The simplest way would be to use the native Number
var x = Number("1000")
If that doesn't work for you, then there are the parseInt , unary plus , parseFloat with floor , and Math.round methods.(如果这对您不起作用,则有parseInt , 一元plus , 带有floor的parseFloat和Math.round方法。)
var x = parseInt("1000", 10); // you want to use radix 10
// so you get a decimal number even with a leading 0 and an old browser ([IE8, Firefox 20, Chrome 22 and older][1])
unary plus if your string is already in the form of an integer:(一元加号,如果您的字符串已经是整数形式:)
var x = +"1000";
if your string is or might be a float and you want an integer:(如果您的字符串是浮点数或可能是浮点数,并且您想要一个整数:)
var x = Math.floor("1000.01"); //floor automatically converts string to number
or, if you're going to be using Math.floor several times:(或者,如果您要多次使用Math.floor:)
var floor = Math.floor;
var x = floor("1000.01");
If you're the type who forgets to put the radix in when you call parseInt, you can use parseFloat and round it however you like.(如果您是在调用parseInt时忘记将基数放入的类型,则可以使用parseFloat并根据需要将其四舍五入。) Here I use floor.(在这里我用地板。)
var floor = Math.floor;
var x = floor(parseFloat("1000.01"));
Interestingly, Math.round (like Math.floor) will do a string to number conversion, so if you want the number rounded (or if you have an integer in the string), this is a great way, maybe my favorite:(有趣的是,Math.round(例如Math.floor)将进行字符串到数字的转换,因此,如果您想将数字四舍五入(或者如果字符串中有整数),这是一个很好的方法,也许是我的最爱:)
var round = Math.round;
var x = round("1000"); //equivalent to round("1000",0)