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    Hello, World
    Command-Line Arguments
    Finding Duplicate Lines
    A Web Server
    Loose Ends
Program Structure
    Type Declarations
    Packages and Files
Basic Data Types
    Floating-Point Number
        Strings and Byte Slices
    Composite Types
    Function Declarations
    Multiple Return Values
        Error-Handling Strategies
    Function Values
    Anonymous Functions
    Variadic Functions
    Deferred Function Calls
    Method Declarations
    Methods with a Pointer Receiver
        Nil Is a Valid Receiver Value
    Composing Types by Struct Embedding
    Method Values and Expressions
    Example: Bit Vector Type
    Interfaces as Contracts
    Interface Types
    Interface Satisfaction
    Parsing Flags with flag.Value
    Interface Values
        Caveat: An Interface containing a Nil Pointer Is Non-Nil
    Sorting with sort.Interface
    The error Interface
    Type Assertions
    Type Switches
    A Few Words of Advice
Goroutines and Channels
    Example: Concurrent Clock Server
    Example: Concurrent Echo Server
        Unbuffered Channels
        Unidirectional Channel Types
        Buffered Channels
    Multiplexing with select
Concurrency with Shared Variables
    Rece Conditions
    Mutual Exclusion: sync.Mutex
    Read/Write Mutexes: sync.RWMutex
    Memory Synchronization
    Lazy Initialization: sync.Once
    The Race Detector
    Example: Concurrent Non-Blocking Cache
    Goroutines and Threads
        Growable Stacks
        Goroutine Scheduling
        Goroutines Have No Identity
Packages and the Go Tool
    Import Paths
    The Package Declaration
    Import Declarations
    Blank Imports
    Packages and Naming
    The Go Tool
        Workspace Organization
        Downloading Packages
        Documenting Packages
        Internal Packages
        Querying Packages
    The go test Tool
    Test Functions
        Randomized Testing
        White-Box Testing
        Writing Effective Tests
        Avoiding Brittle Tests
    Benchmark Functions
    Example Functions
    Why Reflection?
    reflect.Type and reflect.Value
    Setting Variables with reflect.Value
    A Word of Caution
Low-Level Programming
    unsafe.Sizeof, Alignof, and Offsetof
    Deep Equivalence
    Calling C Code with cgo
    Another Word of CautionTutorial


When you're learning a new language, there's a natural tendency to wirte code as you would have written it in a language you already know. Be aware of this bias as you learn Go and try to avoid it.

Hello, World

Package main is special. It defines a standalone executable program, not a library. Within package main the function main is also special -- it's where execution of the program begins. Whatever main does is what the program does.
Go does not require semicolons at the ends of statements or declarations, except where two or more appear on the line. In effect, newlines following certain tokens are converted into semicolons, so where newlines are placed matters to proper parsing of Go code.

Command-Line Arguments

A variable can be initialized as part of its declaration. If it is not explicitly initialized, it is implicitly initialized to the zero value for its type and the empty string "" for strings.

func main() {
    s, sep := "", ""
    for _, arg := range os.Args[1:] {
        s += sep + arg
        sep = " "

Each time around the loop, the string s gets completely new contents. The += statement makes a new string by concatenating the old string, a space character, and the next argument, then assigns the new string to s. The old contents of s are no longer in use, so they will be garbage-collected in due course.
If the amount of data involved is large, this could be costly. A simpler and more efficent solution would be to use the Join function from the strings package:

func main() {
    fmt.Println(strings.Join(os.Args[1:], " "))

Finding Duplicate Lines

The order of map iteration is not specified, but in practice it is random, varying from one run to another. This design is intentional, since it prevents programs from relying on any particular ordering where none is guaranteed.
A map is a reference to the data structure created by make. When a map is passed to a function, the function receives a copy of the reference, so any changes the called function makes to the underlying data structure will be visible through the caller's map reference too.

A Web Server

Go allows a simple statement such as a local variable declaration to precede the if condition, which is a particularly useful for error handling in this example.

if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil {

We could have written it as

err := r.ParseForm()
if err != nil {

but combining the statements is shorter and reduces the scope of the variable err, which is good practice.

Loose Ends

The switch statement, which is a multi-way branch. Cases are evaluated from top to bottom, so the first matching one is executed. The optional default case matches if none of the other cases does; it may be placed anywhere. Cases do not fall through from one to the next as in C-like languages.

Program Structure


If an entity is declared within a function, it is local to that function. If declared outside of a function, however, it is visible in all files of the package to which it belongs. The case of the first letter of a name determines its visibility across package boundaries. If the name begins with an upper-case letter, it is exported, which means that it is visible and accessible outside of its own package and may be referred to by other parts of the program, as with Printf in the fmt package. Package names themselves are always in lower case.


