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原作者: [db:作者] 来自: [db:来源] 收藏 邀请

0. 前言
1. 准备硬件
  这里我准备了CH341SER这个作为USB转串口。用sscom5.13.1 串口工具。由于我不太懂硬件开发。硬件部分都是由公司其他人开发的。我只是负责把环境搭建起来。然后负责我的微信小程序开发。

2. 开发小程序简单讲解
  onLoad 这个一方面是用来获取当前连接的WiFi名称,减少用户输入,另一方面也是用来判断当前是否开启GPS功能。对于Android用户,是需要打开GPS蓝牙功能才能搜索到周围的蓝牙设备。

 1   onLoad: function(options) {
 2     var that = this;
 3     wx.startWifi({
 4       success(res) {
 5         console.log(res.errMsg)
 6         wx.getConnectedWifi({
 7           success: function(res) {
 8             console.log(res);
 9             that.setData({
10               ssid: res.wifi.SSID
11             })
12           },
13           fail: function(res) {
14             if(res.errCode == 12006){
15               wx.showModal({
16                 title: \'请打开GPS定位\',
17                 content: \'Android手机不打开GPS定位,无法搜索到蓝牙设备.\',
18                 showCancel: false
19               })
20             }
21             console.log(res);
22           }
23         })
24       }
25     })
26   },


 1   searchBleEvent: function(ret){
 2     var ssid = this.data.ssid;
 3     var pass = this.data.pass;
 4     console.log(ssid, pass);
 5     if (util.isEmpty(ssid) || util.isEmpty(pass)) {
 6       util.toastError(\'请输入WiFi名称及密码\');
 7       return;
 8     }
 9     this.initBLE();
10   },


 1   initBLE: function() {
 2     this.printLog("启动蓝牙适配器, 蓝牙初始化")
 3     var that = this;
 4     wx.openBluetoothAdapter({
 5       success: function(res) {
 6         console.log(res);
 7         that.findBLE();
 8       },
 9       fail: function(res) {
10         util.toastError(\'请先打开蓝牙\');
11       }
12     })
13   },


 1   findBLE: function() {
 2     this.printLog("打开蓝牙成功.")
 3     var that = this
 4     wx.startBluetoothDevicesDiscovery({
 5       allowDuplicatesKey: false,
 6       interval: 0,
 7       success: function(res) {
 8         wx.showLoading({
 9           title: \'正在搜索设备\',
10         })
11         console.log(res);
12         delayTimer = setInterval(function(){
13           that.discoveryBLE() //3.0 //这里的discovery需要多次调用
14         }, 1000);
15         setTimeout(function () {
16           if (isFound) {
17             return;
18           } else {
19             wx.hideLoading();
20             console.log("搜索设备超时");
21             wx.stopBluetoothDevicesDiscovery({
22               success: function (res) {
23                 console.log(\'连接蓝牙成功之后关闭蓝牙搜索\');
24               }
25             })
26             clearInterval(delayTimer)
27             wx.showModal({
28               title: \'搜索设备超时\',
29               content: \'请检查蓝牙设备是否正常工作,Android手机请打开GPS定位.\',
30               showCancel: false
31             })
32             util.toastError("搜索设备超时,请打开GPS定位,再搜索")
33             return
34           }
35         }, 15000);
36       },
37       fail: function(res) {
38         that.printLog("蓝牙设备服务发现失败: " + res.errMsg);
39       }
40     })
41   },


 1   discoveryBLE: function() {
 2     var that = this
 3     wx.getBluetoothDevices({
 4       success: function(res) {
 5         var list = res.devices;
 6         console.log(list);
 7         if(list.length <= 0){
 8           return ;
 9         }
10         var devices = [];
11         for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {   
12           //that.data.inputValue:表示的是需要连接的蓝牙设备ID,
13           //简单点来说就是我想要连接这个蓝牙设备,
14           //所以我去遍历我搜索到的蓝牙设备中是否有这个ID
15           var name = list[i].name || list[i].localName;
16           if(util.isEmpty(name)){
17             continue;
18           }
19           if(name.indexOf(\'JL\') >= 0 && list[i].RSSI != 0){
20             console.log(list[i]);
21             devices.push(list[i]);
22           }
23         }
24         console.log(\'总共有\' + devices.length + "个设备需要设置")
25         if (devices.length <= 0) {
26           return;
27         }
28         that.connectBLE(devices);
29       },
30       fail: function() {
31         util.toastError(\'搜索蓝牙设备失败\');
32       }
33     })
34   },


