I have both IPv4 and IPv6, I'm trying to manage a Routing for private subnet.
Once NAT Gateway is attached to Route Table, it does not allow me to attach Egress Gateway to the same route table, and giving me an error:
An interface that is part of a NAT gateway cannot be the next hop for an IPv6 destination CIDR block or IPv6 prefix list
However if I'm attaching manually thought AWS Console, there is no problem
Maybe I'm missing some info? I know that NAT only for IPv4 and Egress only for IPv6, can someone guide me on this? Why if NAT not compatible with Egress Only Gateway, it allows me to attach via aws console, but not with terraform?
Here is my simple terraform
resource "aws_eip" "neip" {
count = length(var.private_subnet)
vpc = true
resource "aws_nat_gateway" "nat" {
count = length(var.private_subnet)
subnet_id = element(var.public_subnet, count.index)
allocation_id = element(aws_eip.neip.*.id, count.index)
resource "aws_egress_only_internet_gateway" "egw" {
count = length(var.zones) > 0 ? 1 : 0
vpc_id = var.vpc_id
resource "aws_route_table" "route" {
count = length(var.private_subnet)
vpc_id = var.vpc_id
resource "aws_route" "ipv4" {
count = length(aws_route_table.route)
depends_on = [ aws_route_table.route ]
route_table_id = aws_route_table.route[count.index].id
nat_gateway_id = element(aws_nat_gateway.nat.*.id, count.index)
destination_cidr_block = ""
resource "aws_route" "ipv6" {
count = length(aws_route_table.route)
depends_on = [ aws_route_table.route ]
route_table_id = aws_route_table.route[count.index].id
egress_only_gateway_id = element(aws_egress_only_internet_gateway.egw.*.id, count.index)
destination_ipv6_cidr_block = "::/0"
resource "aws_route_table_association" "route" {
count = length(aws_route_table.route)
subnet_id = var.private_subnet[count.index]
route_table_id = aws_route_table.route[count.index].id
No issue with terraform script