Assuming an application with a traditional UI based on Spring MVC and Thymeleaf, it seems like there are a few ways to expose a REST API...
Add a completely separate set of Controllers using @RestController - Feels like a lot of duplication, but allows complete separation of UI vs REST logic
Use a single Controller for each entity, with a mix of both @ResponseBody methods and ModelAndView methods - Keeps all logic for a given entity in a single place, but requires mixing different concepts
Use a single Controller for each entity, use only ModelAndView, and use content negotiation with a JSON view resolver like the MappingJackson2JsonView (
I'm particularly interested in #3 as it feels similar to how Ruby on Rails Controllers work with the respond_to for different content types.
Is this a common approach / best-practice in Spring applications?
Would POST and DELETE requests still require separate methods since they may work differently between a REST API vs the UI? (i.e. posting a form vs posting a json entity)
Would it require separate Exception handling based on whether it was a UI request or API request?