 1   connectBLE: function(devices){
 2     this.printLog(\'总共有\' + devices.length + "个设备需要设置")
 3     var that = this;
 4     wx.hideLoading();
 5     isFound = true;
 6     clearInterval(delayTimer); 
 7     wx.stopBluetoothDevicesDiscovery({
 8       success: function (res) {
 9         that.printLog(\'连接蓝牙成功之后关闭蓝牙搜索\');
10       }
11     })
12     //两个的时候需要选择
13     var list = [];
14     for (var i = 0; i < devices.length; i++) {
15       var name = devices[i].name || devices[i].localName;
16       list.push(name + "[" + devices[i].deviceId + "]")
17     }
18     this.setData({
19       deviceArray: list
20     })
21     //默认选择
22     this.setData({
23       currDeviceID: list[0]
24     })
25   },


 1   createBLE: function(deviceId){
 2     this.printLog("连接: [" + deviceId+"]");
 3     var that = this;
 4     this.closeBLE(deviceId, function(res){
 5       console.log("预先关闭,再打开");
 6       setTimeout(function(){
 7         wx.createBLEConnection({
 8           deviceId: deviceId,
 9           success: function (res) {
10             that.printLog("设备连接成功");
11             that.getBLEServiceId(deviceId);
12           },
13           fail: function (res) {
14             that.printLog("设备连接失败" + res.errMsg);
15           }
16         })
17       }, 2000)
18     });
19   },


 1   //获取服务UUID
 2   getBLEServiceId: function(deviceId){
 3     this.printLog("获取设备[" + deviceId + "]服务列表")
 4     var that = this;
 5     wx.getBLEDeviceServices({
 6       deviceId: deviceId,
 7       success: function(res) {
 8         console.log(res);
 9         var services = res.services;
10         if (services.length <= 0){
11           that.printLog("未找到主服务列表")
12           return;
13         }
14         that.printLog(\'找到设备服务列表个数: \' + services.length);
15         if (services.length == 1){
16           var service = services[0];
17           that.printLog("服务UUID:["+service.uuid+"] Primary:" + service.isPrimary);
18           that.getBLECharactedId(deviceId, service.uuid);
19         }else{ //多个主服务
20           //TODO
21         }
22       },
23       fail: function(res){
24         that.printLog("获取设备服务列表失败" + res.errMsg);
25       }
26     })
27   },


 1   getBLECharactedId: function(deviceId, serviceId){
 2     this.printLog("获取设备特征值")
 3     var that = this;
 4     wx.getBLEDeviceCharacteristics({
 5       deviceId: deviceId,
 6       serviceId: serviceId,
 7       success: function(res) {
 8         console.log(res);
 9         //这里会获取到两个特征值,一个用来写,一个用来读
10         var chars = res.characteristics;
11         if(chars.length <= 0){
12           that.printLog("未找到设备特征值")
13           return ;
14         }
15         that.printLog("找到设备特征值个数:" + chars.length);
16         if(chars.length == 2){
17           for(var i=0; i<chars.length; i++){
18             var char = chars[i];
19             that.printLog("特征值[" + char.uuid + "]")
20             var prop = char.properties;
21             if(prop.notify == true){
22               that.printLog("该特征值属性: Notify");
23               that.recvBLECharacterNotice(deviceId, serviceId, char.uuid);
24             }else if(prop.write == true){
25               that.printLog("该特征值属性: Write");
26               that.sendBLECharacterNotice(deviceId, serviceId, char.uuid);
27             }else{
28               that.printLog("该特征值属性: 其他");
29             }
30           }
31         }else{
32           //TODO
33         }
34       },
35       fail: function(res){
36         that.printLog("获取设备特征值失败")
37       }
38     })
39   },

  recv 接收设备发送过来数据

 1   recvBLECharacterNotice: function(deviceId, serviceId, charId){
 2     //接收设置是否成功
 3     this.printLog("注册Notice 回调函数");
 4     var that = this;
 5     wx.notifyBLECharacteristicValueChange({
 6       deviceId: deviceId,
 7       serviceId: serviceId,
 8       characteristicId: charId,
 9       state: true, //启用Notify功能
10       success: function(res) {
11         wx.onBLECharacteristicValueChange(function(res){
12           console.log(res);
13           that.printLog("收到Notify数据: " + that.ab2hex(res.value));
14           //关闭蓝牙
15           wx.showModal({
16             title: \'配网成功\',
17             content: that.ab2hex(res.value),
18             showCancel: false
19           })
20         });
21       },
22       fail: function(res){
23         console.log(res);
24         that.printLog("特征值Notice 接收数据失败: " + res.errMsg);
25       }
26     })
27   },

  send 小程序发送数据到设备

 1   sendBLECharacterNotice: function (deviceId, serviceId, charId){
 2     //发送ssid/pass
 3     this.printLog("延时1秒后,发送SSID/PASS");
 4     var that = this;
 5     var cell = {
 6       "ssid": this.data.ssid,
 7       "pass": this.data.pass
 8     }
 9     var buffer = this.string2buffer(JSON.stringify(cell));
10     setTimeout(function(){
11       wx.writeBLECharacteristicValue({
12         deviceId: deviceId,
13         serviceId: serviceId,
14         characteristicId: charId,
15         value: buffer,
16         success: function(res) {
17           that.printLog("发送SSID/PASS 成功");
18         },
19         fail: function(res){
20           console.log(res);
21           that.printLog("发送失败." + res.errMsg);
22         },
23         complete: function(){
25         }
26       })
28     }, 1000);
29   },


