There is a div-Element.
50% of its size are on the screen.(屏幕大小的50%在屏幕上。)
The other 50% go over the screen height and are not visible.(其余50%超出屏幕高度,因此不可见。)
There is no scrolling possible.(没有滚动的可能。)
I tried to automate a test with Selenium and click on that div-element, but sometimes it works and sometimes it does not.
Why does Selenium not just click on the "on-screen-area" of that div?
And how is this functionality implemented?
When I tell Selenium to click on a huge div-element, does it click on a random position on that div?(当我告诉Selenium单击一个巨大的div元素时,它是否单击了该div上的随机位置?)
ask by ndsvw translate from so