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加热器开着! (The heat is on!)

Last year, Unity Analytics released our beta version of the Heatmap system. It arose from a hack week project, which itself came from a customer simply asking me to build it (see what you get when you ask nicely?). As it happens, I write this blog post on my way to another hack week, and here we are getting ready to release a major update to our Heatmaps plugin. This update is a big leap forward on several levels, focusing on both speed and usability. The beta was pretty good. I’m proud of what we released. But we listened very carefully to user feedback, finding several things we could do better. For example:

去年,Unity Analytics发布了我们的Heatmap系统测试版。 它来自黑客周项目,该项目本身来自客户,只是要求我进行构建(看看您问得好会得到什么?)。 碰巧的是,我在前往另一个黑客周的途中写了这篇博客文章,在这里我们准备发布对Heatmaps插件的重大更新。 此更新在速度和可用性两方面都实现了巨大的飞跃。 测试版相当不错。 我为我们发布的内容感到骄傲。 但是我们非常认真地听取了用户的反馈,发现我们可以做得更好的几件事。 例如:

  • The first-time user experience, frankly, sucked.


  • It took way too long to get at your data.


  • There were many problems seeing the data quite the way you wanted it.


  • And, of course, there were some bugs.


The new release addresses all these issues, speeding you up both as a first-time heatmapper, and as you progress. We may never address everyone’s ideas about the “right” ways to look at the data, but I’m convinced we’ve added many excellent options that will please many.

新版本解决了所有这些问题,使您既可以初次使用热贴图,又可以随着进度的进行而加快速度。 我们可能永远都不会解决每个人关于“正确”的数据查看方式的想法,但是我坚信我们已经添加了许多出色的选择,这些选择将使许多人满意。

This post won’t be a tutorial. That sort of thing is covered in the documentation. Rather, I’ll focus on explaining the new features, and why we picked each one:

这篇文章将不是教程。 文件中涵盖了这类内容 。 相反,我将重点介绍这些新功能,以及为什么我们选择每个功能:

安装热图 (Installing Heatmaps)

As part of improving your first time experience with Heatmaps, we’ve finally pushed it to the Unity Asset Store. You can still download the installer from the Bitbucket repo, of course. Double-click the installer and BOOM! you have Heatmaps in your project, at least to a degree sufficient to immediately take it out for a test drive.

为了改善您第一次使用Heatmaps的体验,我们终于将其推到Unity Asset Store 。 当然,您仍然可以从Bitbucket存储库下载安装程序。 双击安装程序和BOOM! 您的项目中有热图,至少在一定程度上足以立即将其取出进行测试。

With Heatmaps installed, you’ll see not one, but two new Inspectors under Windows > Unity Analytics: Heatmapper and Raw Data.

安装Heatmaps后 ,您将在Windows> Unity Analytics下看不到一个,而是两个新的Inspector: HeatmapperRaw Data。

Let’s start with Raw Data.


原始数据–接近实时 (Raw Data – at near real-time speed)

Hiding under Heatmaps from the beginning has been a secret-not-so-secret service called “raw data”. All this means is that we store each event as it arrives at the Unity Analytics server, then make it available for you to retrieve. Heatmaps fetches that raw data and aggregates it inside Unity to display your results.

从一开始就隐藏在Heatmaps下的是一种秘密而非秘密的服务,称为“原始数据”。 这意味着我们将每个事件存储到Unity Analytics服务器中,然后将其提供给您检索。 热图会获取原始数据并将其汇总到Unity内部以显示结果。

The official version of raw data has just been released and here’s the headline: it operates at near-real-time speed. How ‘near’? Let’s call it in the range of seconds to minutes. We think this a vast improvement over the previous system that forced you to wait hours before you could get a glance at your data.

原始数据的正式版本刚刚发布,这是标题:它以接近实时的速度运行。 怎么样? 我们称它为秒到分钟。 我们认为,与以前的系统相比,这是一个巨大的改进,迫使您等待数小时才能浏览数据。

All users with Pro licenses get access to raw data…which means Heatmaps will shift into the ranks of a Pro Analytics tool (though all existing projects will be grandfathered into the Pro tier).

