This might be a temporary issue due to network connectivity or something like that.
One solution would be to try again at a later point in time. This might be happening because you're trying to download the google-services.json for the sample project (
If you want result now, you could follow the steps to integrate the Google Sign In into your app.
- Create a new empty android studio project/if you have an existing
project skip this step.
- Use this link and follow the onscreen instructions to generate the google-services.json for your app.
The app name here refers to your project name in Google Developers
Console. If you've already setup your Google developers console
project for your android app, you can select that via the drop-down
menu. If you have not created one, just enter a name and that
project will be created for you in your developers console.
Select the google services you need for your project viz Google Sign
In, Google Cloud Messaging, AdMob etc. In our case, we just selected
Google Sign In.
You will be asked for SHA-1 hash. Follow these steps to get one.
Click on generate configuration files. Next screen you will be presented with an option to download google-services.json for your app. Download that and you're good to go.
- Once you have the google-services.json, follow these steps to complete the Google Sign In.
- Start Integrating Google Sign-In into Your Android App,
- Integrating Google Sign-In into Your Android App.