I'm trying to create a simple bot for tallying requests for reviews of ticker symbols.
there's a small community of traders who make requests for the TA expert to analyze charts. This is going to run as a discord bot.
I want to create an dictionary something like
poll[ticker][user] = 1
this way it will hold an dictionary of dictionary of users keyed off the ticker symbol.
this is so ticker requests can not be duplicated and a user cannot vote for the same ticker twice.
I'm then going to save it in the key store on Repl.it
This is my second day with python although i have coded in other languages before but just not for many years.. just wanted to make sure i was on the right track.
Users will enter their votes like:
!v ZRX
Ultimately we will want to see the results like:
ZRX : MoonRaccoon, Dontcallmeskaface, TheDirtyTree
LINK : MoonRaccoon, TheDirtyTree
XRP: Dontcallmeskaface
So I figured the best data structure to support this would be something like:
poll = {'ZRX' : {'MoonRaccoon' : 1, 'Dontcallmeskaface' : 1, 'TheDirtyTree' : 1}, 'LINK' : {'MoonRaccoon' : 1, 'TheDirtyTree' : 1}, 'XRP' : {'Dontcallmeskaface'} : 1}
Does this make sense?
client = discord.Client()
def update_poll(ticker,requestor):
vote = {ticker : {requestor : 1}}
if "poll" in db.keys():
db["poll"].setdefault(ticker, {})[requestor] = 1
db["poll"] = vote
async def on_ready():
print('We have logged in as {0.user}'.format(client))
async def on_message(message):
if message.author == client.user:
msg = message.content
if msg.startswith("!v"):
ticker = msg.split("!v ",1)[1]
author = str(message.author).split("#",1)[0]
await message.channel.send("vote for " + ticker + " by " + author + " added.")
await message.channel.send(db["poll"])
if msg.startswith("!clear"):
db["poll"] = {}
await message.channel.send("poll cleared")
await message.channel.send(db["poll"])
I set db = {} and it doesn't seem to be adding any votes to it now.
output every time of the data structure is the same no matter who i vote for. :
vote for MATIC by MoonRaccoon added.