A declaration names a program entity and specifies some or all of its properties. There is four major kinds of declarations: var, const, type, and func.


A var declaration has the general form

var name type = expression

Either the type or the = expression part may be omitted, but not both. If the type is omitted, it is determined by the initializer expression. If the expression is omitted, the initial value is the zero value for the type, which is 0 for numbers, false for booleans, "" for strings, and nil for interfaces and reference types (slice, pointer, map, channel, function). The zero value of an aggregate type like an array or a struct has the zero value of all of its elements or fields. The zero-value mechanism ensures that a variable always holds a well-defined value of its type; in Go there is no such thing as an uninitializd variable.
A var declaration tends to be reserved for local variables that need an explicit type that differs from that of the initializer expression, or for when the variable will be assigned a value later and its initial value is unimportant.
Keep in mind that := is a declaration, whereas = is assignment. A multi-variable declaration「i, j := 0, 1」 should not be confused with a tuple assignment, in which each variable on the left-hand side is assigned the corresponding value from the right-hand side:

i, j = j, i // swap values of i and j

It is perfectly safe for a function to return the address of a local variable. For instance, in the code below, the local variable v created by this particular call to f will remain in existence even after the call has returned, and the pointer p will still refer to it:

var p = f()

func f() *int {
    v := 1
    return &v

Each call of f returns a distinct value: 「fmt.Println(f() == f()) // "false"」
Since new is a predeclared fuction, not a keyword, it's possible to redefine the name for something else within a function, for example: 「func delta(old, new int) int { return new - old }」
How does the garbage collector know that a variable's storage can be reclaimed? The full story is much more detailed than we need here, but the basic idea is that every package-level variable, and every local variable of each currently active function, can potentially be the start or root of a path to the variable in question, following pointers and other kinds of references that ultimately lead to the variable. If no such path exists, the variable has become unreachable, so it can no longer affect the rest of the computation.
Because the lifetime of a variable is determined only by whether or not it is reachable, a local variable may outlive a single iteration of the enclosing loop. It may continue to exist even after its enclosing function has returned.
A compiler may choose to allocate local variables on the heap or on the stack but, perhaps surprisingly, this choice is not determined by whether var or new was used to declare the variable.

var global *int

func f() {                          func g() {
    var x int                           y := new(int)
    x = 1                               *y = 1
    global = &x                     }

Here, x must be heap-allocated because it is still reachable from the variable global after f has returned, despite being declared as a local variable; we say x escapes from f. Conversely, when g returns, the variable *y becomes unreachable and can be recycled. Since *y does not escape from g, it's safe for the compiler to allocate *y on the stack, even though it was allocated with new. In any case, the notion of escaping is not something that you need to worry about in order to wirte correct code, though it's good to keep in mind during performance optimization, since each variable that escapes requires an extra memory allocation.
Garbage collection is a tremendous help in writing correct programs, but it does not relieve you of the burden of thinking about memory. You don't need to explicitly allocate and free memory, but to write efficient programs you still need to be aware of the lifetime of variables. For example, keeping unnecessary pointers to short-lived objects within long-lived objects, especially global variables, will prevent the garbage collector from reclaiming the short-lived objects.


Another form of assignment, known as tuple assignment, allows serveral variables to be assigned at once. All of the right-hand side expressions are evaluated before any of the variables are updated, making this form most useful when some of the variables appear on both sides of the assignment, as happens, for example, when swapping the values of two variables:

x, y = y, x
a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i]

or when computing the gratest common divisor(GCD) of two integers:

func gcd(x, y int) int {
    for y != 0 {
        x, y = y, x%y
    return x

or when computing the n-th Fibonacci number iteratively:

func fib(n int) int {
    x, y := 0, 1
    for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
        x, y = y, x+y
    return x

Type Declarations

A type declaration defines a new named type that has the same underlying type as an existing type. The named type provides a way to seperate different and perhaps incompatible uses of the underlying type so that they can't be mixed unintentionally.

type name underlying-type

Type declarations most often appear at package level, where the named type is visible through-out the package, and if the name is exported(it starts with an upper-case letter), it's accessible from other package as well.
For every type T, there is a corresponding conversion operation T(x) that converts the value x to Type T.
Named types also make it possible to define new behavious for values of the type. These behaviors are expressed as a set of functions associated with the type, called the type's methods.
The declaration below, in which the Celsius parameter c appears before the function name, associates with the Celsius type a method named String that returns c's numeric value followed by ℃:

func (c Celsius) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%g℃", c) }

Many types declare a String method of this form because it controls how values of the type appear when printed as a string by the fmt package.