 1   closeBLE: function(deviceId, callback){
 2     var that = this;
 3     wx.closeBLEConnection({
 4       deviceId: deviceId,
 5       success: function(res) {
 6         that.printLog("断开设备[" + deviceId + "]成功.");
 7         console.log(res)
 8       },
 9       fail: function(res){
10         that.printLog("断开设备成功.");
11       },
12       complete: callback
13     })
14   },

  说明:接收数据和发送数据时,注意BLE限制了发送数据包的大小,现在20byte。具体参考微信小程序官方文档: https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/api/device/bluetooth-ble/wx.writeBLECharacteristicValue.html


3. 蓝牙相关的所有JS代码

  1 // pages/bluetoothconfig/bluetoothconfig.js
  2 const util = require(\'../../utils/util.js\')
  4 var delayTimer; //用来控制是否持续服务发现
  5 var isFound = false;
  7 Page({
  8   /**
  9    * 页面的初始数据
 10    */
 11   data: {
 12     ssid: \'\',
 13     pass: \'\',
 14     logs: [],
 15     deviceArray: [],
 16     currDeviceID: \'请选择...\'
 17   },
 18   onLoad: function(options) {
 19     var that = this;
 20     wx.startWifi({
 21       success(res) {
 22         console.log(res.errMsg)
 23         wx.getConnectedWifi({
 24           success: function(res) {
 25             console.log(res);
 26             that.setData({
 27               ssid: res.wifi.SSID
 28             })
 29           },
 30           fail: function(res) {
 31             if(res.errCode == 12006){
 32               wx.showModal({
 33                 title: \'请打开GPS定位\',
 34                 content: \'Android手机不打开GPS定位,无法搜索到蓝牙设备.\',
 35                 showCancel: false
 36               })
 37             }
 38             console.log(res);
 39           }
 40         })
 41       }
 42     })
 43   },
 44   bindPickerChange: function(ret){
 45     var array = this.data.deviceArray;
 46     console.log(array[ret.detail.value]);
 47     this.setData({
 48       currDeviceID: array[ret.detail.value]
 49     })
 50   },
 51   searchBleEvent: function(ret){
 52     var ssid = this.data.ssid;
 53     var pass = this.data.pass;
 54     console.log(ssid, pass);
 55     if (util.isEmpty(ssid) || util.isEmpty(pass)) {
 56       util.toastError(\'请输入WiFi名称及密码\');
 57       return;
 58     }
 59     this.initBLE();
 60   },
 61   bleConfigEvent: function (ret) {
 62     var deviceID = this.data.currDeviceID;
 63     console.log("选中:" + deviceID);
 64     if (util.isEmpty(deviceID) || deviceID == "请选择..."){
 65       util.toastError("请先搜索设备");
 66       return ;
 67     }
 68     var device = deviceID.split(\'[\');
 69     if(device.length <= 1){
 70       util.toastError("请先搜索设备");
 71       return ;
 72     }
 73     var id = device[device.length - 1].replace("]", "");
 74     console.log(id);
 75     util.toastError("连接" + id);
 76     this.createBLE(id);
 77   },
 80   initBLE: function() {
 81     this.printLog("启动蓝牙适配器, 蓝牙初始化")
 82     var that = this;
 83     wx.openBluetoothAdapter({
 84       success: function(res) {
 85         console.log(res);
 86         that.findBLE();
 87       },
 88       fail: function(res) {
 89         util.toastError(\'请先打开蓝牙\');
 90       }
 91     })
 92   },
 93   findBLE: function() {
 94     this.printLog("打开蓝牙成功.")
 95     var that = this
 96     wx.startBluetoothDevicesDiscovery({
 97       allowDuplicatesKey: false,
 98       interval: 0,
 99       success: function(res) {
100         wx.showLoading({
101           title: \'正在搜索设备\',
102         })
103         console.log(res);
104         delayTimer = setInterval(function(){
105           that.discoveryBLE() //3.0 //这里的discovery需要多次调用
106         }, 1000);
107         setTimeout(function () {
108           if (isFound) {
109             return;
110           } else {
111             wx.hideLoading();
112             console.log("搜索设备超时");













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