I'm trying to move the vertical scrollbar of an embedded PDF to the left side of the screen.
I don't want it to scroll down the length of the div, but rather scroll down the length of the PDF (just like the default scrollbar bar on the right does).(我不希望它向下滚动div的长度,而是向下滚动PDF的长度(就像右边的默认滚动条一样)。)
I've tried:(我试过了:)
#pdf {
top: 28px;
width: 50%;
height: auto;
bottom: 0px;
position: absolute;
overflow-y: scroll;
direction: rtl;
This has created an additional scrollbar on the left hand side but it scrolls the div length - it does not scroll down the PDF document.
So I tried giving the embed element an id (id="pdfEmbed) and gave it the 'rtl' treatment:(因此,我尝试为embed元素提供一个id(id =“ pdfEmbed)并给予'rtl'处理:)
#pdfEmbed {
overflow-y: scroll;
direction: rtl;
Unfortunately, this doesn't appear to do anything (doesn't even add an additional vert. scrollbar).
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Also, please no jquery.(另外,请不要使用jquery。)
ask by Normajean translate from so