所有具有Pro许可证的用户都可以访问原始数据…这意味着热图将进入Pro Analytics工具的行列(尽管所有现有项目都将进入Pro层)。

We’ve given Raw Data its own Inspector. By doing this we’re signaling an essential and important idea:

我们已经为Raw Data提供了自己的Inspector。 通过这样做,我们正在传达一个重要而重要的想法:

Raw Data is separate from Heatmaps.


While we use raw data to populate heatmaps, Heatmaps are just one of innumerable potential applications of raw data. So put on your thinking caps, and ponder this question: how else could you leverage raw data by displaying it inside Unity? Let us know in the comments below, or better yet: build it and share!

尽管我们使用原始数据来填充热图,但热图只是原始数据无数潜在的应用之一。 因此,请放下思考的界限,并思考这个问题: 通过在Unity中显示原始数据,您还能如何利用原始数据? 在下面的评论中让我们知道,或者更好的是:构建并分享!

使用测试数据了解Heatmapper的工作方式 (Use Test Data to learn how the Heatmapper works)

The new Raw Data Inspector fetches raw data. But it can also generate test data that stays right on your computer. Again, this is part of improving the first time user experience. It’s now possible to create lots of data in order to see how the Heatmapper (or any other raw data tool) works. None of this data ever leaves your local drive…it just sits there, ready for you to consume it.

新的原始数据检查器将获取原始数据。 但是它也可以生成保留在您计算机上的测试数据。 同样,这是改善首次用户体验的一部分。 现在可以创建大量数据,以了解Heatmapper(或任何其他原始数据工具)的工作方式。 这些数据都不会离开本地驱动器……它只是坐在那里,可供您使用。

What can you generate? Here’s a list:

你能产生什么? 以下是清单:

  • Random heatmap events


  • “Demo” heatmap events that help explain Heatmap features/scenarios


  • Freeform (non-Heatmap) data so you can experiment with ideas of your own


With the data generation feature, you can instantly create thousands of points, load them into the Heatmapper, and understand the many capabilities that Heatmaps provides.


Heatmapper本身–出色的可用性 (The Heatmapper itself – superior usability)

The other Inspector is, of course, the Heatmapper. Our update brings no less than a dozen improvements to this tool. All of these improvements focus around superior usability.

当然,另一个检查员是Heatmapper。 我们的更新为该工具带来了不少于十二种改进。 所有这些改进都围绕着卓越的可用性。

Custom data location Your raw data is still stored in Application.persistentDataPath by default, but you can now choose any arbitrary location. This is especially helpful when playing with test data.

自定义数据位置默认情况下,原始数据仍存储在Application.persistentDataPath ,但是您现在可以选择任意位置。 在处理测试数据时,这特别有用。

Remap color to visualize areas of importance


Color in a Heatmap usually refers to density. That is, if an event happens a lot in one x/y/z location, we make that location appear “hotter” than a physical location where it happened less frequently. This is still the default behavior, but you can now specify any parameter to override density.

热图中的颜色通常是指密度。 也就是说,如果某个事件在一个x / y / z位置上发生的次数很多,那么我们使该位置看起来比发生频率较低的物理位置“更热”。 这仍然是默认行为,但是您现在可以指定任何参数来覆盖密度。

Why would you do this? Imagine you suspect that the FPS in your game is low in places. Send Heatmap events with fps as a parameter. When you build your Heatmap, you can now choose to remap color to the fps parameter and further select a calculation to perform on that parameter. By doing so, you can see “hot” colors where FPS is low, helping you isolate where these slowdowns occur.

你为什么要这样做? 想象一下,您怀疑游戏中的FPS偏低。 使用fps作为参数发送Heatmap事件。 现在,在构建Heatmap时,您可以选择将颜色重新映射到fps参数,并进一步选择要对该参数执行的计算。 这样,您可以在FPS较低的地方看到“热”颜色,从而帮助您隔离出现这些减速的位置。

Remap operations to dig deeper


In addition to simply being able to remap color to a parameter, you might want to operate on the result of that parameter. Take the prior case of mapping FPS. You’re probably most interested in seeing the lowest recorded values (or something on a lower end of the spectrum), to find any places where there are failures. If you’re looking at hit points remaining, the mean or median value might be more your thing. Maybe you want to see the first point, or the last. We’ve got you covered for each of these cases by allowing you to perform operations on points that occur in the same space. Here’s the complete list of supported operations:

