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Python MiscUtils.TestUtils类代码示例

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本文整理汇总了Python中MiscUtils.TestUtils的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python TestUtils类的具体用法?Python TestUtils怎么用?Python TestUtils使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: runTestSuite

def runTestSuite():
    Transfer function for setup.py script ro-manager-test
    base = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    #print "Run test suite assuming base path "+base
    sys.path.insert(0, os.path.normpath(base+"/..") )
    sys.path.insert(0, os.path.normpath(base+"/../..") )
    sys.path.insert(0, os.path.normpath(base+"/../../iaeval/test") )
    sys.path.insert(0, os.path.normpath(base+"/../../sync/test") )
    #print "Path: "+repr(sys.path)
    TestUtils.runTests("TestAll", getTestSuite, sys.argv)
    return 0

示例2: getTestSuite

def getTestSuite(select="unit"):
    Get test suite

    select  is one of the following:
            "unit"      return suite of unit tests only
            "component" return suite of unit and component tests
            "all"       return suite of unit, component and integration tests
            "pending"   return suite of pending tests
            name        a single named test to be run
    testdict = {
        "unit": [
        "component": ["testComponents"],
        "integration": ["testIntegration"],
        "pending": ["testPending"],
    return TestUtils.getTestSuite(TestMkMinim, testdict, select=select)

示例3: getTestSuite

def getTestSuite(select="unit"):
    Get test suite

    select  is one of the following:
            "unit"      return suite of unit tests only
            "component" return suite of unit and component tests
            "all"       return suite of unit, component and integration tests
            "pending"   return suite of pending tests
            name        a single named test to be run
    testdict = {
            [ "testUnits"
            , "testNull"
            [ "testComponents"
            , "testPush"
            , "testPushZip"
            , "testPushZipSynchronous"
            , "testPushZipAsynchronous"
            , "testCheckout"
            [ "testIntegration"
            [ "testPending"
    return TestUtils.getTestSuite(TestSyncCommands, testdict, select=select)

示例4: getTestSuite

def getTestSuite(select="unit"):
    Get test suite

    select  is one of the following:
            "unit"      return suite of unit tests only
            "component" return suite of unit and component tests
            "all"       return suite of unit, component and integration tests
            "pending"   return suite of pending tests
            name        a single named test to be run
    testdict = {
            [ "testUnits"
            [ "testComponents"
            [ "testIntegration"
            [ "testPending"
    return TestUtils.getTestSuite(TestROSupport, testdict, select=select)

示例5: getTestSuite

def getTestSuite(select="unit"):
    Get test suite

    select  is one of the following:
            "unit"      return suite of unit tests only
            "component" return suite of unit and component tests
            "all"       return suite of unit, component and integration tests
            "pending"   return suite of pending tests
            name        a single named test to be run
    testdict = {
            [ "testUnits"
            , "testNull"
            , "testManifestContent"
            , "testAddAggregatedResources"
            , "testAddAggregatedResourcesCommand"
            , "testGetRoUri"
            , "testGetComponentUri"
            , "testGetComponentUriRel"
            , "testGetComponentUriRelUri"
            [ "testComponents"
            [ "testIntegration"
            [ "testPending"
    return TestUtils.getTestSuite(TestManifest, testdict, select=select)

示例6: getTestSuite

def getTestSuite(select="unit"):
    Get test suite

    select  is one of the following:
            "unit"      return suite of unit tests only
            "component" return suite of unit and component tests
            "all"       return suite of unit, component and integration tests
            "pending"   return suite of pending tests
            name        a single named test to be run
    testdict = {
            [ "testUnits"
            , "testSimpleAskQuery"
            , "testSimpleSelectQuery"
            , "testDatatypeFilter"
            , "testIntegerStringFilter"
            , "testRegexFilter"
            , "testDefaultQuery"
            , "testGraphReadTerms"
            , "testLiteralCompare"
            [ "testComponents"
            [ "testIntegration"
            [ "testPending"
    return TestUtils.getTestSuite(TestSparqlQueries, testdict, select=select)

示例7: getTestSuite

def getTestSuite(select="unit"):
    Get test suite

    select  is one of the following:
            "unit"      return suite of unit tests only
            "component" return suite of unit and component tests
            "all"       return suite of unit, component and integration tests
            "pending"   return suite of pending tests
            name        a single named test to be run
    testdict = {
            [ "testUnits"
            , "testNull"
            , "testCreateRoMetadata"
            , "testReadRoAnnotationBody"
            , "testGetInitialRoAnnotations"
            , "testQueryAnnotations"
            [ "testComponents"
            [ "testIntegration"
            [ "testPending"
    return TestUtils.getTestSuite(TestROSRSMetadata, testdict, select=select)