Packages and Files

Packages also let us hide information by controlling which names are visible outside the package, or exported. In Go, a simple rule governs which identifiers are exported and which are not: exported identifiers start with an upper-case letter.
Any file may contain any number of functions whose declaration is just

func init() { /* ... */ }

Such init function can't be called or referenced, but otherwise they are normal functions. Within each file, init functions are automatically executed when the program starts, in the order in which they are declared.
One package is initialized at a time, in the order of imports in the program, dependencies first, so a package p importing q can be sure that q is fully initialized before p's initialization begins. Initialization proceeds from the bottom up; the main package is the last to be initialized. In this manner, all packages are fully initialized before the application's main function begins.


Don't confuse scope with lifetime. The scope of a declaration is a region of the program text; it is a compile-time property. The lifetime of a variable is the range of time during execution when the variable can be referred to by other parts of the program; it is a run-time property.
When the compiler encounters a reference to a name, it looks for a declaration, starting with the innermost enclosing lexical block and working up to the universe block. If the compiler finds no declaration, it reports an "undeclared name" error. If a name is declared in both an outer block and an inner block, the inner declaration will be found first. In that case, the inner declaration is said to shadow or hide the outer one, making it inaccessible.

Basic Data Types

Go's types fall into four categories: basic types, aggregate types, reference types, and interface types.


The type rune is an synonym for int32 and conventionally indicates that a value is a Unicode code point. The tow names may used interchangeably. Similarly, the type byte is an synonym for uint8, and emphasizes that the value is a piece of raw data rather than a small numeric quantity.
There is an unsigned integer type uintptr, whose width is not specified but is sufficient to hold all the bits of a pointer value. The uintptr type is used only for low-level programming, such as at the boundary of a Go program with a C library or an operating system.
The &^ operator is bit clear (AND NOT): in the expression z = x &^ y, each bit of z is 0 if the corresponding bit of y is 1; otherwise it equals the corresponding bit of x.
Arithmetically, a left shift x<<n is equivalent to multiplication by 2^n and a right shift x>>n is equivalent to the floor of division by 2^n.
Left shifts fill the vacated bits with zeros, as do right shifts of unsigned number, but right shift of signed numbers fill the vacated bits with copies of the sign bit. For this reason, it is important to use unsigned arithmetic when you're treating an integer as a bit pattern.
Float to integer conversion discards any fractional part, truncating toward zero. You should avoid conversions in which the operand is out of range for the target type, because the behavior depends on the implementation.
Rune literals are written as a character within single quotes. The simplest example is an ASCII character like 'a', but it's possible to write any Unicode code point either directly or with numeric escapes. Rune are printed with %c, or with %q if quoting is desired:

ascii := 'a'
unicode := '国'
newline := '\n'
fmt.Printf("%d %[1]c %[1]q\n", ascii) // 97 a 'a'
fmt.Printf("%d %[1]c %[1]q\n", unicode) // 22269 国 '国'
fmt.Printf("%d %[1]q\n", newline) // 10 '\n

Floating-Point Number

A float32 provides approximately six decimal digits of precision, whereas a float64 provides about 15 digits; float64 should be preferred for most purpose because float32 computations accumulate error rapidly unless one is quit careful, and the smallest positive integer that cannot be exactly represented as a float32 is not large:

var f float32 = 16777216 // 1 << 24
fmt.Println(f == f+1) // "true"!


Boolean values can be combined with the &&(AND) and ||(OR) operators, which have short-circuit behavior: if the answer is already determined by the value of the left operand, the right operand is not evaluated, making it safe to write expressions like this: if s != "" && s[0] == 'x', where s[0] would panic if applied to an empty string.
Since && have higher precedence that ||, no parentheses are required for conditions of this form:

if 'a' <= c && c <= 'z' ||
    'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' ||
    '0' <= c && c <= '9' {
    // ...ASCII letter or digit...


The substring operation s[i:j] yields a new string consisting of the bytes of the original string starting at index i and continuing up to, but not including, the byte at index j. The result contains j-i bytes.
Either or both of the i and j operands may be omitted, in which case the default values of 0(the start of the string) and len(s)(its end) are assumed, respectively.
The + operator makes a new string by concatenating two strings.
Strings may be compared with comparison operators like == and <; the comparison is done byte by byte, so the result is the natural lexicographic ordering.
A string is an immutable sequence of bytes: the byte sequence contained in a string value can never be changed, though of course we can assign a new value to a string variable. To append one string to another, for instance, we can write

s := "left foot"
t := s
s += ", right foot"

This does not modify the string that s originally held but causes s to hold the new string formed by += statement; meanwhile, t still contains the old string.

fmt.Println(s) // "left foot, right foot"
fmt.Println(t) // "left foot"