除了可以简单地将颜色重新映射到参数外,您可能还需要对该参数的结果进行操作。 以映射FPS的先前情况为例。 您可能最想看到记录的最低值(或频谱较低端的某个值),以查找发生故障的任何位置。 如果您正在查看剩余的命中点,那么平均值或中位数可能更适合您。 也许您想看到第一点或最后一点。 通过允许您对在同一空间中发生的点执行操作,我们为您解决了每种情况。 以下是受支持的操作的完整列表:

  • Display earliest point


  • Display latest point


  • Display highest value


  • Display lowest value


  • Incremental (adds 1 for each instance)


  • Additive (adds all values together)


  • Average


  • Percentile (0-100, Median = 50)

    百分位数(0-100,中位数= 50)

Separate to distill groups of data


This is actually several features that all do variations of the same trick (so credit me if you’re keeping score): separate your results into distinct groups. Want to break apart Heatmaps by level? We can do that. See an individual play of the game? Sure! Separate your iOS users from Android? No problem. Each list appears separately under options, allowing you to break apart your Heatmap data in various useful ways. Here’s the complete list of ways you can separate your data:

实际上,这是几个功能都相同的变种(如果您保持得分,可以相信我):将结果分成不同的组。 要按级别分解热图吗? 我们能做到这一点。 看到个人游戏了吗? 当然! 将iOS用户与Android分开? 没问题。 每个列表分别显示在选项下,使您可以通过各种有用的方式分解热图数据。 以下是您可以分离数据的方式的完整列表:

  • By user (unique device)


  • By unique play session (roughly equivalent to individual plays)


  • By platform


  • Separate debug builds from non-debug


  • By one or more arbitrary fields (such as ‘level’)


Render real gradients for optimal customization


The original Heatmapper used three color swatches to represeAnt low/medium/high color densities. No one liked that. We now use a true gradient to display your map.

最初的Heatmapper使用三个颜色样本来表示低/中/高颜色密度。 没有人喜欢。 现在,我们使用真实的渐变来显示您的地图。

And you can save gradients you want to have available for later.


Mask data to zero in on what matters


Nothing but a handy way to trim your data by location. When you have a lot of points in 3D, it can be nice to hide some of it.

只是一种方便的方法来按位置修剪数据。 当您在3D中有很多点时,最好隐藏其中的一些点。

Point-to-point rendering for enhanced spatial context


There are times when understanding more than one point can be helpful. Consider an event in a first-person shooter called “LookAt”. You want to know not just where the player was when she looked at something, but what she looked at. A change to the HeatmapEvent now allows you to send two positions, not just one. And you can use point-to-point rendering to display the two points and their relative orientation.

有时候,理解不止一点是有帮助的。 考虑一个称为“ LookAt”的第一人称射击游戏。 您不仅要知道玩家注视某物的位置,还想知道她注视的内容。 现在,更改HeatmapEvent可以发送两个位置,而不仅仅是一个。 您可以使用点对点渲染来显示两个点及其相对方向。

Hot tips tell you what’s behind the data


Sometimes you look at an individual point and you really want to know exactly what that point means. It’s kinda red, and is approximately near some point in your game, but what is it exactly? Hot tips is a tooltip-style addition that lets you mouse over any point and know the precise data that created it.

有时您只看一个单独的点,而您确实想确切地知道那个点的含义。 它有点红色,大约在游戏中的某个点,但是到底是什么呢? 热门提示是一种工具提示风格的添加,使您可以将鼠标悬停在任何点上并了解创建它的精确数据。

您今天要映射什么? (What will you map today?)

We’ve given you what we hope is a powerful upgrade to your analytics tool belt. Let us know what you think. Let us know how you use it. We’re always hoping to build the tools that serve you best, so don’t be shy. Tell us what you need next.

我们已经为您提供了我们希望对您的分析工具带进行强大升级的工具。 让我们知道您的想法。 让我们知道您如何使用它。 我们一直希望构建最能为您服务的工具,所以请不要害羞。 告诉我们您接下来需要什么。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2016/06/29/stoking-the-fire-heatmaps-rekindled/














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