示例8: getTestSuite

def getTestSuite(select="unit"):
    Get test suite

    select  is one of the following:
            "unit"      return suite of unit tests only
            "component" return suite of unit and component tests
            "all"       return suite of unit, component and integration tests
            "pending"   return suite of pending tests
            name        a single named test to be run
    testdict = {
            [ "testUnits"
            , "testNull"
            , "testLink"
            , "testLinkType"
            , "testLinkCreated"
            , "testLinkRdfType"
            , "testLinkUnknownUri"
            , "testLinkWithGraph"
            , "testLinkWithNotExistentGraph"
            [ "testComponents"
            [ "testIntegration"
            [ "testPending"
    return TestUtils.getTestSuite(TestLinks, testdict, select=select)

示例9: getTestSuite

def getTestSuite(select="unit"):
    Get test suite

    select  is one of the following:
            "unit"      return suite of unit tests only
            "component" return suite of unit and component tests
            "all"       return suite of unit, component and integration tests
            "pending"   return suite of pending tests
            name        a single named test to be run
    testdict = {
            [ "testUnits"
            , "testNull"
            , "testSetupConfig"
            , "testMinimRead"
            , "testGetConstraints"
            , "testGetConstraint"
            , "testGetModels"
            , "testGetModel"
            , "testGetRequirements"
            , "testGetListRequirements"
            [ "testComponents"
            [ "testIntegration"
            [ "testPending"
    return TestUtils.getTestSuite(TestMinimAccess2, testdict, select=select)

示例10: getTestSuite

def getTestSuite(select="unit"):
    Get test suite

    select  is one of the following:
            "unit"      return suite of unit tests only
            "component" return suite of unit and component tests
            "all"       return suite of unit, component and integration tests
            "pending"   return suite of pending tests
            name        a single named test to be run
    testdict = {
            [ "testSnapshot"
            , "testArchive"
    return TestUtils.getTestSuite(TestEvo, testdict, select=select)

示例11: getTestSuite

def getTestSuite(select="unit"):
    Get test suite

    select  is one of the following:
            "unit"      return suite of unit tests only
            "component" return suite of unit and component tests
            "all"       return suite of unit, component and integration tests
            "pending"   return suite of pending tests
            name        a single named test to be run
    testdict = {
            [ "testUnits"
            , "testNull"
            , "testCreateRo"
            , "testAddGetAggregatedResources"
            , "testClassifyAggregatedResources"
            , "testGetAsZip"
            [ "testComponents"
            [ "testIntegration"
            [ "testPending"
            , "testQueryAnnotationsRemote"
    return TestUtils.getTestSuite(TestRemoteROMetadata, testdict, select=select)

示例12: getTestSuite

def getTestSuite(select="unit"):
    Get test suite

    select  is one of the following:
            "unit"      return suite of unit tests only
            "component" return suite of unit and component tests
            "all"       return suite of unit, component and integration tests
            "pending"   return suite of pending tests
            name        a single named test to be run
    testdict = {
            [ "testUnits"
            , "testHelpers"
            , "testListROs"
            , "testCreateRO"
            , "testDeleteRO"
            , "testGetROManifest"
            , "testGetROPage"
            , "testGetROZip"
            # Resource tests
            , "testAggregateResourceInt"
            , "testDeleteResourceInt"
            , "testAggregateResourceExt"
            , "testDeleteResourceExt"
            , "testGetROResource"
            , "testGetROResourceRDF"
            , "testGetROResourceProxy"
            # Annotation tests
            , "testCreateROAnnotationInt"
            , "testGetROAnnotationGraph"
            , "testCreateROAnnotationExt"
            , "testUpdateROAnnotationInt"
            , "testUpdateROAnnotationExt"
            , "testRemoveROAnnotation"
            # Evolution tests
            , "testCopyRO"
            , "testCancelCopyRO"
            , "testUpdateROStatus"
            , "testGetROEvolution"
            [ "testComponents"
            [ "testIntegration"
            [ "testPending"
    return TestUtils.getTestSuite(TestROSRS_Session, testdict, select=select)

