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    Windows上下载在线视频不是很难, 可以安装爱酷等对应在线视频(这里是优酷)的官方下载工具, 更通用地, 可以使用硕鼠下载, 这个软件我没用过, 但我需要使用硕鼠官方网站http://www.flvcd.com(支持70多个在线视频网站的解析, 好强大的说)的视频解析作为代理将某个在线视频播放地址解析成对应的下载地址, 我使用Python和正则表达式进行抓取我想要的部分(下载地址以及视频标题)并且下载给定视频地址的视频, 这个脚本如下:



#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys

def output(s):
  sys.stderr.write(s + "\n") # output progress to stderr(Notice that it is NOT for outputing actual error message, 
                             # I use stderr just to catch stdout easily(the same as curl) so i can merge these flvs later)

argc = len(sys.argv)
if argc == 2:
  format = 'super'
elif argc == 3:
  format = sys.argv[2]
  output("Usage: %s videourl [videoquality=normal|high|super|...]" % sys.argv[0])
  output(" e.g.")
  output("   %s http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzMzMjE0MjE2.html super" % sys.argv[0])

videourl = sys.argv[1]

import urllib2
import urllib
url = 'http://www.flvcd.com/parse.php?kw=' + urllib.quote(videourl)  + '&format=' + format
user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/536.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/20.0.1132.57 Safari/536.11'

req = urllib2.Request(url)
# add some headers to fake Chrome Browser(if we don't do so, there will be a problem when try to get tudou video)
req.add_header('host', 'www.flvcd.com')
req.add_header('Referer', 'http://www.flvcd.com')
req.add_header('User-Agent', user_agent)
req.add_header('Accept-Language', 'en-us,en;q=0.5')
req.add_header('Accept-Encoding', 'gzip, deflate')
req.add_header('Accept-Charset', 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7')
# req.add_header('Keep-Alive', '115')
res = urllib2.urlopen(req)
html = res.read()

import re
pattern = re.compile('<input\s+type="hidden"\s+name="inf"\s+value="([^"]+)')
firstmatch = pattern.search(html)
urls = firstmatch.group(1)
urls = unicode(urls, 'gbk'); # urls turns out to be utf8 encoding

urlpattern = re.compile('<[NU]>(.+)')
result = urlpattern.findall(urls)

data = [result[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(result), 2)]
count = len(data)
files = []

urllib.URLopener.version = user_agent
opener = urllib.URLopener();
output('\n--- Start to download from url "%s" (%d block(s) in total):' % (videourl, count))
for k, v in enumerate(data):
  output('  >downloading Block %.2d of %.2d ...' % (k+1, count))
  filename = (v[0].replace('"', '\\"').replace('/', '') + '.flv').encode('utf-8')
  if (v[1].find('tudou.com') != -1):
    opener.retrieve(v[1], filename)
    urllib.urlretrieve(v[1], filename)
  # urlretrieve with custom header(s)
  #req = urllib2.Request(v[1])
  #req.add_header('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/536.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/20.0.1132.57 Safari/536.11')
#  f = open(v[0] + '.flv', 'wb')
#  f.write(urllib2.urlopen(req).read())
#  f.close()
  # urllib.urlretrieve(v[1], v[0] + '.flv')
  output('  downloaded Block.%.2d completely<' % (k+1,))
output('--- finished ---\n')
print('"' + '" "'.join(files) + '"')


我们保存这个脚本到home(即~)目录下, 为dl.py, 即保存为~/dl.py, 操作如下

# 打开终端
vi ~/dl.py # press ENTER
# press i
# 粘贴上面的Python代码
# press ESC
:wq # press ENTER
sudo chmod u+x ~/dl.py # 使其可执行

这个脚本首先解析命令行参数然后提取在线视频地址和欲下载视频的质量,然后通过flvcd.com代理解析成若干个下载地址(优酷网站会将大视频分割成若干块,但像土豆等视频网站不会),接着使用正则提取视频标题和下载地址并下载,输出进度到stderr, 输出每块下载的视频文件文件名(这些文件名中特殊字符被转义接着被"包围并以空格分开)到stdout,程序添加的一些HTTP头是为了欺骗flvcd网站我们是通过Firefox浏览器访问的(但并没有完全欺骗, 似乎部分土豆在线视频的下载地址无法下载, to be solved)


输出空格分割的文件名是为了方便shell对stdout捕获然后使用下面的程序进行flv文件合并(主要针对youku, 前面说过, 优酷的大视频是分段的, 所以我写了下面的C程序合并这些分段的flv视频):

