I have a query that takes around 32 seconds, I tried many ways to fix the performance problem.
The first thing I tried is adding a new column that contain date and time as an integer.
After I added this column to a non clustered index, the query now is executed in 2 seconds. (在将该列添加到非聚集索引之后,现在将在2秒内执行查询。)
but when I look at the execution plan, i see that there are some warnings. (但是当我查看执行计划时,发现有一些警告。)
Here is the screen of execution plan:
DECLARE @StartDate int=2010010110,--2010-01-01 10:00
@EndDate int=2019101011 --2019-10-10 11:00
SELECT IdFluide,
SUM(c.[Conso-KW]) AS ConsoKW
FROM fait.Consommation AS c
INNER JOIN geo.DimGeographie dg ON c.IdGeographie = dg.IdGeographie
INNER JOIN geo.ActivePerimeterDetail apd ON dg.ContractId = apd.ContractId
AND dg.IdNiveau3=apd.PerimeterId
AND apd.PerimeterLevelId=3
WHERE dg.ModeGeo='PA'
AND IdUsage <> 0
AND IdSource = 1
AND dg.ContractId = 2
AND apd.ContractId = 2
AND IdTypeFluide = 1
AND UserId = 8
AND newDate >= @StartDate
AND newDate <= @EndDate
GROUP BY IdFluide,
The table fait.Consommation contain around 4.5M rows.
The table geo.DimGeographie contain around 20K rows.
The table geo.ActivePerimeterDetail contain around 43K rows.
I have clustered and non clustered index in all tables.
I tried to update statistics and I saw many articles talking about such problems, but trying all what they suggest, doesn't solve my problem.
The estimated row is less than real rows.
when i add this code to tables in the query, i have a new execution plan and speed up the query, now the query execute in one second but still have same warning
ask by Omar AMEZOUG translate from so