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Understanding the Objective-C Runtime

The Objective-C Runtime is one of the overlooked features of Objective-C initially when people are generally introduced to Cocoa/Objective-C. The reason for this is that while Objective-C (the language) is easy to pick up in only a couple hours, newcomers to Cocoa spend most of their time wrapping their heads around the Cocoa Framework and adjusting to how it works. However the runtime is something that everybody should at least know how it works in some detail beyond knowing that code like [target doMethodWith:var1]; gets translated into objc_msgSend(target,@selector(doMethodWith:),var1); by the compiler. Knowing what the Objective-C runtime is doing will help you gain a much deeper understanding of Objective-C itself and how your app is run. I think Mac/iPhone Developers will gain something from this, regardless of your level of experience.
Objective-C运行时对于刚刚学习cocoa/Objective-c的新手来说是一个很宏观的基础特征。这个原因是Ojbective-c是一门在几个小时之内就可以学会的语言,但是初学者将会花费大量的时间纠结在Cocoa Framework和弄明白他是怎么工作的。但是每一个人都至少得知道运行时在细节上是怎么工作的要超过像这样的代码 [target doMethodWith:var1](可以被编译器翻译成objc_msgSend(target,@selector(doMethodWith:),var1);)理解运行时可以帮助你对objective-c有一个更深的认识,并且知道自己的程序是怎样原型的。我想Mac/iphone开发者将能够从这里获取很多东西,忽略掉你的经验。
The Objective-C Runtime is Open Source
The Objective-C Runtime is open source and available anytime from http://opensource.apple.com. In fact examining the Objective-C is one of the first ways I went through to figure out how it worked, beyond reading Apples documentation on the matter. You can download the current version of the runtime (as of this writting) for Mac OS X 10.6.2 here objc4-437.1.tar.gz.
Objective-c运行时是一开源的,并且可以从 获得。实际上测试Objective-c是我解释它怎么运行的第一种方法,要比阅读拼过的文档要好,在这个问题上。你可以下载当前版本的运行时。
Dynamic vs Static Languages
Objective-C is a runtime oriented language, which means that when it's possible it defers decisions about what will actually be executed from compile & link time to when it's actually executing on the runtime. This gives you a lot of flexibility in that you can redirect messages to appropriate objects as you need to or you can even intentionally swap method implementations, etc. This requires the use of a runtime which can introspect objects to see what they do & don't respond to and dispatch methods appropriately. If we contrast this to a language like C. In C you start out with a main() method and then from there it's pretty much a top down design of following your logic and executing functions as you've written your code. A C struct can't forward requests to perform a function onto other targets. Pretty much you have a program like so
#include < stdio.h >
int main(int argc, const char **argv[])
        printf("Hello World!");
        return 0;
which a compiler parses, optimizes and then transforms your optimized code into assembly
 .align 4,0x90
 .globl _main
 pushq %rbp
 movq %rsp, %rbp
 subq $16, %rsp
 movq %rsi, %rax
 movl %edi, %ecx
 movl %ecx, -8(%rbp)
 movq %rax, -16(%rbp)
 xorb %al, %al
 leaq LC(%rip), %rcx
 movq %rcx, %rdi
 call _printf
 movl $0, -4(%rbp)
 movl -4(%rbp), %eax
 addq $16, %rsp
 popq %rbp
 .asciz "Hello World!"
and then links it together with a library and produces a executable. This contrasts from Objective-C in that while the process is similar the code that the compiler generates depends on the presence of the Objective-C Runtime Library. When we are all initially introduced to Objective-C we are told that (at a simplistic level) what happens to our Objective-C bracket code is something like…
[self doSomethingWithVar:var1];
gets translated to…
but beyond this we don't really know much till much later on what the runtime is doing.
What is the Objective-C Runtime?
The Objective-C Runtime is a Runtime Library, it's a library written mainly in C & Assembler that adds the Object Oriented capabilities to C to create Objective-C. This means it loads in Class information, does all method dispatching, method forwarding, etc. The Objective-C runtime essentially creates all the support structures that make Object Oriented Programming with Objective-C Possible.

