I m using Window 10 Python -V 3.9 and Kivy -V 2.0.0 and my question is : I just follow the tutorial in the documentation. I want to display a label duce = StringProperty()
for a short time like after 1 s it will disappear automatically. I can make it work but want to ask / search for some better solution :) thx
#import kivy
#kivyVersion = kivy.__version__ # check kivy version
from kivy.app import App
from kivy.uix.widget import Widget
from kivy.properties import NumericProperty, StringProperty, ReferenceListProperty, ObjectProperty
from kivy.vector import Vector
from kivy.clock import Clock
class Ball(Widget):
Vx = NumericProperty(0)
Vy = NumericProperty(0)
Velocity = ReferenceListProperty(Vx, Vy)
def Move(self):
self.pos = Vector(*self.Velocity) + self.pos
class Paddle(Widget):
score = StringProperty("0") # set the score label be a string with text "0" at the beginning
def Bounce(self, ball): # to make the ball move faster when touched the paddle --> increase difficulty + more fun
if self.collide_widget(ball):
Vx, Vy = ball.Velocity # unpack the ball.Velocity
offset = (ball.center_y - self.center_y) / (self.height / 2)
bounce = Vector((Vx * -1), Vy)
bouncedVelocity = bounce * 1.1
ball.Velocity = bouncedVelocity.x, bouncedVelocity.y + offset
class PongGame(Widget): # ref. mypong.kv
ball = ObjectProperty(None)
leftplayer = ObjectProperty(None)
rightplayer = ObjectProperty(None)
duce = StringProperty()
GameOver = False
def ServeBall(self, v = (4, 0)):
self.ball.center = self.center # set the cennter of the ball at the center of the screen
self.ball.Velocity = v # start velocity # Vector(4, 0).rotate(randint(0, 360)) # randomly set a Vx and Vy for the ball
def Update(self, dt):
self.ball.Move() # Move() function to make the ball move with constant v
self.leftplayer.Bounce(self.ball) # bounce when touched player paddle
if self.ball.y < self.y or self.ball.top > self.top: # touch bottom or top --> bounce
self.ball.Vy *= -1 # same velocity by in opposite direction
if self.ball.x < self.x: # touch left --> bounce and rightplayer score += 1
self.rightplayer.score = str(int(self.rightplayer.score) + 1)
self.ball.Vx *= -1
self.ServeBall(v = (4, 0))
if self.ball.right > self.width: # touch right --> bounce and leftplayer score += 1
self.leftplayer.score = str(int(self.leftplayer.score) + 1)
self.ball.Vx *= -1
self.ServeBall(v = (-4, 0))
def Duce(): # duce | when one of the player score 10 . two player 's score different == 1
self.GameOver = False
if int(self.leftplayer.score) == 11 or int(self.rightplayer.score) == 11: # display the text "Duse !" for a short while
self.duce = "Duce !"
self.duce = ""
if self.leftplayer.score != self.rightplayer.score:
if int(self.leftplayer.score) >= 10 or int(self.rightplayer.score) >= 10:
if int(self.leftplayer.score) - int(self.rightplayer.score) == 1 or int(self.leftplayer.score) - int(self.rightplayer.score) == -1:
elif int(self.leftplayer.score) - int(self.rightplayer.score) >= 2 or int(self.leftplayer.score) - int(self.rightplayer.score) <= -2:
self.GameOver = True
self.ServeBall(v = (0, 0)) # set the ball rest on the screen 's center
if int(self.leftplayer.score) > int(self.rightplayer.score):
self.leftplayer.score = "You Win !" # change label text
self.rightplayer.score = "Ops !" # change label text
elif int(self.rightplayer.score) > int(self.leftplayer.score):
self.leftplayer.score = "Ops !" # change label text
self.rightplayer.score = "You Win !" # change label text
except RecursionError:
except ValueError:
except Exception as e:
print("Error :", e)
def on_touch_move(self, touch): # | widget | function name must be on_touch_move
if touch.x < (self.width / 3):
self.leftplayer.center_y = touch.y
if touch.x > (self.width - self.width / 3):
self.rightplayer.center_y = touch.y
if self.GameOver == True: # when game is over
if touch.x < self.width: # when player toch screen --> reset all
self.GameOver = False
self.leftplayer.score = "0"
self.rightplayer.score = "0"
class MyPongApp(App): # name of the .kv file should be the text before "App" # start up
def build(self):
self.title = "My First Kivy Game"
Game = PongGame() # creating obj for class PongGame
Game.ServeBall() # run class PongGame function ServeBall()
Clock.schedule_interval(Game.Update, 1.0/120.0)
return Game
if __name__ == "__main__":
mypong.kv :
#:kivy 2.0.0
size: 50, 50
pos: self.pos
size: self.size
size: 25, 200
pos: self.pos
size: self.size
ball: myBall
leftplayer: left_player
rightplayer: right_player
pos: self.center_x - 5, 0
size: 10, self.height
font_size: 70
center_x: root.width / 4
top: root.top - 50
text: root.leftplayer.score
font_size: 70
center_x: root.width * 3 / 4
top: root.top - 50
text: root.rightplayer.score
font_size: 70
center_x: root.width /2
center_y: root.top / 2
text: root.duce
id: myBall
center: self.parent.center
id: left_player
x: root.x
center_y: root.center_y
id: right_player
x: root.width - self.width
center_y: root.center_y
my own solution :
if int(self.leftplayer.score) == 11 or int(self.rightplayer.score) == 11: # display the text "Duse !" for a short while
self.duce = "Duce !"
self.duce = ""
and idk if i need to do / add sth on the mypong.kv also ?