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jpetazzo/container.training: Slides and code samples for training, tutorials, an ...

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Container Training

This repository (formerly known as orchestration-workshop) contains materials (slides, scripts, demo app, and other code samples) used for various workshops, tutorials, and training sessions around the themes of Docker, containers, and orchestration.

For the moment, it includes:

  • Introduction to Docker and Containers,
  • Container Orchestration with Docker Swarm,
  • Container Orchestration with Kubernetes.

These materials have been designed around the following principles:

  • they assume very little prior knowledge of Docker, containers, or a particular programming language;
  • they can be used in a classroom setup (with an instructor), or self-paced at home;
  • they are hands-on, meaning that they contain lots of examples and exercises that you can easily reproduce;
  • they progressively introduce concepts in chapters that build on top of each other.

If you're looking for the materials, you can stop reading right now, and hop to http://container.training/, which hosts all the slides decks available.

The rest of this document explains how this repository is structured, and how to use it to deliver (or create) your own tutorials.

Why a single repository?

All these materials have been gathered in a single repository because they have a few things in common:

What are the different courses available?

Introduction to Docker is derived from the first "Docker Fundamentals" training materials. For more information, see jpetazzo/intro-to-docker. The version in this repository has been adapted to the Markdown publishing pipeline. It is still maintained, but only receives minor updates once in a while.

Container Orchestration with Docker Swarm (formerly known as "Orchestration Workshop") is a workshop created by Jérôme Petazzoni in June 2015. Since then, it has been continuously updated and improved, and received contributions from many others authors. It is actively maintained.

Container Orchestration with Kubernetes was created by Jérôme Petazzoni in October 2017, with help and feedback from a few other contributors. It is actively maintained.

Repository structure

  • bin
    • A few helper scripts that you can safely ignore for now.
  • dockercoins
    • The demo app used throughout the orchestration workshops.
  • efk, elk, prom, snap:
    • Logging and metrics stacks used in the later parts of the orchestration workshops.
  • prepare-local, prepare-machine:
    • Contributed scripts to automate the creation of local environments. These could use some help to test/check that they work.
  • prepare-vms:
    • Scripts to automate the creation of AWS instances for students. These are routinely used and actively maintained.
  • slides:
    • All the slides! They are assembled from Markdown files with a custom Python script, and then rendered using gnab/remark. Check this directory for more details.
  • stacks:
    • A handful of Compose files (version 3) allowing to easily deploy complex application stacks.

Course structure

(This applies only for the orchestration workshops.)

The workshop introduces a demo app, "DockerCoins," built around a micro-services architecture. First, we run it on a single node, using Docker Compose. Then, we pretend that we need to scale it, and we use an orchestrator (SwarmKit or Kubernetes) to deploy and scale the app on a cluster.

We explain the concepts of the orchestrator. For SwarmKit, we setup the cluster with docker swarm init and docker swarm join. For Kubernetes, we use pre-configured clusters.

Then, we cover more advanced concepts: scaling, load balancing, updates, global services or daemon sets.

There are a number of advanced optional chapters about logging, metrics, secrets, network encryption, etc.

The content is very modular: it is broken down in a large number of Markdown files, that are put together according to a YAML manifest. This allows to re-use content between different workshops very easily.


The sample app is in the dockercoins directory. It's used during all chapters for explaining different concepts of orchestration.

To see it in action:

  • cd dockercoins && docker-compose up -d
  • this will build and start all the services
  • the web UI will be available on port 8000

Running the Workshop

If you want to deliver one of these workshops yourself, this section is for you!

*This section has been mostly contributed by Bret Fisher, who was one of the first persons to have the bravery of delivering this workshop without me. Thanks Bret!













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