I am new to php and javascript, and right now I am trying to display a world map on a website, where the page will display the world map that shows a population on each country from the database in phpMyAdmin.
The example that I want to do is on the given link: http://popstats.unhcr.org/en/overview#_ga=2.256036427.1301445856.1575086283-1848294458.1575086283
(我想做的示例在给定的链接上: http : //popstats.unhcr.org/en/overview#_ga=2.256036427.1301445856.1575086283-1848294458.1575086283)
I have googled some examples, but most of them are using Google Map API, which uses the pointer of Google Map.
(我在Google上搜索了一些示例,但是大多数示例都使用Google Map API,该API使用Google Map的指针。)
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