原文 http://www.wellho.net/mouth/985_Equality-in-Ruby-eql-and-equal-.html
Equality in Ruby - == eql? and equal?
The == comparison checks whether two values are equal
eql? checks if two values are equal and of the same type
equal? checks if two things are one and the same object.
How do I remember which is which ... The longer the operator, the more restrictive the test it performs
irb(main):013:0> val = 17 => 17 irb(main):014:0> val == 17.0 => true irb(main):015:0> val.eql?(17.0) => false irb(main):016:0> val.eql?(17) => true
三个等号的比较操作=== 通常情况下这中方式与==是一样的,但是在某些特定情况下,===有特殊的含义: 在Range中===用于判断等号右边的对象是否包含于等号左边的Range; 正则表达式中用于判断一个字符串是否匹配模式, Class定义===来判断一个对象是否为类的实例, Symbol定义===来判断等号两边的符号对象是否相同。 (1..10) === 5 # true: 5属于range 1..10 /\d+/ === "123" # true: 字符串匹配这个模式 String === "s" # true: "s" 是一个字符串类的实例 :s === "s" # true irb(main):017:0> val.equal?(17) => true