Since strings are immutable, constructions that try to modify a string's data in place are not allow: s[0] = 'L' // compile error: cannot assign to s[0]
Immutability means that it is safe for two copies of a string to share the same underlying memory, making it cheap to copy string of any length. Similarly, a string s and a substring like s[7:] may safely share the same data, so the substring operation is also cheap. No new memory is allocated in either case.
Because Go source files are always encoded in UTF-8 and Go text strings are conventionally interpreted as UTF-8, we can include Unicode code points in string literals.
A raw string literal is written `...`, using backquotes instead of double quotes. Within a raw string literal, no escape sequences are processed; the contents are taken literally, including backslashes and newlines, so a raw string literal may spread over several lines in the program source. The only processing is that carriage returns are deleted so that the value of the string is the same on all platforms, including those that conventionally put carriage returns in text files. Raw string literals are a convenient way to write regular expressions, which tend to have lots of backslashes. They are also useful for HTML templates, JSON literals, command usage messages, and the like, which often extend over multiple lines.

const GoUsage = `Go is a tool for managing Go source code.

    go command [arguments]

Thanks to the nice properties of UTF-8, many string operations don't require decoding. We can test whether one string contains another as a prefix, or as a suffix, or as a substring:

func HasPrefix(s, prefix string) bool {
    return len(s) >= len(prefix) && s[:len(prefix)] == prefix

func HasSuffix(s, suffix string) bool {
    return len(s) >= len(suffix) && s[len(s)-len(suffix):] == suffix

func Contains(s, substr string) bool {
    for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
        if HasPrefix(s[i:], substr) {
            return true
    return false

using the same logic for UTF-8-encoded text as for raw bytes. This is not true for other encodings.

Strings and Byte Slices

Four standard packages are particularly important for manipulating strings: bytes, strings, strconv, and unicode. The strings package provides many functions for searching, replacing, comparing, trimming, splitting, and joining strings.
The bytes package has similar functions for manipulating slices of bytes, of type []byte, which share some properties with strings. Because strings are immutable, building up strings incrementally can involve a lot of allocation and copying. In such cases, it's more efficient to use the bytes.Buffer type.
The strconv package provides functions for converting boolean, integer, and floating-point values to and from their string representations, and functions for quoting and unquoting strings.
The unicode package provides functions like IsDigit, IsLetter, IsUpper, and IsLower for classifying runes. Each function takes a single rune argument and returns a boolean. Conversion functions like ToUpper and ToLower convert a rune into the given case if it is a letter. All these functions use the Unicode standard categories for letters, digits, and so on. The strings package has similar functions, also called ToUpper and ToLower, that return a new string with the specified transformation applied to each character of the original string.
The basename function below was inspired by the Unix shell utility of the same name. In our version, basename(s) removes any prefix of s that looks like a file system path with components separated by slashes, and it removes any suffix that looks like a file type:

fmt.Println(basename("a/b/c.go")) // "c"
fmt.Println(basename("c.d.go")) // "c.d"
fmt.Println(basename("abc")) // "abc"

The first version of basename does all the work without the help of libraries:

// basename removes directory components and a .suffix.
// e.g., a => a, a.go => a, a/b/c.go => c, a/b.c.go => b.c
func basename(s string) string {
    // Discard last '/' and everything before.
    for i := len(s) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
        if s[i] == '/' {
            s = s[i+1:]
    // Preserve everything before last '.'.
    for i := len(s) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
        if s[i] == '.' {
            s = s[:i]
    return s

A simpler vision uses the strings.LastIndex library function:

func basename(s string) string {
    slash := strings.LastIndex(s, "/") // -1 if "/" not found
    s = s[slash+1:]
    if dot := strings.LastIndex(s, "."); dot >= 0 {
        s = s[:dot]
    return s

Let's continue with another substring example. The task is to take a string representation of an integer, such as "12345", and insert commas every three places, as in "12,345". This version only works for integers:

// comma inserts commas in a non-negative decimal integer string.
func comma(s string) string {
    n := len(s)
    if n <= 3 {
        return s
    return comma(s[:n-3]) + "," + s[n-3:]

A string contains an array of bytes that, once created, is immutable. By contrast, the elements of a byte slice can be freely modified.
Strings can be converted to byte slices and back again:

s := "abc"
b := []byte(s)
s2 := string(b)

Conceptually, the []byte(s) conversion allocates a new byte array holding a copy of the bytes of s, and yields a slice that references the entirety of that array. An optimizing compiler may be able to avoid the allocation and copying in some cases, but in general copying is required to ensure that the bytes of s remain unchanged even if those of b are subsequently modified. The conversion from byte slice back to string with string(b) also makes a copy, to ensure immutability of the resulting string s2.
The bytes package provides the Buffer type for efficient manipulation of byte slices. A Buffer starts out empty but grows as data of types like string, byte, and []byte are written to it. As the example below show, a bytes.Buffer variable requires no initialization because its zero value is usable:

