVolume"
            [ "testDummy"
    return TestUtils.getTestSuite(testITunes, testdict, select=select)









Python MiscUtils.TestUtils类代码示例发布时间:2022-05-24
Python ServiceGroup.ServiceGroup类代码示例发布时间:2022-05-24





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