I have a child table where I have to fill in the data. I am using transactions and sequelize in node js.
The data in the child table just saves the default columns. The syntax is all good because when I save just the child row using the same code, it saves the data correctly (disabled FK constraints).
var transaction;
try {
await authUtil.validateToken(req);
await authUtil.mustBePmllMember(req);
transaction = await db.sequelize.transaction();
var workId = req.params.workId;
if (!workId) {
logger.error("Invalid workId -> " + workId);
throw {
errorCode: 400,
errorMessage: constants.INVALID_PATH_PARAMS
var data = {
'work_id': workId,
'new_song_id': req.body.song_id,
'new_work_title': req.body.song_title,
'new_publication_id': req.body.publication_id,
'new_publication_title': req.body.publication_name,
'new_isbn': req.body.isbn,
'new_print_publisher_id': req.body.print_publisher_id,
'new_composer_name': req.body.composer_name,
'new_print_publisher': req.body.publisher_name,
'new_page_from': req.body.page_from,
'new_page_to': req.body.page_to,
'status': constants.AMENDMENT_STATUS_ACTIVE,
'created_by': req.header('id')
var amendment = await Amendments.create(data, transaction);
var musicPublishers = req.body.music_publishers;
for (var i = 0; i < musicPublishers.length; i++) {
var musicPublisherDetails = {
'amendment_id': amendment.id,
'music_publisher_id': musicPublishers[i].id,
'music_publisher_name': musicPublishers[i].name,
'created_by': req.header('id')
await AmendmentsMusicPublishers.create(musicPublisherDetails, transaction);
await transaction.commit();
} catch (err) {
if (transaction) await transaction.rollback();
logger.error("error in getting work usage %o", err);
await exceptionUtil.sendException(res, err, 500, constants.GENERAL_ERROR)
This is how the db looks after the exection.
And this is my sample input that I am using as POST for this API.
"song_id": 1,
"song_title": "song abc",
"publication_id": 1,
"publication_name": "nw publication name",
"isbn": "1",
"print_publisher_id": 1,
"composer_name": "c name",
"publisher_name": "new pname",
"page_from": 2,
"page_to": 3,
"music_publishers": [
"name":"pub name"
"name":"pub name"
I can see in the logs, the publication name and id are not passed in the query generated.
Executing (88a998b1-a4ce-48a9-a705-6f79275638c2): START TRANSACTION;
{ song_id: 1,
song_title: 'song abc',
publication_id: 1,
publication_name: 'nw publication name',
isbn: '1',
print_publisher_id: 1,
composer_name: 'c name',
publisher_name: 'new pname',
page_from: 2,
page_to: 3,
music_publishers: [ { id: '1', name: 'pub name' }, { id: '', name: 'pub name' } ] }
Executing (default): INSERT INTO `amendments` (`id`,`work_id`,`new_work_title`,`new_song_id`,`new_publication_id`,`new_publication_title`,`new_isbn`,`new_print_publisher_id`,`new_print_publisher`,`new_page_from`,`new_page_to`,`new_composer_name`,`status`,`created_at`,`created_by`,`updated_at`) VALUES (DEFAULT,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,?,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
pub name
{ amendment_id: 2,
music_publisher_id: '1',
music_publisher_name: 'pub name',
created_by: '15' }
Executing (default): INSERT INTO `amendments_music_publishers` (`id`,`created_at`,`created_by`,`updated_at`) VALUES (DEFAULT,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,?,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
pub name
{ amendment_id: 2,
music_publisher_id: '',
music_publisher_name: 'pub name',
created_by: '15' }
Executing (default): INSERT INTO `amendments_music_publishers` (`id`,`created_at`,`created_by`,`updated_at`) VALUES (DEFAULT,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,?,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
Executing (88a998b1-a4ce-48a9-a705-6f79275638c2): COMMIT;