Azure/application-gateway-kubernetes-ingress: This is an ingress controller that can be run on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) to allow an Azure Application Gateway to act as the ingress for an AKS clu ...……
CoderMJLee/MJExtension: A fast, convenient and nonintrusive conversion framework between JSON and model. Your model class doesn't need to extend any base class. You don't need to modify any mo ...……
dgkim5360/the-elements-of-statistical-learning-notebooks: Jupyter notebooks for summarizing and reproducing the textbook The Elements of Statistical Learning 2/E by Hastie, Tibshirani, and Friedman……
sidcode/bits-pilani-thesis-template-latex: LaTeX Template for Reports required of BITS Pilani students (Thesis, Practice School, PhD, Projects - Study, Lab, Design)……