// intsToString is like fmt.Sprintf(values) but adds commas.
func intsToString(values []int) string {
    var buf bytes.Buffer
    for i, v := range values {
        if i > 0 {
            buf.WriteString(", ")
        fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%d", v)
    return buf.String()

func main() {
    fmt.Println(intsToString([]int{1, 2, 3})) // "[1, 2, 3]"

When appending the UTF-8 encoding of an arbitrary rune to a bytes.Buffer, it's best to user bytes.Buffer's WriteRune method, but WriteByte is fine for ASCII characters such as '[' and ']'.
The bytes.Buffer type is extremely versatile, and when we discuss interfaces, we'll see how it may be used as a replacement for a file whenever an I/O function requires a sink for bytes (io.Writer) as Fprintf does above, or a source of bytes(io.Reader).

Composite Types

In this chapter, we'll take about four composite types — arrays, slices, maps, and structs.
Arrays and structs are aggregate types; their values are concatenations of other values in memory. Arrays are homogeneous — their elements all have the same type — whereas structs are heterogeneous. Both arrays and structs are fixed size. In contrast, slices and maps are dynamic data structures that grow as values are added.


In an array literal, if an ellipsis "..." appears in place of the length, the array length is determined by the number of initializers. The definition of q can be simplified to

q := [...]int{1, 2, 3}
fmt.Printf("%T\n", q) // [3]int

The size of an array is part of its type, so [3]int and [4]int are different types. The size must be a constant expression, that is, an expression whose value can be computed as the program is being compiled.
If an array's element type is comparable then the array type is comparable too, so we may directly compare two arrays of that type using the == operator, which reports whether all corresponding elements are equal. The != operator is it's negation.

a := [2]int{1, 2}
b := [...]int{1, 2}
c := [2]int{1, 3}
fmt.Println(a == b, a == c, b == c) // true false false
d := [3]int{1, 2}
fmt.Println(a == d) // compile error: mismatched types [2]int and [3]int


A slice has three componets: a pointer, a length, and a capacity. The pointer points to the first elements of the array that is reachable through the slice. The length is the number of slice elements, it can't exceed the capacity, which is usually the number of elements between the start of the slice and the end of the underlying array. The built-in functions len and cap return those values.
Multiple slices can share the same underlying array and may refer to overlapping parts of that array.
Slicing beyond cap(s) causes a panic, but slicing beyond len(s) extends the slice, so the result may be longer than the original.
Since a slice contains a pointer to an element of an array, passing a slice to a function permits the function to modify the underlying array elements.
Unlike arrays, slice are not comparable, so we cannot use == to test whether two slices contain the same elements. The standard library provides the highly optimized bytes.Equal function for comparing two slices of bytes ([[byte), but for other type of slice, we must do the comparison ourselves:

func equal(x, y []string) bool {
    if len(x) != len(y) {
        return false
    for i := range x {
        if x[i] != y[i] {
            return false
    return true

The zero value of a slice type is nil. A nil slice has no underlying array. The nil slice has length and capacity zero, but there are also non-nil slices of length and capacity zero, such as []int{} or make([]int, 3)[3:]. As with any type that can have nil values, the nil value of a particular slice type can be written using a conversion expression such as []int(nil).

var s []int // len(s) == 0, s == nil
s = nil // len(s) == 0, s == nil
s = []int(nil) // len(s) == 0, s == nil
s = []int{} // len(s) == 0, s != nil

So if you need to test whether a slice is empty, use len(s) == 0, not s == nil.
The built-in function make creates a slice of a specified element type, length, and capacity. The capacity argument may be omitted, in which case the capacity equals the length.

make([]T, len)
make([]T, len, cap) // same as make([]T, cap)[:len]

Under the hood, make creates an unnamed array variable and return a slice of it; the array is accessible only through the returned slice. In the first form, the slice is a view of the entire array. In the second, the slice is a view of only the array's first len elements, but its capacity includes the entire array. The additional elements are set aside for future growth.
The built-in append function appends items to slices:

var runes []rune
for _, r := range "Hello, 世界" {
    runes = append(runes, r)
fmt.Printf("%q\n", runes) // ['H' 'e' 'l' 'l' 'o' ',' ' ' '世' '界']

The append function is crucial to understanding how slices work, so let's take a look at what is going on. Here's a version called appendInt that is specialized for []int slices:

func appendInt(x []int, y int) []int {
    var z []int
    zlen := len(x) + 1
    if zlen <= cap(x) {
        // There is room to grow. Extend the slice.
        z = x[:zlen]
    } else {
        // There is insufficient space. Allocate a new array.
        // Grow by doubling, for amortized linear complexity.
        zcap := zlen
        if zcap < 2*len(x) {
            zcap = 2 * len(x)
        z = make([]int, zlen, zcap)
        copy(z, x) // a built-in function; see text
    z[len(x)] = y
    return z

