If you call f(x) twice in a row, the following outcomes are possible (assuming that
successive calls to f(x) are independent, identically distributed trials):
00 (probability 1/4 * 1/4)
01 (probability 1/4 * 3/4)
10 (probability 3/4 * 1/4)
11 (probability 3/4 * 3/4)
01 and 10 occur with equal probability. So iterate until you get one of those
cases, then return 0 or 1 appropriately:
a=f(x); b=f(x);
while (a == b);
return a;
It might be tempting to call f(x) only once per iteration and keep track of the two
most recent values, but that won't work. Suppose the very first roll is 1,
with probability 3/4. You'd loop until the first 0, then return 1 (with probability 3/4).