A client have been requesting a function on their WP site.
They need a box where the user can input a word... Then a submit button, once clicked it will search an external site to see if this input is there or not.(他们需要一个用户可以在其中输入单词的框...然后单击“提交”按钮,一旦单击它,它将搜索外部站点以查看是否存在此输入。)
Return true or false as a result on the WP site.(结果在WP网站上返回true或false。)
Here is the twist: The site that needs to be searched is generated by a database call, so no hardcoded site to search, I was considering a solution using an iFrame to generate the site to be searched, then searching the iFrame and returning the true or false from the iFrame search...
(这是一个变数:需要搜索的站点是由数据库调用生成的,因此没有要搜索的硬编码站点,我正在考虑使用iFrame生成要搜索的站点,然后搜索iFrame并返回true的解决方案。或在iFrame搜索中为false ...)
Does it make any sense?
ask by Trier translate from so