I have a java project which uses some already existing specific code.
This code has a MakeFile
all: Parser.java
javac -cp java-cup-11b-runtime.jar:. *.java
Parser.java: Parser.cup
java -jar java-cup-11b.jar -nonterms -expect 150 -interface -parser Parser Parser.cup
I know for example that with Gradle it will look like this:
task make {
dependsOn build
workingdir './src/main/java'
commandLine "bash","-c", "java -jar java-cup-11b.jar -nonterms -expect 150 -interface -parser Parser Parser.cup;javac -cp java-cup-11b-runtime.jar:. *.java"
So I am using it on a bigger project on Intellij with Maven, and I don't know how to setup these specific rules.
I tried like this:
<arg>Parser.java:-nonterms -expect 150 -interface -parser Parser</arg>
The package I would like to use is Cup.
They provide a code block for Ant.
So I want the same for Maven.
I found an old plugin : http://czt.sourceforge.net/dev/cup-maven-plugin/ but the repository is down.