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
// #include <malloc.h> // uncomment this line if you are using windows

typedef unsigned char byte;

typedef struct {
byte type[3];
byte version;
byte typeFlag;
byte headerLength[4];
} FlvHeader;

typedef struct {
byte tagType;
byte dataSize[3];
byte timestamp[3];
byte timestamp_extension;
byte streamID[3];
// byte tagData[ dataSize ]
} FlvTag;

// determine whether current system is big endian(network, media, etc) or not, e.g. int 1 is stored as "00 00 00 01" in
// big endian machine, while "01 00 00 00" in little endian machine, if we assume that sizeof(int) = 4 and the left
// address is smaller than the next(right) one
int is_big_endian() {
int i = 0x1;
return *(char*)&i != '\x1';

// exit program with exit code exitStatus before printing msg to stderr
void quit(char* msg, int exitStatus) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s", msg);

// convert a raw integer which is read from FLV file to which endian current system fits
int intval(byte* bits, int size) {
int i, ret = 0;
if (bits == NULL || size < 1 || size > 4) {
quit("invalid bits(is NULL?) or size(out of [1,4]?) when calling intval\n", 1);
if (is_big_endian()) {
return *(int*)bits;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
ret = (int)bits[i] + (ret << 8);
return ret;

// convert an integer stored as which endian current system fits to raw in FLV file
byte* byteval(int value, int size) {
static byte bits[4] = {0};
byte* p = (byte*)&value;
int i;
if (size < 1 || size > 4) {
quit("invalid size(out of [1,4]?) when calling byteval\n", 1);
if (is_big_endian()) {
*(int*)bits= value;
} else {
for (i=0; i < 4; ++i)
bits[i] = p[3-i];
return bits + 4 - size;

// same as intval, just for double here
double doubleval(byte* bits) {
static byte reverse_bits[8] = {0};
int i;
if (bits == NULL)
quit("invalid bits(is NULL?)\n", 1);
if (is_big_endian()) {
*(double*)reverse_bits = *(double*)bits;
} else {
for(i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
reverse_bits[i] = bits[7 - i];
return *(double*)reverse_bits;

// same as byteval, just for double here
byte* bytevaldouble(double value) {
static byte bits[8] = {0};
byte* p = (byte*)&value;
int i;
if (is_big_endian()) {
*(double*)bits = value;
} else {
for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
bits[i] = p[7-i];
return bits;

// return header if successfully, otherwise return NULL
FlvHeader* flv_header_read(FILE* fp, FlvHeader* header) {
return fread(header, sizeof(FlvHeader), 1, fp) == 1 ? header : NULL;

// check if flv header is valid so that we can determine whether we need do merge
int flv_is_valid_header(FlvHeader* header) {
return header && header->type[0] == 'F' && header->type[1] == 'L' && header->type[2] == 'V'
&& ((header->typeFlag | 5) == 5);

// read an flv tag from file fp points and save tag [meta] to tag, tag data size to dataSize, previous tag size to
// previousSize, return pure tag data
// CAUTION: this function will reserve the last allocated memory by returning a pointer, so memery leak is produced
// but only ONE leak, you can free it simply by 'byte* data=flv_tag_read(fp,...); /* some operation */ free(data);'
// but REMEMBER NOT to call flv_tag_read again after the free operation unless you wanna get 'segment fault'-like error, etc.
byte* flv_tag_read(FILE* fp, FlvTag* tag, int* dataSize, int* previousSize) {
static byte* _tagData = NULL;
static int _dataSize = 0; // store the length of _tagData
int tagSize = 0, countread = fread(tag, sizeof(FlvTag), 1, fp);
if (countread != 1)
return NULL;
tagSize = intval(tag->dataSize, 3);

if (_tagData == NULL || _dataSize < tagSize) { // if _tagData is not allocated OR if _tagData is not enough, try to allocate for _tagData again
if(_tagData) // but should free the old _tagData before allocates memery to it
_tagData = (byte*)malloc(tagSize * sizeof(byte));

if (fread(_tagData, sizeof(byte), tagSize, fp) != tagSize ||
fread(previousSize, sizeof(int), 1, fp) != 1 ) {
quit("FLV tag data(broken tag data or broken previous size?) is broken.\n", 1);
*dataSize = _dataSize = tagSize;
*previousSize = *(int*)byteval(*previousSize, 4);
return _tagData;

// use the most stupid searching algorithm to search binary data search in binary data data
// return index in data if found search, otherwise return -1
int stupid_byte_indexof(byte* search, int searchLength, byte* data, int dataSize) {
int i, j, end = dataSize - searchLength, found;
if (search == NULL || data == NULL || end < 0 || searchLength < 1)
quit("invalid arguments when searching", 1);
for (i=0; i < end; ++i) {
found = 1;
for(j=0; j < searchLength; ++j)
if (data[j] != search[j]) {
found = 0;
if (found)
return i;
return -1;

