You were correct -- if you create your component like this:
<p:selectBooleanCheckbox value="val" widgetVar="myCheckbox"/>
You can access the checkbox simply by refering to its widgetVar, in this case calling the PrimeFaces client-side API to mark it as checked:
You could then tie the onchange event of your master checkbox to a javascript method that checked or unchecked the state of all the "slave" checkboxes depending on the state of the master checkbox (would suggest you store the state in a hidden field).
Note, it may make your life easier to instead handle the "change" ajax event and implement the check/uncheck logic on the server side. Just make sure that you provide all the ids of all the slave checkboxes in the update attribute of the p:ajax component:
<p:selectBooleanCheckbox id="masterChkBox" ...>
<p:ajax event="change" listener="#{yourBean.handleMasterChange}" update="...all slavecheckbox ids..."/>