(Julia and general programming newb)
I'm trying to read a directory full of JSON files containing lots of HTML pages (about 30), Regex match short strings (many per file, up to 60k total) and output these to one big file - which I'll try and parse later so I can add to a MySQL DB.
Here's my code:
patFilename = r"[0-9]+_[0-9]+.json"
patID = r"/entry/[0-9]+/go"
filenames = readdir("C:/getentries/data/")
caseIDs = []
for filename in filenames
if match(patFilename, filename) === nothing
file = open("C:/getentries/data/" * filename)
case = read(file, String)
push!(caseIDs, match(patID, case))
open("C:/getentries/data/caseIDs.txt", "w") do caseID
println(caseID, caseIDs)
No errors are thrown but only a few strings are written to the file. So I'm assuming something's going wrong as I try to collect all the strings.
I thought I could try the approach suggested in my last question but this didn't help - although that's likely due to my complete inexperience!
May I ask if anyone has any thoughts?