示例13: getTestSuite

def getTestSuite(select="unit"):
    Get test suite

    select  is one of the following:
            "unit"      return suite of unit tests only
            "component" return suite of unit and component tests
            "all"       return suite of unit, component and integration tests
            "pending"   return suite of pending tests
            name        a single named test to be run
    testdict = {
            [ "testUnits"
            , "testNull"
            , "testCreateGraphRoUri"
            , "testCreateReadRoAnnotationBody"
            , "testCreateReadFileAnnotationBody"
            , "testGetInitialRoAnnotations"
            , "testAddGetRoAnnotations"
            , "testAddRoAnnotationIsAggregated"
            , "testRemoveGetRoAnnotations"
            , "testReplaceGetRoAnnotations"
            , "testAddGetFileAnnotations"
            , "testRemoveGetFileAnnotations"
            , "testAddGetAllAnnotations"
            , "testAddGetAnnotationValues"
            , "testQueryAnnotations"
            , "testQueryAnnotationsWithMissingGraph"
            , "testGetRoUri"
            , "testGetComponentUri"
            , "testGetComponentUriRel"
            , "testGetComponentUriRelUri"
            , "testAddAggregatedResources"
            , "testAddAggregatedResourcesWithDirs"
            , "testGetAggregatedResources"
            [ "testComponents"
            [ "testIntegration"
            , "testCreateGraphRoUri2"
            [ "testPending"
            , "testQueryAnnotationsRemote"
    return TestUtils.getTestSuite(TestROMetadata, testdict, select=select)

示例14: getTestSuite

def getTestSuite(select="unit"):
    Get test suite

    select  is one of the following:
            "unit"      return suite of unit tests only
            "component" return suite of unit and component tests
            "all"       return suite of unit, component and integration tests
            "pending"   return suite of pending tests
            name        a single named test to be run
    testdict = {
            [ "testUnits"
            , "testNull"
            , "testEscapeJSON"
            , "testHelloWorld"
            , "testSimpleQuery"
            , "testSimpleQuotedJson"
            , "testSimpleQuotedHtml"
            , "testQueryResultMerge"
            , "testQueryResultPreBinding"
            , "testSequence"
            , "testAlternative"
            , "testAlternativeMissing"
            , "testRepetition"
            , "testRepetitionMax"
            , "testRepetitionAlt"
            , "testQueryForNesting"
            , "testNesting"
            , "testReportEvalResultUri"
            , "testReportEvalResultLabel"
            , "testReportEvalResultClass"
            , "testReportEvalItemJSON"
            , "testTrafficlightJSON"
            , "testReportEvalItemHTML"
            , "testTrafficlightHTML"
            [ "testComponents"
            [ "testIntegration"
            [ "testPending"
    return TestUtils.getTestSuite(TestRdfReport, testdict, select=select)

示例15: getTestSuite

def getTestSuite(select="unit"):
    Get test suite

    select  is one of the following:
            "unit"      return suite of unit tests only
            "component" return suite of unit and component tests
            "all"       return suite of unit, component and integration tests
            "pending"   return suite of pending tests
            name        a single named test to be run
    testdict = {
            [ "testUnits"
            , "testNull"
            , "testGetFileUri"
            , "testGetUriFile"
            , "testGetRoUri"
            , "testGetComponentUri"
            , "testGetComponentUriRel"
            , "testGetGraphRoUri"
            , "testGetAnnotationByName"
            , "testGetAnnotationByUri"
            , "testGetAnnotationNameByUri"
            , "testMakeAnnotationFilename"
            , "testCreateReadRoAnnotationBody"
            , "testCreateReadFileAnnotationBody"
            , "testGetInitialRoAnnotations"
            , "testAddGetRoAnnotations"
            , "testRemoveGetRoAnnotations"
            , "testReplaceGetRoAnnotations"
            , "testAddGetFileAnnotations"
            , "testRemoveGetFileAnnotations"
            , "testAddGetAllAnnotations"
            , "testAddGetAnnotationValues"
            [ "testComponents"
            [ "testIntegration"
            [ "testPending"
    return TestUtils.getTestSuite(TestAnnotationUtils, testdict, select=select)

示例16: getTestSuite

def getTestSuite(select="unit"):
    Get test suite

    select  is one of the following:
            "unit"      return suite of unit tests only
            "component" return suite of unit and component tests
            "all"       return suite of unit, component and integration tests
            "pending"   return suite of pending tests
            name        a single named test to be run
    testdict = {
            [ "testUnits"
            , "testNull"
            #, "testHelpVersion"
            #, "testHelpOptions"
            , "testHelpCommands"
            , "testInvalidCommand"
            , "testConfig"
            , "testConfigVerbose"
            , "testCreate"
            , "testCreateDefaults"
            , "testCreateBadDir"
            , "testStatus"
            , "testStatusDefault"
            , "testList"
            , "testListDefault"
            , "testAddDirectory"
            , "testAddExternalResource"
            , "testRemove"
            , "testRemoveWildcard"
            [ "testComponents"
            [ "testIntegration"
            [ "testPending"
    return TestUtils.getTestSuite(TestBasicCommands, testdict, select=select)

