VS2013 Error: There was an error running the selected code generator:
' A configuration for type 'SolutionName.Model.SalesOrder' has already
been added ...'
I had this problem while working through a Pluralsight Course "Parent-Child Data with EF, MVC, Knockout, Ajax, and Validation". I was trying to add a New Scaffolded Item using the template MVC 5 Controller with views, using Entity Framework.
The Data Context class I was using including an override of the OnModelCreating method. The override was required to add some explicit database column configurations where the EF defaults were not adequate. This override was simple, worked and no bugs, but (as noted above) it did interfere with the Controller scaffolding code generation.
Solution that worked for me:
1 - I removed (commented out) my OnModelCreating override and the scaffolding template completed with no error messages - my controller code was generated as expected.
2 - However, trying to build the project choked because 'The model had changed'. Since my controller code was was now properly generated, I restored (un-commented) the OnModelCreating override and the project built and ran successfully.