I am learning to use multiprocessing in python and I have a question. I want to count the number of times an object (i.e. tuple of words) is in a list. I propose two options. The first using pool.starmap_async and the second without multiprocessing.
ngrams=[('review', 'productivity'), ('productivity', 'satisfaction'), ('satisfaction', 'democratic'), ('democratic', 'autocratic'), ('autocratic', 'leadership'), ('leadership', 'empirical'), ('empirical', 'literature'), ('literature', 'explore'), ('explore', 'organizational_outcome'), ('organizational_outcome', 'democratic'), ('democratic', 'leadership'), ('leadership', 'task##oriented'), ('task##oriented', 'group'), ('group', 'individual'), ('individual', 'member'), ('member', 'productivity'), ('productivity', 'satisfaction'), ('satisfaction', 'receive'), ('receive', 'attention'), ('attention', 'emphasis')]
ngrams_uniq=[('satisfaction', 'democratic'), ('organizational_outcome', 'democratic'), ('review', 'productivity'), ('democratic', 'leadership'), ('member', 'productivity'), ('receive', 'attention'), ('empirical', 'literature'), ('group', 'individual'), ('literature', 'explore'), ('democratic', 'autocratic'), ('autocratic', 'leadership'), ('attention', 'emphasis'), ('task##oriented', 'group'), ('explore', 'organizational_outcome'), ('leadership', 'task##oriented'), ('satisfaction', 'receive'), ('productivity', 'satisfaction'), ('leadership', 'empirical'), ('individual', 'member')]
def count_ngrams(gram,ngrams):
return (gram,ngrams.count(gram))
##With Pool
pool = mp.Pool(mp.cpu_count())
dict_freq_ngrams=pool.starmap_async(count_ngrams,[(gram,ngrams) for gram in ngrams_uniq]).get()
##Without Pool
dict_freq_ngrams=[count_ngrams(gram,ngrams) for gram in ngrams_uniq]
When I measure the execution time I always get that the second option is faster. I don't understand why that happens ... maybe I have an error but I don't know what it is.
Thanks in advance