If you have transactions from all the world this might help you to use as a base and working on to improve.
Private Function FromWorldTimeToMyLocalTime(noSpacesDateTimeTransaction As String, transactionZoneString As String) As Date
Dim transactionDtTime As Date = Date.ParseExact(noSpacesDateTimeTransaction, "yyyyMMddHHmmss", Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
Return DateAndTime.DateAdd(DateInterval.Hour, TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(transactionZoneString).BaseUtcOffset.TotalHours, transactionDtTime)
End Function
Usage (Here the example shows a transaction is done by Hawai):
‘Here is your complete string as you have in your xml tags (date + time) it’s presumed the transaction is come by Hawai
Dim myDateTimeFromTransactionTime As String = FromWorldTimeToMyLocalTime("20191202234026", "Hawaiian Standard Time")
Console.WriteLine("MyTime from transaction is " & myDateTimeFromTransactionTime)
To get all timezone infos you can use this to have an idea.
Dim timeZones As ReadOnlyCollection(Of TimeZoneInfo) = TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones()
For Each timeZoneInfo As TimeZoneInfo In timeZones
Console.WriteLine(CStr(timeZoneInfo.Id) & " " & CStr(timeZoneInfo.BaseUtcOffset.TotalHours))