Objective-C Runtime Terminology
Ojbective-C 运行时术语
So before we go on much further, let's get some terminology out of the way so we are all on the same page about everything. 2 Runtimes As far as Mac & iPhone Developers are concerned there are 2 runtimes: The Modern Runtime & the Legacy Runtime Modern Runtime: Covers all 64 bit Mac OS X Apps & all iPhone OS Apps Legacy Runtime: Covers everything else (all 32 bit Mac OS X Apps) Method There are 2 basic types of methods. Instance Methods (begin with a '-' like -(void)doFoo; that operate on Object Instances. And Class Methods (begin with a '+' like + (id)alloc. Methods are just like C Functions in that they are a grouping of code that performs a small task like
于是在我们更进一步之前,我们先了解一些在这个页面中出现的基本术语。对于Mac和Iphone开发者而言有两个运行时环境:现代运行时环境和遗留下来的运行时环境,涵盖64位Mac OS X程序和所有Iphone OS程序的遗留下来的运行时环境,涵盖所有程序。这里有两个种基本的方法。 实例方法(以“-”开始),一个作用于对象实例的动作。还有类方法(以“+”开始)。这种方法就像C方法一样是一段代码的结合一完成一个简单的任务,比如
-(NSString *)movieTitle
    return @"Futurama: Into the Wild Green Yonder";
Selector A selector in Objective-C is essentially a C data struct that serves as a mean to identify an Objective-C method you want an object to perform. In the runtime it's defined like so…
选择器A 选择器在Objective-C中是一个重要的C数据结构提供了辨识具体的Objective-C方法在你需要的对象上执行的方法。在运行时这个定义像:
typedef struct objc_selector  *SEL; 
and used like so…
SEL aSel = @selector(movieTitle); 
[target getMovieTitleForObject:obj];
An Objective-C Message is everything between the 2 brackets '[ ]' and consists of the target you are sending a message to, the method you want it to perform and any arguments you are sending it. A Objective-C message while similar to a C function call is different. The fact that you send a message to an object doesn't mean that it'll perform it. The Object could check who the sender of the message is and based on that decide to perform a different method or forward the message onto a different target object. Class If you look in the runtime for a class you'll come across this…
typedef struct objc_class *Class;
typedef struct objc_object {
    Class isa;
} *id; 
Here there are several things going on. We have a struct for an Objective-C Class and a struct for an object. All the objc_object has is a class pointer defined as isa, this is what we mean by the term 'isa pointer'. This isa pointer is all the Objective-C Runtime needs to inspect an object and see what it's class is and then begin seeing if it responds to selectors when you are messaging objects. And lastly we see the id pointer. The id pointer by default tells us nothing about Objective-C objects except that they are Objective-C objects. When you have a id pointer you can then ask that object for it's class, see if it responds to a method, etc and then act more specifically when you know what the object is that you are pointing to. You can see this as well on Blocks in the LLVM/Clang docs
很明显这里有很多东西正在进行。我们有一个Objective-C的数据结构。所有的objc对象有一个ISA的类指针。这就是我们用“isa pointer”所描述的。 ISA指针是所有Ojective-c运行时所需要的,去辨别对象,和对象类型然后判断其是否对一个选择器有响应当你发送小时时。然后我们看到了对象指针。对象指针默认没有告诉我任何东西,除了这是个Objective-C对象之外。当你有一个对象指针,你可以询问这个对象的类型,检查是否响应某个方法等等,然后执行当你知道这个指针指向的是一个什么对象。你能发现同样的东西关于Blocks在LLVM/CLang文档中。
struct Block_literal_1 {
    void *isa; // initialized to &_NSConcreteStackBlock or &_NSConcreteGlobalBlock
    int flags;
    int reserved; 
    void (*invoke)(void *, ...);
    struct Block_descriptor_1 {
 unsigned long int reserved; // NULL
     unsigned long int size;  // sizeof(struct Block_literal_1)
 // optional helper functions
     void (*copy_helper)(void *dst, void *src);
     void (*dispose_helper)(void *src); 
    } *descriptor;
    // imported variables
Blocks themselves are designed to be compatible with the Objective-C runtime so they are treated as objects so they can respond to messages like -retain,-release,-copy,etc. IMP (Method Implementations)
typedef id (*IMP)(id self,SEL _cmd,...); 
IMP's are function pointers to the method implementations that the compiler will generate for you. If your new to Objective-C you don't need to deal with these directly until much later on, but this is how the Objective-C runtime invokes your methods as we'll see soon. Objective-C Classes So what's in an Objectve-C Class? The basic implementation of a class in Objective-C looks like
@interface MyClass : NSObject {
NSInteger counter;
but the runtime has more than that to keep track of
#if !__OBJC2__
    Class super_class                                        OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
    const char *name                                         OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
    long version                                             OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
    long info                                                OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
    long instance_size                                       OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
    struct objc_ivar_list *ivars                             OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
    struct objc_method_list **methodLists                    OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
    struct objc_cache *cache                                 OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
    struct objc_protocol_list *protocols                     OBJC2_UNAVAILABLE;
We can see a class has a reference to it's superclass, it's name, instance variables, methods, cache and protocols it claims to adhere to. The runtime needs this information when responding to messages that message your class or it's instances.