For efficiency, the new array is usually somewhat larger than the minimum needed to hold x and y. Expanding the array by doubling its size at each expansion avoids an excessive number of allocations and ensures that appending a single element takes constant time on average. This program demonstrates the effect:

func main() {
    var x, y []int
    for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
        y = appendInt(x, i)
        fmt.Printf("%d\tcap=%d\t%v\n", i, cap(y), y)
        x = y

Each change in capacity indicates an allocation and a copy:

0       cap=1   [0]
1       cap=2   [0 1]
2       cap=4   [0 1 2]
3       cap=4   [0 1 2 3]
4       cap=8   [0 1 2 3 4]
5       cap=8   [0 1 2 3 4 5]
6       cap=8   [0 1 2 3 4 5 6]
7       cap=8   [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7]
8       cap=16  [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8]
9       cap=16  [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]

The built-in append function may use a more sophisticated growth strategy than appendInt's simplistic one. Usually we don't know whether a given call to append will cause a reallocation, so we can't assume that the original slice refers to the same array as the resulting slice, nor that it refers to a different one. Similarly, we must not assume that operations on elements of the old slice will (or will not) be reflected in the new slice. As a result, it's usual to assign the result of a call to append to the same slice variable whose value we passed to append:runes = append(runes, r)
Updating the slice variable is required not just when calling append, but for any function that may change the length or capacity of a slice or make it refer to a different underlying array. To use slices correctly, it's important to bear in mind that although the elements of the underlying array are indirect, the slices's pointer, length, and capacity are not. To update them requires an assignment like the one above. In this respect, slices are not "pure" reference types but resemble an aggregate type such as this struct:

type IntSlice struct {
    ptr *int
    len, cap int

Our appendInt function adds a single element to a slice, but the built-in append lets us add more that one new element, or even a whole silce of them.

var x []int
x = append(x, 1)
x = append(x, 2, 3)
x = append(x, 4, 5, 6)
x = append(x, x...) // append the slice x
fmt.Println(x) // [1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6]

With the small modification shown below, we can match the behavior of the built-in append. The ellipsis "..." in the declaration of appendInt makes the function variadic: it accepts any number of final arguments. The corresponding ellipsis in the call above to append shows how to supply a list of arguments from a slice. We'll explain the mechanism in detail in next chapter.

func appendInt(x []int, y ...int) []int {
    var z []int
    zlen := len(x) + len(y)
    // ...expand z to at lease zlen...
    copy(z[len(x):], y)
    return z

The logic to expand z's underlying array remains unchanged and is not shown.
Let's see more example of functions that. Given a list of strings, the nonempty function returns the non-empty ones:

// Nonempty is an example of an in-place slice algorithm.
package main

import (

// nonempty returns a slice holding only the non-empty strings.
// The underlying array is modified during the call.
func nonempty(strings []string) []string {
    i := 0
    for _, s := range strings {
        if s != "" {
            strings[i] = s
    return strings[:i]

The subtle part is that the input slice and the output slice share the same underlying array. This avoids the need to allocate another array, though of course the contents of data are partly overwritten, as evidenced by the second print statement:

data := []string{"one", "", "three"}
fmt.Printf("%q\n", nonempty(data)) // ["one" "three"]
fmt.Printf("%q\n", data) // ["one" "three" "three"]

Thus we would usually write: data = nonempty(data)
The nonempty function can also be written using append:

func nonempty2(strings []string) []string {
    out := strings[:0] // zero-length slice of original
    for _, s := range strings {
        if s != "" {
            out = append(out, s)
    return out

A slice can be used to implement a stack. Given an initially empty slice stack, we can push a new value onto the end of the slice with append:

stack = append(stack, v) // push v

The top of the stack is the last element:

top := stack[len(stack)-1] // top of stack

and shrinking the stack by popping that element is

stack = stack[:len(stack)-1] // pop

To remove an element from the middle of a slice, preserving the order of the remaining elements, use copy to slide the higher-numbered elements down by one to fill the gap:

func remove(slice []int, i int) []int {
    copy(slice[i:], slice[i+1:])
    return slice[:len(slice)-1]

func main() {
    s := []int{5, 6, 7, 8, 9}
    fmt.Println(remove(s, 2)) // [5 6 8 9]

And if we don't need to preserve the order, we can just move the last element into the gap:

func remove2(slice []int, i int) []int {
    slice[i] = slice[len(slice)-1]
    return slice[:len(slice)-1]
func main() {
    s := []int{5, 6, 7, 8, 9}
    fmt.Println(remove2(s, 2)) // [5 6 9 8]


