#!/usr/bin/env python #_*_ coding:utf-8 _*_ import hashlib def zhuce(): username = raw_input("please input your username") password = raw_input(\'please input your password\') hash = hashlib.md5() hash.update(password) with open(\'info.txt\',\'r+\') as fd: fd.write(username) fd.write(\'\t\') fd.write(hash.hexdigest()) fd.write(\'\n\') print "注册成功" def login(user,passwd): with open(\'info.txt\') as fd: for line in fd: if user == line.strip(\'\n\').split()[0] and passwd == line.strip(\'\n\').split()[1]: return True else: return False def menu(): memu = \'\'\' 1 注册 2 登陆 \'\'\' print memu count = 0 retry = 3 while count < retry: menu() choice = raw_input(\'Please input your choice!\') if choice == \'1\': zhuce() if choice == \'2\': user = raw_input(\'请输入用户名:\') passwd = raw_input(\'请输入密码:\') hash1 = hashlib.md5() hash1.update(passwd) password = hash1.hexdigest() result = login(user,password) if result: print \'success!\' break else: print \'error\' count += 1