So Classes define objects and yet are objects themselves? How does this work
Yes earlier I said that in objective-c classes themselves are objects as well, and the runtime deals with this by creating Meta Classes. When you send a message like [NSObject alloc] you are actually sending a message to the class object, and that class object needs to be an instance of the MetaClass which itself is an instance of the root meta class. While if you say subclass from NSObject, your class points to NSObject as it's superclass. However all meta classes point to the root metaclass as their superclass. All meta classes simply have the class methods for their method list of messages that they respond to. So when you send a message to a class object like [NSObject alloc] then objc_msgSend() actually looks through the meta class to see what it responds to then if it finds a method, operates on the Class object.
Why we subclass from Apples Classes
So initially when you start Cocoa development, tutorials all say to do things like subclass NSObject and start then coding something and you enjoy a lot of benefits simply by inheriting from Apples Classes. One thing you don't even realize that happens for you is setting your objects up to work with the Objective-C runtime. When we allocate an instance of one of our classes it's done like so…
MyObject *object = [[MyObject alloc] init];
the very first message that gets executed is +alloc. If you look at the documentation it says that "The isa instance variable of the new instance is initialized to a data structure that describes the class; memory for all other instance variables is set to 0." So by inheriting from Apples classes we not only inherit some great attributes, but we inherit the ability to easily allocate and create our objects in memory that matches a structure the runtime expects (with a isa pointer that points to our class) & is the size of our class.

So what's with the Class Cache? ( objc_cache *cache )
When the Objective-C runtime inspects an object by following it's isa pointer it can find an object that implements many methods. However you may only call a small portion of them and it makes no sense to search the classes dispatch table for all the selectors every time it does a lookup. So the class implements a cache, whenever you search through a classes dispatch table and find the corresponding selector it puts that into it's cache. So when objc_msgSend() looks through a class for a selector it searches through the class cache first. This operates on the theory that if you call a message on a class once, you are likely to call that same message on it again later. So if we take this into account this means that if we have a subclass of NSObject called MyObject and run the following code
当Objective-C运行时通过跟踪一个对象的ISA指针来检查一个对象的时候,它将会发现一个实现了很多方法的对象。无论怎样,你只会调用他们很少的一部分并且完全没有意义去检查类的方法执行表每次检查的时候。于是类实现了一个Cache,当你查找类的dispatch table并且想找到对应的方法的时,将会把方法放入cache中。于是当Ojbc_msgSend()检查一个类查找一个方法的时候,它会先检查cache。这个操作基于这样的理论,当你在一个类上执行一个方法一次之后,你将会执行相同的方法在之后的一段时间内。于是,如果我们着重考虑一下这个,如果我们有一个叫做MyObject的NSObject的子类,并且运行下列代码
MyObject *obj = [[MyObject alloc] init];
@implementation MyObject
-(id)init {
    if(self = [super init]){