The built-in function make can be used to create a map:

ages := make(map[string]int) // mapping from strings to ints

We can also use a map literal to create a new map populated with some initial key/value pairs:

ages := map[string]int{
    "alice": 31,
    "charlie": 34,

This is equivalent to

ages := make(map[string]int) // mapping from strings to ints
ages["alice"] = 31
ages["charlie"] = 34

so an alternative expression for a new empty map is map[string]int{}.
Map elements are accessed through the usual subscript notation, and removed with the built-in function delete:

delete(ages, "alice") // remove element ages["alice"]

All of these operations are safe even if the element isn't in the map; a map lookup using a key that isn't present returns the zero value for its type, so, for instance, the following works even when "bob" is not yet a key in the map because the value of ages["bob"] will be 0.

ages["bob"] = ages["bob"] + 1

The shorthand assignment forms x += y and x++ also work for map elements, so we can rewrite the statement above as ages["bob"] += 1, even more concisely as ages["bob"]++
Accessing a map element by subscripting always yield a value. If the key is present in the map, you get the corresponding value; if not, you get the zero value for element type, as we saw with ages["bob"]. For many purposes that's fine, but sometimes you need to know whether the element was really there or not. For example, if the element type is numeric, you might have to distinguish between a nonexistent element and an element that happens to have the value zero, using a test like this:

age, ok := ages["bob"]
if !ok { /* "bob" is not a key in this map; age == 0. */ }

You'll often see these two statements combined, like this:

if age, ok := ages["bob"]; !ok { /* ... */ }

Subscripting a map in this context yields two values; the second is a boolean that reports whether the element was present. The boolean variable is often called ok, especially if it is immediately used in an if condition.
The order of map iteration is unspecified, and different implementations might use a different hash function, leading to a different ordering. In practice, the order is random. This is intentional; making the sequence vary helps force programs to be robust across implementations.
The statement below creates a slice that is initially empty but has sufficient capacity to hold all the keys of the ages map:

names := make([]string, 0, len(ages))

As with slices, maps cannot be compared to each other; the only legal comparison is with nil. To test whether two maps contain the same keys and the same associated values, we must write a loop:

func equal(x, y map[string]int) bool {
    if len(x) != len(y) {
        return false
    for k, xv := range x {
        if yv, ok := y[k]; !ok || yv != xv {
            return false
    return true

Observe how we use !ok to distinguish the "missing" and "present but zero" cases.
Go does not provide a set type, but since the keys of a map are distinct, a map can serve this purpose. To illustrate, the below program reads a sequence of lines and prints only the first occurrence of each distinct line. The program uses a map whose keys represent the set of lines that have already appeared to ensure that subsequent occurrences are not printed.

func main() {
    seen := make(map[string]bool) // a set of strings

    input := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
    for input.Scan() {
        line := input.Text()
        if !seen[line] {
            seen[line] = true

    if err := input.Err(); err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "dedup: %v\n", err)

Here's another example of maps in action, a program that counts the occurrences of each distinct Unicode code point in its input. Since there are a large number of possible characters, only a small fraction of which would appear in any particular document, a map in a natural way to keep track of just the ones that have been seen and their corresponding counts.

// Charcount computes counts of Unicode characters.
package main

import (

func main() {
    counts := make(map[rune]int) // counts of Unicode characters
    var utflen [utf8.UTFMax + 1]int // count of lengths of UTF-8 encodings
    invalid := 0 // count of invalid UTF-8 characters

    in := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
    for {
        r, n, err := in.ReadRune() // returns rune, nbytes, error
        if err == io.EOF {
        if err != nil {
            fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "charcount: %v\n", err)
        if r == unicode.ReplacementChar && n == 1 {

    for c, n := range counts {
        fmt.Printf("%q\t%d\n", c, n)
    for i, n := range utflen {
        if i > 0 {
            fmt.Printf("%d\t%d\n", i, n)
    if invalid > 0 {
        fmt.Printf("\n%d invalid UTF-8 characters\n", invalid)


The name of a struct field is exported if it begins with a capital letter; this is Go's main access control mechanism. A struct type may contain a mixture of exported and unexported fields.
Let's see how to uses a binary tree to implement an insertion sort:

package main

import (

type tree struct {
    value int
    left, right *tree

// Sort sorts values in place.
func Sort(values []int) {
    var root *tree
    for _, v := range values {
        root = add(root, v)
    appendValues(values[:0], root)

