一、新建文件 f=File.new(File.join("C:","Test.txt"), "w+") f.puts("I am Jack") f.puts("Hello World")
"r" :Read-only. Starts at beginning of file (default mode).
"r+" :Read-write. Starts at beginning of file.
"w" :Write-only. Truncates existing file to zero length or creates a new file for writing.
"w+" :Read-write. Truncates existing file to zero length or creates a new file for reading and writing.
"a" :Write-only. Starts at end of file if file exists; otherwise, creates a new file for writing.
"a+" :Read-write. Starts at end of file if file exists; otherwise, creates a new file for reading and writing.
"b" :(DOS/Windows only.) Binary file mode. May appear with any of the key letters listed above
二、读取文件 file=File.open(File.join("C:","Test.txt"),"r") file.each { |line| print "#{file.lineno}.", line } file.close
三、新建、删除、重命名文件 File.new( "books.txt", "w" ) File.rename( "books.txt", "chaps.txt" ) File.delete( "chaps.txt" )
四、目录操作 1 创建目录 Dir.mkdir("c:/testdir") 04 #删除目录 05 Dir.rmdir("c:/testdir") 07 #查询目录里的文件 08 p Dir.entries(File.join("C:","Ruby")).join(' ') 10 #遍历目录 11 Dir.entries(File.join("C:","Ruby")).each { |e| puts e }
ARGV ARGV << "cnblogslink.txt" #The gets method is a Kernel method that gets lines from ARGV print while gets p ARGV.class
ARGF while line = ARGF.gets print line end
2、文件信息查询 #文件是否存在 p File::exists?( "cnblogslink.txt" ) # => true #是否是文件 p File.file?( "cnblogslink.txt" ) # => true #是否是目录 p File::directory?( "c:/ruby" ) # => true p File::directory?( "cnblogslink.txt" ) # => false #文件权限 p File.readable?( "cnblogslink.txt" ) # => true p File.writable?( "cnblogslink.txt" ) # => true p File.executable?( "cnblogslink.txt" ) # => false #是否是零长度 p File.zero?( "cnblogslink.txt" ) # => false #文件大小 bytes p File.size?( "cnblogslink.txt" ) # => 74 p File.size( "cnblogslink.txt" ) # => 74 #文件或文件夹 p File::ftype( "cnblogslink.txt" ) # => "file" #文件创建、修改、最后一次存取时间 p File::ctime( "cnblogslink.txt" ) # => Sat Sep 19 08:05:07 +0800 2009 p File::mtime( "cnblogslink.txt" ) # => Sat Sep 19 08:06:34 +0800 2009 p File::atime( "cnblogslink.txt" ) # => Sat Sep 19 08:05:07 +0800 2009
3、查找文件 puts "查找目录下所有文件及文件夹" Dir["c:/ruby/*"].each {|x| puts x } puts "条件查询" Dir.foreach('c:/ruby') { |x| puts x if x != "." && x != ".." } puts "查找某一类型文件" Dir["*.rb"].each {|x| puts x } puts "Open 查询" Dir.open('c:/ruby') { |d| d.grep /l/ }.each{|x| puts x} puts "---------------------------" puts "正则表达式查询" Dir["c:/ruby/ruby/[rs]*"].each{|x| puts x} puts "------------------------" Dir["c:/ruby/[^s]*"].each{|x| puts x} puts "------------------------" Dir["c:/ruby/{ruby,li}*"].each{|x| puts x} puts "------------------------" Dir["c:/ruby/?b*"].each{|x| puts x} puts "查找目录及子目录的文件" require 'find' Find.find('./') { |path| puts path }
require "find"
Find.find("/etc/passwd", "/var/spool/lp1", ".") do |f|
Find.prune if f == "."
puts f
原型:ref.find( [ aName ]* ) {| aFileName | block }
prune:Skips the current file or directory, restarting the loop with the
next entry. If the current file is a directory, that directory will not
be recursively entered. Meaningful only within the block associated with
4、文件比较 复制等
require 'ftools'
File.copy 'testfile', 'testfile1' » true
File.compare 'testfile', 'testfile1' » true