        [self setVarA:@”blah”];
    return self;
the following happens
(1) [MyObject alloc] gets executed first. MyObject class doesn't implement alloc so we will fail to find +alloc in the class and follow the superclass pointer which points to NSObject
(1) [MyObject alloc] 将会第一个执行。MyObject类没有实现alloc,于是我们查找 +alloc 失败在这个类中,然后我们跟踪着他的父类指针 NSObject
(2) We ask NSObject if it responds to +alloc and it does. +alloc checks the receiver class which is MyObject and allocates a block of memory the size of our class and initializes it's isa pointer to the MyObject class and we now have an instance and lastly we put +alloc in NSObject's class cache for the class object
我们查询 NSObject 是否对 +alloc 响应,并且的确如此. +alloc 查找接受类 MyObject 并且分配内存,将ISA指针指向MyObject类并且我们有了一个实例,最后我们将alloc放入这个类的缓存中
(3) Up till now we were sending a class messages but now we send an instance message which simply calls -init or our designated initializer. Of course our calss responds to that message so -(id)init get's put into the cache
(4) Then self = [super init] gets called. Super being a magic keyword that points to the objects superclass so we go to NSObject and call it's init method. This is done to insure that OOP Inheritance works correctly in that all your super classes will initialize their variables correctly and then you (being in the subclass) can initialize your variables correctly and then override the superclasses if you really need to. In the case of NSObject, nothing of huge importance goes on, but that is not always the case. Sometimes important initialization happens. Take this…
然后 self = [super inti]被调用。super是一个神奇的关键字指向类的父类(NSObject),并且调用父类的初始化方法。这是为了确保OOP继承工作正常。在所有的弗雷初始化他们的变量正常之后,你可以初始化你的变量。然后推翻你的父类,如果你真的要这么做。在NSObject的情况下,没有什么非常中的事情进行,但是这并不是常态。有些时候很重要的初始化会发生,考虑:
#import < Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface MyObject : NSObject
 NSString *aString;
@property(retain) NSString *aString;
@implementation MyObject
 if (self = [super init]) {
  [self setAString:nil];
 return self;
@synthesize aString;
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
 id obj1 = [NSMutableArray alloc];
 id obj2 = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
 id obj3 = [NSArray alloc];
 id obj4 = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:@"Hello",nil];
 NSLog(@"obj1 class is %@",NSStringFromClass([obj1 class]));
 NSLog(@"obj2 class is %@",NSStringFromClass([obj2 class]));
 NSLog(@"obj3 class is %@",NSStringFromClass([obj3 class]));
 NSLog(@"obj4 class is %@",NSStringFromClass([obj4 class]));
 id obj5 = [MyObject alloc];
 id obj6 = [[MyObject alloc] init];
 NSLog(@"obj5 class is %@",NSStringFromClass([obj5 class]));
 NSLog(@"obj6 class is %@",NSStringFromClass([obj6 class]));
 [pool drain];
    return 0;
Now if you were new to Cocoa and I asked you to guess as to what would be printed you'd probably say
but this is what happens
obj1 class is __NSPlaceholderArray
obj2 class is NSCFArray
obj3 class is __NSPlaceholderArray
obj4 class is NSCFArray
obj5 class is MyObject
obj6 class is MyObject
This is because in Objective-C there is a potential for +alloc to return an object of one class and then -init to return an object of another class.
So what happens in objc_msgSend anyway?
