I'm struggling with an error affecting a system we used for Insights for our customers. The code is as follows:
Insights MyInsights = new Insights();
MyInsights.UnpostedInvoiceValue = DatabaseContext.Invoice
.Where(z => z.OwnedBy.TenantId == CurrentTenant.TenantId && z.Posted == false)
.Sum(x => x.Items.Sum(y =>(y.PricePerUnit / y.ExchangeRate) * y.Quantity / y.Units.PriceFactor));
The issue is when ".ExchangeRate" or "y.Units.PriceFactor" is 0(Zero), as we all a divide by zero isn't possible, and so we get an exception for this.
As this system is multi-tenanted, this seems to affect all tenants even when just one has a 0(Zero) in their data. I would have expected this not to be the case because we have a Where clause which checks the Tenant Id.
The SQL generated is as follows:
SELECT SUM((([y].[PricePerUnit] / [y].[ExchangeRate]) * [y].[Quantity]) / [y.Units].[PriceFactor])
FROM [InvoiceItem] AS [y]
LEFT JOIN [Units] AS [y.Units] ON [y].[UnitsId] = [y.Units].[UnitsId]
WHERE [z].[InvoiceId] = [y].[InvoiceId]
FROM [Invoice] AS [z]
WHERE ([z].[OwnedByTenantId] = @__CurrentTenant_TenantId_0) AND ([z].[Posted] = 0)
The exception returned is:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: 'Divide by zero error encountered.'
I see this issue being two-fold:
- I don't understand why this is affecting all tenants when only one has a 0(Zero) in their data.
- Ideally, if a 0(Zero) exists in one of those fields, Sum() should return 0, but I can't figure this out, everything I have tried inside the Sum() function doesn't compile.