i have csv file and have to copy the data to the postgre table, if in my csv if i dont input data for Id and Updated_at will throw error , but it should not as id is marked as default and increment .
i am doing this copy from python (我正在从python复制此文件)
2019-12-01T14:05:16.57+0530 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] OUT Error Code: 23502. Error ERROR: null value in column "id" violates not-null constraint 2019-12-01T14:05:16.57+0530 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] OUT DETAIL: Failing row contains (null, street_address, null).
(2019-12-01T14:05:16.57 + 0530 [APP / PROC / WEB / 0] OUT错误代码:23502。错误错误:“ id”列中的空值违反了非空约束2019-12-01T14:05:16.57 +0530 [APP / PROC / WEB / 0]输出详细信息:失败行包含(空,街道地址,空)。)
2019-12-01T14:05:16.57+0530 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] OUT CONTEXT: COPY demographic_types, line 2: ",street_address,"
(2019-12-01T14:05:16.57 + 0530 [APP / PROC / WEB / 0] OUT上下文:COPY demographic_types,第2行:“,street_address,”)
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.demographic_types (
id bigint DEFAULT nextval('public.demographic_types_id_seq'::regclass) NOT NULL,
demographic_type text NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL
Python code
def load_data(conn):
Load seeded data
db = os.environ['DATABASE_URL']
dbname = db.replace("hsdp_pg","harbinger")
with psycopg2.connect(dbname) as conn1:
#migrate_db(conn, dbname, mirth_pw, harbinger_pw, psql_path, init_db)
except psycopg2.Error as exp1:
print ('Error Code: %s. Error %s' % (exp1.pgcode, exp1.pgerror))
path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
print (os.path.join(path,"database/data/*.csv"))
for fle in sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(path,"database/data/*.csv"))):
print ('>>>Migrating data %s' % fle)
table_name = os.path.basename(fle).replace('.csv', '')
#silent_query(conn, sql, None)
with conn1.cursor() as cur:
#delete data first
print('Deleting data from table %s' % table_name)
cur.execute('TRUNCATE %s CASCADE' % table_name)
print('i am done and waiting')
with open(fle, 'r') as f:
#headers = ", ".join(table_column_mapping_data[table_name])
print("i am here ")
#cur.copy_from(f, table_name, sep=',')
#sql = "INSERT INTO %s (ID, demographic_type, updated_at) VALUES (%s,%s,%s)" % table_name
#record_insert = ('1', 'phone', '')
#cur.execute(sql, record_insert)
sql = "COPY %s from STDIN WITH CSV HEADER DELIMITER ','" % table_name
cur.copy_expert(sql, f)
except psycopg2.Error as exp2:
print ('Error Code: %s. Error %s' % (exp2.pgcode, exp2.pgerror))
ask by Manoj Kasa translate from so