I've established an array of 3 groups of 3 particles.(我建立了一个由3组3个粒子组成的数组。)
I bleive it has to do with altering the code portion below.(我认为这与更改下面的代码部分有关。)
> let particles;
> function init(){
> particles=[];
> for(let i=0; i<2;i+=1){
> for(var j=0; j<2;j+=1){
> particles.push(new Particle(centerX, centerY)); }
> console.log(particles);}
> console.log(particles);
> }
The particles are currently locate in the same position right now.(当前,粒子现在位于同一位置。) Is there a way to shift the origin of each particle by 50 both in x and y?(有没有办法将x和y的每个粒子的原点都偏移50?) Here is the full code:(这是完整的代码:)
window.onload =function(){ var canvas = document.createElement ("canvas"); c = canvas.getContext("2d"); canvas.width = 400; canvas.height=400; document.body.appendChild(canvas); c.beginPath(); c.rect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); c.fillStyle = "white"; c.fill(); c.closePath(); var centerX=canvas.width/2; var centerY=canvas.width/2; function Particle(centerX, centerY){ this.centerX=canvas.width/2; this.centerY=canvas.width/2; this.radians=0; this.update=function(){ this.radians+=.1; this.centerX=this.centerX+Math.sin(this.radians)*2; this.centerY=this.centerY+Math.cos(this.radians)*2; this.draw(); }; this.draw=function(){ c. beginPath(); c.arc(this.centerX,this.centerY,5,0,2*Math.PI); c.fillStyle='black'; c.fill() } } let particles; function init(){ particles=[]; for(let i=0; i<2;i+=1){ for(var j=0; j<2;j+=1){ particles.push(new Particle(centerX, centerY)); } } } function animate (){ requestAnimationFrame(animate); c.beginPath(); c.rect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); c.fillStyle = "white"; c.fill(); c.closePath(); particles.forEach(particle=>{ particle.update(); }); } init(); animate(); }
Thank you(谢谢)
ask by Nhan Bui translate from so