If I am understanding your requirements, One option would be to create a subquery which returns the max
of each ord_no
& form_no
pairs, you would use Group By
but it would only be in the subquery and then you'd use the subquery's max
value in your outer queries results, if you want only the row with the max value of each ord_no
& form_no
pair, you would add one more condition to the INNER JOIN
of the subquery adding in the join of the form_part
value so that it joins on the max value as well, this will filter out all the extra rows with the same ord_no
& form_no
combination with less than the max form_part
SELECT [Qty].[plant_no]
--,[Qty].[form_part] --Replaced with the subquery max
,[maxVals].[form_part] --Max values returned by subquery
,isnull([RFORMPARTS].[cost_center],'_') as [RFORMPARTS_cost_center]
,[BARTICLES].[wght_net] AS [Unit_kg]
WHEN [Qty].[qty_unit] IN ('KG','KG-C') THEN [Qty].[fb_qty]
WHEN [Qty].[qty_unit] = 'NR' THEN [Qty].[fb_qty]*[BARTICLES].[wght_net]
FROM [dbo].[E00_PRD_003] AS [Qty]
INNER JOIN --INNER JOIN the max values on the Qty table
SELECT [ord_no], [form_no], MAX([form_part]) AS [form_part]
FROM [dbo].[E00_PRD_003]
GROUP BY [ord_no], [form_no]
) AS maxVals
ON [maxVals].[ord_no] = [Qty].[ord_no] AND [maxVals].[form_no] = [Qty].[form_no]
AND [maxVals].[form_part] = [Qty].[form_part]
LEFT JOIN [dbo].[RFORMPARTS] as [RFORMPARTS] ON [RFORMPARTS].[form_no] = [Qty].[form_no] AND [RFORMPARTS].[form_var] = [Qty].[form_var] and [RFORMPARTS].[form_part] = [qty].form_part
LEFT JOIN [dbo].[BARTICLES] AS [BARTICLES] ON [BARTICLES].[art_no] = [Qty].[form_no]
WHERE CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),[Qty].[date_start],112) >= 20180101 AND [Qty].[in_out] = '02' AND LEFT([Qty].[res_no],2) <> 'SL'