The standard all mighty universally available installer on *nix systems (and not only) is Autotools.
# the user will install like so:
./configure --with-stuff
make # if package is from source
make install
You can also provide distribution specific installers like a RPM on RedHat or CentOS or deb for Debian, Ubuntu, although once you have the Makefile spitted by Autotools, making these is a breeze.
# the user will install like so:
yum install your-package-1.0.rpm # on redhat or
apt-get install your-package-1.0.deb # on debian
Autotools also known as "the GNU build system" is a little scary on the first sight, and the new user is puzzled when meeting things like the ancient m4 macro system & co. but nota bene this is the way most people do it and is pretty easy once you get the hang of it.
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