// strip keyframes data in script data tag and rewrite the hasKeyframes to false
byte* flv_scriptdata_strip_keyframes(FlvTag* tag, byte* scripttagData, int* dataSize) {
byte hasKeyframes[] = {'h', 'a', 's', 'K', 'e', 'y', 'f', 'r', 'a', 'm', 'e', 's', '\x1'};
byte keyframes[] = {'\x0', '\x9', 'k', 'e', 'y', 'f', 'r', 'a', 'm', 'e', 's', '\x3'};
byte* ds = NULL;
int len = sizeof(hasKeyframes)/sizeof(byte);
int index;

if (! tag || tag->tagType != 0x12 || ! scripttagData || ! dataSize) {
quit("can't strip non-scriptdata's[null or video/audio tag data?] keyframes or null pointer", 1);

index = stupid_byte_indexof(hasKeyframes, len, scripttagData, *dataSize - 1);
if (index != -1)
scripttagData[index + len] = '\x0';
index = stupid_byte_indexof(keyframes, sizeof(keyframes)/sizeof(byte), scripttagData, *dataSize);
if (index != -1) {
*dataSize = index;
ds = byteval(index, 3);
tag->dataSize[0] = ds[0];
tag->dataSize[1] = ds[1];
tag->dataSize[2] = ds[2];
return scripttagData;

// write an flv tag to file fp points with tag [meta] tag, tag data tagData and previous tag size previousSize
// return bytes written if successful, otherwise return 0
int flv_tag_write(FILE* fp, FlvTag* tag, byte* tagData, int* dataSize, int* previousSize) {
if (
fwrite(tag, sizeof(FlvTag), 1, fp) != 1 ||
fwrite(tagData, sizeof(byte), *dataSize, fp) != *dataSize ||
fwrite(previousSize, sizeof(int), 1, fp) != 1
) {
return 0;
return sizeof(FlvTag) + *dataSize * sizeof(byte) + sizeof(int);

// get duration from an flv SCRIPT tag data(pure data) and save duration index where we found
// duration in FLV file to offset if offset is not NULL
double flv_tag_get_duration(byte* tagData, int dataSize, int* offset) {
// make sure tag is script tag, that is: tag.tagType == 0x12
byte search[9] = { 'd', 'u', 'r', 'a', 't', 'i', 'o (size color: #008000;/span br /', 'n', '\0' };
int index = stupid_byte_indexof(search, 9, tagData, dataSize);

if (index == -1) {
quit("Sorry, can't get flv meta duration.", 1);

index += sizeof(search)/sizeof(byte);
if (offset)
*offset = index;
return doubleval(tagData + index);

// get timestamp from an flv tag [meta]
int flv_tag_get_timestamp(FlvTag* tag) {
if (! tag)
return -1;
return ((int)(tag->timestamp_extension) << 24) + intval(tag->timestamp, 3);

// set timestamp to an flv tag [meta]
int flv_tag_set_timestamp(FlvTag* tag, int timestamp) {
if (! tag || timestamp < 0)
return -1;
tag->timestamp_extension = timestamp >> 24;
memcpy(tag->timestamp, byteval(timestamp & 0x00FFFFFF, 3), 3);
return timestamp;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

FlvHeader header;
FlvTag tag;
byte* tagData;
FILE *fpdst = NULL, *fpsrc = NULL;
// int argc = 4;
// char* argv[] = {"", "d:\\kbs2musicbank°ÍÀè.flv", "Y:\\kbs2musicbank°ÍÀ蹫ÑÝ1²¿120218-_merged.flv",
// "Y:\\kbs2musicbank°ÍÀ蹫ÑÝ2²¿120218-_merged.flv"};
int i = 0, srccount = argc - 2, headerLength, duration_index = 0,
prevSize, dataSize, offset, foundduration = 0, zero = 0, basetimestamp[2], lasttimestamp[2] = {0};
char** src = argv + 2;
double duration = 0.0;

int bts = 0;

if (argc < 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s flvtobesaved 1stflv [2ndflv [3rdflv [...]]]\n", argv[0]);
if ((fpdst = fopen(argv[1], "wb")) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't write to file '%s'\n", argv[1]);

while (i < srccount) {
if ((fpsrc = fopen(src[i], "rb")) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't open file '%s'\n", src[i]);

if(! flv_header_read(fpsrc, &header) || ! flv_is_valid_header(&header)) {
fprintf(stderr, "The header of file '%s' is broken or is not FLV header.\n", src[i]);

if (i == 0) {
fwrite(&header, sizeof(FlvHeader), 1, fpdst);
fwrite(&zero, sizeof(int), 1, fpdst); // the first previous tag size is 0
duration_index = sizeof(FlvHeader);

headerLength = intval(header.headerLength, 4);