示例17: getTestSuite

def getTestSuite(select="unit"):
    Get test suite

    select  is one of the following:
            "unit"      return suite of unit tests only
            "component" return suite of unit and component tests
            "all"       return suite of unit, component and integration tests
            "pending"   return suite of pending tests
            name        a single named test to be run
    testdict = {
            [ "testUnits"
            , "testNull"
            , "testAnnotate"
            , "testAnnotateType"
            , "testAnnotateKeywords"
            , "testAnnotateDescription"
            , "testAnnotateCreated"
            , "testAnnotateTypeUri"
            , "testAnnotateTypeCurie"
            , "testAnnotateMultiple"
            , "testAnnotateFileWithEscapes"
            , "testAnnotationDisplayRo"
            , "testAnnotationDisplayFile"
            , "testAnnotationDisplayDefault"
            , "testAnnotateWithGraph"
            , "testAnnotateWithNotExistentGraph"
            , "testAnnotateWildcardPattern1"
            , "testAnnotateWildcardPattern2"
            [ "testComponents"
            [ "testIntegration"
            [ "testPending"
    return TestUtils.getTestSuite(TestAnnotations, testdict, select=select)

示例18: getTestSuite

def getTestSuite(select="unit"):
    Get test suite

    select  is one of the following:
            "unit"      return suite of unit tests only
            "component" return suite of unit and component tests
            "all"       return suite of unit, component and integration tests
            "pending"   return suite of pending tests
            name        a single named test to be run
    testdict = {
            [ "testUnits"
            , "testNull"
            , "testSetupConfig"
            , "testEvalAllPresent"
            , "testEvalMustMissing"
            , "testEvalShouldMissing"
            , "testEvalMayMissing"
            , "testEvalFormatSummary"
            , "testEvalFormatDetail"
            , "testEvaluateChecklistCommand"
            , "testEvaluateWfInputs"
            , "testEvaluateWfInputsRDF"
            , "testEvaluateMissing"
            , "testEvaluateMissingRDF"
            [ "testComponents"
            [ "testIntegration"
            [ "testPending"
            , "testEvaluateChecklistRemote"
    return TestUtils.getTestSuite(TestEvalChecklist, testdict, select=select)

示例19: getTestSuite

def getTestSuite(select="unit"):
    Get test suite

    select  is one of the following:
            "unit"      return suite of unit tests only
            "component" return suite of unit and component tests
            "all"       return suite of unit, component and integration tests
            "pending"   return suite of pending tests
            name        a single named test to be run
    testdict = {
            [ "testUnits"
            , "testCollectDirsShallow"
            , "testCollectDirsRecursive"
            , "testCollectDirsRecursiveBaseEndswithSep"
            , "testCollectDirsRecursiveEmptyBase"
            , "testCollectFilesShallow"
            , "testCollectFilesRecursive"
            , "testCollectFilesRecursiveBaseEndswithSep"
            , "testCollectFilesRecursiveEmptyBase"
            , "testCollectAllShallow"
            , "testCollectAllRecursive"
            , "testCollectAllRecursiveBaseEndswithSep"
            , "testCollectAllRecursiveEmptyBase"
            [ "testComponents"
            [ "testIntegration"
            [ "testPending"
    return TestUtils.getTestSuite(TestScanDirectories, testdict, select=select)

示例20: getTestSuite

def getTestSuite(select="unit"):
    Get test suite

    select  is one of the following:
            "unit"      return suite of unit tests only
            "component" return suite of unit and component tests
            "all"       return suite of unit, component and integration tests
            "pending"   return suite of pending tests
            name        a single named test to be run
    testdict = {
            [ "testUnits"
            , "testNull"
            , "testEvalQueryTestModelMin"
            , "testEvalQueryTestModelExists"
            , "testEvalQueryTestModel"
            , "testEvalQueryTestReportList"
            , "testEvalQueryTestChembox"
            , "testEvalQueryTestChemboxFail"
            , "testEvalFormatSummary"
            , "testEvalFormatDetail"
            , "testEvaluateRDF"
            [ "testComponents"
            [ "testIntegration"
            [ "testPending"
    return TestUtils.getTestSuite(TestEvalQueryMatch, testdict, select=select)









Python Mistral.Solver类代码示例发布时间:2022-05-24
Python MiscLib.TestUtils类代码示例发布时间:2022-05-24





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