I have a MySQL table with the following columns:
score_id (int10, auto_increment, primary key);
game_id (int10);
away_team_score (int10);
home_team_score (int10);
date_time (datetime);
I am scraping a web API (using python) which I am trying to write an array to this database.
(我正在抓取一个Web API(使用python),试图将一个数组写入此数据库。)
However, each time I read this API it provides a list of all events. (但是,每次阅读此API时,它都会提供所有事件的列表。)
I am trying to write to this database only when there is a difference in either the away_team_score or the home_team_score for each game_id. (我只尝试在每个game_id的away_team_score或home_team_score中存在差异时才写入此数据库。)
I am able to get the most-recent records using the query from this example ( mySQL GROUP, most recent ).
(我可以使用本示例中的查询( mySQL GROUP,最新的 )来获取最新记录。)
However, I am unsure on how to check if the values that I am inserting are the same. (但是,我不确定如何检查我插入的值是否相同。)
I don't want to use update because I want to keep the scores for historical purposes.
Also, if the game_id does not exist, it should insert it. (另外,如果game_id不存在,则应将其插入。)
My python code I currently have:
# Connecting to the mysql database
mydb = mysql.connector.connect(host="examplehost", user="exampleuser", passwd="examplepassword", database="exampledb")
mycursor = mydb.cursor()
# example scores array that I scraped
# It is in the format of game_id, away_team_score, home_team_score, date_time
scores = [[1, 0, 1, '2019-11-30 13:05:00'], [2, 1, 5, '2019-11-30 13:05:00'], [3, 4, 8, '2019-11-30 13:05:00'],
[4, 6, 1, '2019-11-30 13:05:00'], [5, 0, 2, '2019-11-30 13:05:00']]
# Inserting into database
game_query = "INSERT INTO tbl_scores (game_id, away_team_score, home_team_score, date_time) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)"
mycursor.executemany(game_query, scores)
ask by cfb_moose translate from so