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Microsoft has been busy adding new tools to Office over the last few years, and Forms is one you’ll find useful if you want to create a survey, poll, quiz, or questionnaire. Let’s take a look at how it works.

过去几年中,Microsoft一直在忙于向Office添加新工具,如果要创建调查,民意测验,测验或问卷调查,则Forms是有用的工具。 让我们看看它是如何工作的。

Forms is an online-only tool that’s free to use, though you will need to sign in with a free Microsoft account. You can export all the responses to the form into Excel (also free to use online) for viewing, filtering, and reporting. If you’ve never used it, open up the Forms site and click either the big green “Get Started” button in the middle of the screen or the “Sign in” link in the top right. Sign in to your Microsoft account or create yourself a new account.

Forms是仅用于在线的工具,可免费使用,尽管您需要使用免费的Microsoft帐户登录。 您可以将对表单的所有答复导出到Excel中(也可以免费在线使用)以进行查看,过滤和报告。 如果您从未使用过它,请打开Forms站点 ,然后单击屏幕中间绿色的绿色“入门”按钮或右上角的“登录”链接。 登录到您的Microsoft帐户或创建一个新帐户。

Once you’ve done that you’ll see a splash screen if you’ve not created a form before, which you can go ahead and close.


如何建立表格 (How to Create a Form)

Forms is pretty intuitive to use, but there are some bells and whistles hidden away if you know where to look. We’re going to keep it simple by creating a basic questionnaire, so click “New Form” to start.

表单使用起来非常直观,但是如果您知道要查找的位置,则可以隐藏一些钟声。 我们将通过创建基本调查表来使其简单,因此请单击“新建表格”开始。

This opens a blank form. Click “Untitled form” and type in a name for your questionnaire.

这将打开一个空白表格。 单击“无标题的表格”,然后输入调查表的名称。

Once you’ve entered a title, you’ve got the option to add an image and a description. For now, we’re going to get straight into the questions, so click on “Add question” to get started.

输入标题后,您就可以选择添加图像和说明。 现在,我们将直接解决问题,因此请单击“添加问题”开始。

When you add a question, you can choose the question type: multiple choice, some text, a rating, or a date/time. If you click the three dots at the end, you’ll also get the option to add a ranking, a Likert scale or a Net Promoter Score question.

添加问题时,可以选择问题类型:多项选择,一些文本,评分或日期/时间。 如果单击末尾的三个点,则还可以选择添加排名,李克特量表或净发起人得分问题。

We’ll go with a multiple choice question. Click “Choice” to open a new multiple choice question.

我们将讨论一个选择题。 单击“选择”以打开一个新的多项选择问题。

Add the question and then add whatever options you want people to choose from. We’ve stuck with the default two choices, but we made the question required, so people have to choose. There’s no “Save” option in Forms, as your data is saved automatically as you go. If you want people to be able to choose more than one of the answers you list, you can select the “Multiple Answers” option.

添加问题,然后添加您希望人们选择的任何选项。 我们保留了默认的两个选择,但是我们提出了必填问题,所以人们必须选择。 表单中没有“保存”选项,因为您的数据会在您运行时自动保存。 如果希望人们能够选择列出的多个答案之一,则可以选择“多个答案”选项。

When you’re finished, you can click away from the question to see how it’ll look to people who fill it in. (Note the red star, which means anyone filling in the form is required to answer this question.)


Click “Add question” to add another question, and continue until you’ve added all the questions you want. Click the “Preview” option on the top right menu to see the whole questionnaire as your users would see it, and try entering answers to see if it works as expected.

点击“添加问题”以添加另一个问题,然后继续直到添加完所有需要的问题。 单击右上方菜单上的“预览”选项,以查看整个问卷,就像用户看到的一样,然后尝试输入答案以查看其是否按预期工作。

If you want to change the theme of the questionnaire, click the “Theme” option and pick either a solid color or background image. If you want to use a custom image for the background, there’s an “upload image” button in the bottom right.

如果要更改调查表的主题,请单击“主题”选项,然后选择纯色或背景图像。 如果要使用自定义图像作为背景,则右下角有一个“上传图像”按钮。

Before you share your form with people, there are some additional settings you can access by clicking the three dots in the top right of the page and then clicking “Settings” from the menu.


The only Settings option that’s on by default is “Accept responses.” This means that when you share the questionnaire with people, they’ll be able to fill it in.

默认情况下,唯一启用的“设置”选项是“接受响应”。 这意味着当您与他人共享调查表时,他们将能够填写调查表。

The other settings let you choose a start and end date for when people are allowed to fill in the form, whether to randomly shuffle the order of the questions for each person who opens it, whether you get an email notification when someone fills the questionnaire in, and the option to customize the default thank you message that people see when they’ve finished the questionnaire. Change these settings as you see fit, and you’re ready to share your questionnaire.

其他设置使您可以选择允许人们填写表格的开始日期和结束日期,是否随机地为打开表格的每个人随机排列问题的顺序,是否在有人填写调查表时收到电子邮件通知? ,以及用于自定义默认的“谢谢”消息的选项,人们在完成问卷后会看到这些消息。 根据需要更改这些设置,并准备好共享调查表。

Click “Share” in the top right of the page. This will give you four options to share the questionnaire with people:

点击页面右上方的“共享”。 这将为您提供四个与人共享问卷的选项:

  • A link you can copy (the default option)

  • A QR code you can download as a .png file

  • An HTML tag you can embed in a web page

  • An email that contains the link


If you work in an office that uses Office 365, you might have additional options that allow you to share the questionnaire with just people in your organization. Select whichever option you want, and share your questionnaire with people!

如果您在使用Office 365的办公室中工作,则可能有其他选项可让您仅与组织中的人员共享调查表。 选择所需的任何选项,然后与他人共享调查表!

如何查看对表格的回复 (How to View Responses to Your Form)

Once people start filling in your questionnaire, you’ll want to look at the responses. We’ll assume you’ve gone off and done other things for a while, so log back into Forms, and you’ll see your questionnaire on the front page.

人们开始填写您的调查表后,您将需要查看答复。 我们假设您已经离开并做了其他事情,所以请重新登录到Forms,然后您会在首页上看到您的问卷。

Click on it, and then on the “Responses” tab.


You can view the individual answers by clicking “View results,” or you can export all the responses to Excel.


If you want to see a summary or delete existing responses, click the three dots and choose from the menu.


That’s the basics of creating your questionnaire in Microsoft Forms. There is extra functionality for creating a quiz and branching (showing different questions based on the responder’s answers) if you want to explore more, but for most people, this introduction will cover what you need.

这是在Microsoft Forms中创建调查表的基础。 如果您想探索更多内容,可以使用额外的功能来创建测验和分支(根据响应者的答案显示不同的问题),但是对于大多数人而言,本简介将涵盖您的需求。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/400488/how-to-create-a-questionnaire-in-microsoft-forms/














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