There is actually a lot that happens in objc_msgSend(). Lets say we have code like this…
[self printMessageWithString:@"Hello World!"];
it actually get's translated by the compiler to…
objc_msgSend(self,@selector(printMessageWithString:),@"Hello World!");
From there we follow the target objects isa pointer to lookup and see if the object (or any of it's superclasses) respond to the selector @selector(printMessageWithString:). Assuming we find the selector in the class dispatch table or it's cache we follow the function pointer and execute it. Thus objc_msgSend() never returns, it begins executing and then follows a pointer to your methods and then your methods return, thus looking like objc_msgSend() returned. Bill Bumgarner went into much more detail ( Part 1, Part 2 & Part 3) on objc_msgSend() than I will here. But to summarize what he said and what you'd see looking at the Objective-C runtime code 从这里我们跟踪目标对象的ISA指针来查找和判断这个对象是否响应 @selector(printMessageWithString:)。假设我们找到了这个选择器在这个类的dispatch表或者cache中。我们循着函数指针然后执行它。然后objc_msgSend()从来不返回。它开始执行,并且跟踪指向你的方法的指针,然后你的方法返回。这看起来像objc_msgSend()返回的一样。Bill Bumgarner 想要解释更多的东西关于objc_msgSend()比我在这里。但是总结起来,他说的和你在运行时看到的。
1. Checks for Ignored Selectors & Short Circut - Obviously if we are running under garbage collection we can ignore calls to -retain,-release, etc 检查忽略的Selector和Short Circuit,很明显当我们运行在有垃圾回收机制的情况的时候我们将会忽略retai和release等等2. Check for nil target. Unlike other languages messaging nil in Objective-C is perfectly legal & there are some valid reasons you'd want to. Assuming we have a non nil target we go on检查nil目标。不想其他语言,nil在objective-C中是一个完全合法,并且这里有很多原因你也愿意这样。如果我们有一个非空的对象我们将会继续 3. Then we need to find the IMP on the class, so we first search the class cache for it, if found then follow the pointer and jump to the function然后我们查找IMP在这个雷尚,我们现在cache中检查它,如果找到了就循着指针跳转到这个函数 4. If the IMP isn't found in the cache then the class dispatch table is searched next, if it's found there follow the pointer and jump to the pointer如果IMP没有在cache中找到,我们就检查dispatch table。如果找到了我们就跳转到这个函数之行 5. If the IMP isn't found in the cache or class dispatch table then we jump to the forwarding mechanism This means in the end your code is transformed by the compiler into C functions. So a method you write like say
如果IMP没有在cahce和dispatch table中找到,我们就会跳转到转发机制。这意味着在你的代码被编译器转化成了C函数。

would be transformed into...
int aClass_doComputeWithNum(aClass *self,SEL _cmd,int aNum) 
And the Objective-C Runtime calls your methods by invoking function pointers to those methods. Now I said that you cannot call those translated methods directly, however the Cocoa Framework does provide a method to get at the pointer
并且Objective-C运行时通过调用对应的函数指针来调用你的方法。现在我说你不能直接调用这些翻译后的方法,虽然cocoa framework提供了方法来获取这些指针。
//declare C function pointer
int (computeNum *)(id,SEL,int);
//methodForSelector is COCOA & not ObjC Runtime
//gets the same function pointer objc_msgSend gets
computeNum = (int (*)(id,SEL,int))[target methodForSelector:@selector(doComputeWithNum:)];
//execute the C function pointer returned by the runtime
In this way you can get direct access to the function and directly invoke it at runtime and even use this to circumvent the dynamism of the runtime if you absolutely need to make sure that a specific method is executed. This is the same way the Objective-C Runtime invokes your method, but using objc_msgSend().

Objective-C Message Forwarding
In Objective-C it's very legal (and may even be an intentional design decision) to send messages to objects to which they don't know how to respond to. One reason Apple gives for this in their docs is to simulate multiple inheritance which Objective-C doesn't natively support, or you may just want to abstract your design and hide another object/class behind the scenes that deals with the message. This is one thing that the runtime is very necessary for. It works like so
1. The Runtime searches through the class cache and class dispatch table of your class and all the super classes, but fails to to find the specified method
2. The Objective-C Runtime will call + (BOOL) resolveInstanceMethod:(SEL)aSEL on your class. This gives you a chance to provide a method implementation and tell the runtime that you've resolved this method and if it should begin to do it's search it'll find the method now. You could accomplish this like so... define a function
运行时将会调用在你的类上调用 + (BOOL) resolveInstanceMethod:(SEL)aSEL 。这给了你一个机会去提供一个方法实现并且告诉运行时你如何解决这个方,并且如果它开始检查将会得到这个方法。你必须这样做:
void fooMethod(id obj, SEL _cmd)
 NSLog(@"Doing Foo");
you could then resolve it like so using class_addMethod()...
    if(aSEL == @selector(doFoo:)){
        class_addMethod([self class],aSEL,(IMP)fooMethod,"v@:");
        return YES;
    return [super resolveInstanceMethod];
The "v@:" in the last part of class_addMethod() is what the method is returning and it's arguments. You can see what you can put there in the













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