if (0 != fseek(fpsrc, headerLength+4, SEEK_SET)) { // skip to real flv tag data(skip the first previous tag size, +4)
fprintf(stderr, "The first previousSize(should be 0) of file '%s' is broken.\n", src[i]);

bts = (int)(duration * 1000);
basetimestamp[0] = lasttimestamp[0];
basetimestamp[1] = lasttimestamp[1];
if (bts < basetimestamp[0])
bts = basetimestamp[0];
if (bts < basetimestamp[1])
bts = basetimestamp[1];
foundduration = 0;

while (tagData = flv_tag_read(fpsrc, &tag, &dataSize, &prevSize)) {

if (tag.tagType == 0x12 && ! foundduration) { // if script data and duration not found, try to get duration
duration += flv_tag_get_duration(tagData, dataSize, &offset);
foundduration = 1;
if (i == 0) { // prepare the script data for writing, we choose the first FLV file header as sample
duration_index += 4 + sizeof(FlvTag) + offset;

flv_scriptdata_strip_keyframes(&tag, tagData, &dataSize);

flv_tag_write(fpdst, &tag, tagData, &dataSize, &prevSize);
} else if (tag.tagType == 0x8 || tag.tagType == 0x9) {

// error?
// lasttimestamp[tag.tagType - 0x8] = flv_tag_get_timestamp(&tag);
// flv_tag_set_timestamp(&tag, basetimestamp[tag.tagType - 0x8] + lasttimestamp[tag.tagType - 0x8]);

lasttimestamp[tag.tagType - 0x8] = bts + flv_tag_get_timestamp(&tag);
flv_tag_set_timestamp(&tag, lasttimestamp[tag.tagType - 0x8]);

flv_tag_write(fpdst, &tag, tagData, &dataSize, &prevSize);
if (i == 0 && ! foundduration) {
duration_index += 4 + sizeof(FlvTag) + dataSize;

//fprintf(stdout, "base: %d, last: %d\n", basetimestamp[0], lasttimestamp[0]);
printf("completely merging file '%s' to '%s'\n", src[i], argv[1]);


if (0 != fseek(fpdst, duration_index, SEEK_SET))
quit("can't seek to duration\n", 1);
fwrite(bytevaldouble(duration), 1, 8, fpdst); // save real duration to file

return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
// #include <malloc.h> // uncomment this line if you are using windows

typedef unsigned char byte;

typedef struct {
byte type[3];
byte version;
byte typeFlag;
byte headerLength[4];
} FlvHeader;

typedef struct {
byte tagType;
byte dataSize[3];
byte timestamp[3];
byte timestamp_extension;
byte streamID[3];
// byte tagData[ dataSize ]
} FlvTag;

// determine whether current system is big endian(network, media, etc) or not, e.g. int 1 is stored as "00 00 00 01" in
// big endian machine, while "01 00 00 00" in little endian machine, if we assume that sizeof(int) = 4 and the left
// address is smaller than the next(right) one
int is_big_endian() {
int i = 0x1;
return *(char*)&i != '\x1';

// exit program with exit code exitStatus before printing msg to stderr
void quit(char* msg, int exitStatus) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s", msg);

// convert a raw integer which is read from FLV file to which endian current system fits
int intval(byte* bits, int size) {
int i, ret = 0;
if (bits == NULL || size < 1 || size > 4) {
quit("invalid bits(is NULL?) or size(out of [1,4]?) when calling intval\n", 1);
if (is_big_endian()) {
return *(int*)bits;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
ret = (int)bits[i] + (ret << 8);
return ret;

// convert an integer stored as which endian current system fits to raw in FLV file
byte* byteval(int value, int size) {
static byte bits[4] = {0};
byte* p = (byte*)&value;
int i;
if (size < 1 || size > 4) {
quit("invalid size(out of [1,4]?) when calling byteval\n", 1);
if (is_big_endian()) {
*(int*)bits= value;
} else {
for (i=0; i < 4; ++i)
bits[i] = p[3-i];
return bits + 4 - size;

// same as intval, just for double here
double doubleval(byte* bits) {
static byte reverse_bits[8] = {0};
int i;
if (bits == NULL)
quit("invalid bits(is NULL?)\n", 1);
if (is_big_endian()) {
*(double*)reverse_bits = *(double*)bits;
} else {
for(i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
reverse_bits[i] = bits[7 - i];
return *(double*)reverse_bits;

// same as byteval, just for double here
byte* bytevaldouble(double value) {
static byte bits[8] = {0};
byte* p = (byte*)&value;
int i;
if (is_big_endian()) {
*(double*)bits = value;
} else {
for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
bits[i] = p[7-i];
return bits;

// return header if successfully, otherwise return NULL
FlvHeader* flv_header













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