I am using checkout-one-time-payments for stripe for subscription and one time payments.This is the demo link from stripe https://70p1h.sse.codesandbox.io/.
I am able to successfully collect payments for one time and subscription products . What I want to do now is to show a page that shows all the saved cards for the particular user if user has already made payment from stripe and then if user selects the pre saved card ,I want to move the customer direct to payment confirmation or failure. Dont want the user to re enter the card details and other info
I am using following code in backend for java
SessionCreateParams.Builder builder = new SessionCreateParams.Builder()
.setSuccessUrl(createcheckoutSessionRequest.getSuccessUrl() + "?session_id={CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID}").setCancelUrl(createcheckoutSessionRequest.getFailureUrl())
.setMode(product.getIsSubscriptionProduct() ? SessionCreateParams.Mode.SUBSCRIPTION
: SessionCreateParams.Mode.PAYMENT)
I am quite confused with all these docs ,I am not able to find the actual scenario in docs ,any help will be really appreciated. Thanks