When I have a Vaadin application does it download all the gui widgets to the client or does it download them on demand.
The default loading method is eager ( EagerWidgetMapGenerator ).
(默认的加载方法是eager( EagerWidgetMapGenerator )。)
You can choose to use the LazyWidgetMapGenerator by adding this to your widgetset (.gwt.xml):
(您可以通过将其添加到小部件集中(.gwt.xml)来选择使用LazyWidgetMapGenerator :)
<generate-with class="com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.widgetsetutils.LazyWidgetMapGenerator"> <when-type-is class="com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.client.WidgetMap" /> </generate-with>
This will load the widgets only when requested.
Same as above, but replace LazyWidgetMapGenerator with WidgetMapGenerator .
(与上面相同,但是用WidgetMapGenerator替换LazyWidgetMapGenerator 。)
Custom #1
Create a custom widget map generator by subclassing CustomWidgetMapGenerator and defining it in your widgetset (same as above but replace LazyWidgetMapGenerator with your class).
Custom #2
Create a custom widget map generator by subclassing WidgetMapGenerator (mostly deferred, defined by widgets) or EagerWidgetMapGenerator (every widget loaded EAGERly), setting only some of the widgets LAZY (or DEFERRED, or EAGER) and defining it in your widgetset.
(通过子类化WidgetMapGenerator (大部分是延迟的,由窗口小部件定义)或EagerWidgetMapGenerator (每个加载了EAGERly的窗口小部件),仅设置一些窗口小部件LAZY(或DEFERRED,或EAGER)并在您的窗口小部件集中定义来创建自定义窗口小部件地图生成器。)
For more info, check the API doc and this out: http://dev.vaadin.com/wiki/WidgetSet
(有关更多信息,请查看API文档以及相关内容: http : //dev.vaadin.com/wiki/WidgetSet)
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