// appendValues appends the elements of t to values in order
// and returns the resulting slice.
func appendValues(values []int, t *tree) []int {
    if t != nil {
        values = appendValues(values, t.left)
        values = append(values, t.value)
        values = appendValues(values, t.right)
    return values

func add(t *tree, value int) *tree {
    if t == nil {
        // Equivalent to return &tree{value: value}.
        t = new(tree)
        t.value = value
        return t
    if value < t.value {
        t.left = add(t.left, value)
    } else {
        t.right = add(t.right, value)
    return t

func main() {
    arr := []int{1, 2, 0, -3, 5, 9, 8, 8, 3, 3, 1}
    fmt.Println(arr) // [-3 0 1 1 2 3 3 5 8 8 9]

A value of a struct type can be written using a struct literal that specifies values for its fields.

type Point struct { X, Y int }
p := Point{1, 2}

There are two forms of struct literal. The first form, show above, requires that a value be specified for every field, in the right order. It burdens the writer(and reader) with remembering exactly what the field are, and it makes the code fragile should the set of fields later grow or be reordered.
More often, the second form is used, in which a struct value is initialized by listing some or all of the field names and their corresponding values:

p := Point{ Y: 2, X: 1}

If a field is omitted in this kind of literal, it is set to the zero value for its type. Because names are provided, the order of fields doesn't matter.
The two forms cannot be mixed in the same literal.
Struct values can be passed as arguments to functions and returned from them. For instance, this function scales a Point by a specified factor:

func Scale(p Point, factor int) Point {
    return Point{p.X * factor, p.Y * factor}
fmt.Println(Scale(Point{1, 2}, 5)) // {5, 10}

For efficiency, larger struct types are usually passed to or returned from functions indirectly using a pointer,

func Bonus(e *Employee, percent int) int {
    return e.Salary * percent / 100

and this is required if the function must modify its argument, since in a call-by-value language like Go, the called function receives only a copy of an argument, not a reference to the original argument.
Because structs are so commonly dealt with through pointers, it's possible to use this shorthand notation to create and initialize a struct variable and obtain its address:

pp := &Point{1, 2}

It is exactly equivalent to

pp := new(point)
*pp = Point{1, 2}

but &Point{1, 2} can be used directly within an expression, such as a function call.
If all the fields of a struct are comparable, the struct itself is comparable, so two expressions of that type may be compared using == or !=. Comparable struct types, like other comparable types, may be used as the key type of a map.

type address struct {
    hostname string
    port int
hits := make(map[address]int)
hits[address{"golang.org", 443}]++


A JSON object is a mapping from strings to values, written as a sequence of name:value pairs separated by commas and surrounded by braces.
Consider an application that gathers movie reviews and offers recommendations. Its Movie data type and a typical list of values are declared below.

package main

import (

type Movie struct {
    Title string
    Year int `json:"released"`
    Color bool `json:"color,omitempty"`
    Actors []string

var movies = []Movie{
    {Title: "Casablanca", Year: 1942, Color: false,
        Actors: []string{"Humphrey Bogart", "Ingrid Bergman"}},
    {Title: "Cool Hand Luke", Year: 1967, Color: true,
        Actors: []string{"Paul Newman"}},
    {Title: "Bullitt", Year: 1968, Color: true,
        Actors: []string{"Steve McQueen", "Jacqueline Bisset"}},

func main() {
    // data, err := json.Marshal(movies)
    // if err != nil {
    //  log.Fatalf("JSON marshaling failed: %s", err)
    // }
    // fmt.Printf("%s\n", data) // [{"Title":"Casablanca","released":1942,"Actors":["Humphrey Bogart","Ingrid Bergman"]},{"Title":"Cool Hand Luke","released":1967,"color":true,"Actors":["Paul Newman"]},{"Title":"Bullitt","released":1968,"color":true,"Actors":["Steve McQueen","Jacqueline Bisset"]}]

    data, err := json.MarshalIndent(movies, "", "\t")
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("JSON marshaling failed: %s", err)
    fmt.Printf("%s\n", data)
                    "Title": "Casablanca",
                    "released": 1942,
                    "Actors": [
                            "Humphrey Bogart",
                            "Ingrid Bergman"
                    "Title": "Cool Hand Luke",
                    "released": 1967,
                    "color": true,
                    "Actors": [
                            "Paul Newman"
                    "Title": "Bullitt",
                    "released": 1968,
                    "color": true,
                    "Actors": [
                            "Steve McQueen",
                            "Jacqueline Bisset"

Data structures like this are an excellent fit for JSON, and it's easy to convert in both directions. Converting a Go data structure like movies to JSON is called marshaling. Marshal produces a byte slice containing a very long string with no extraneous white space. This compact representation contains all the information but it's hard to read. For human consumption, a variant called json.MarshalIndent produces neatly indented output. Two additional arguments define a prefix for each line of output and a string for each level of indentation. Marshalling uses the Go struct field names as the field names for the JSON objects(through reflection). Only exported fields are marshaled, which is why we chose capitalized names for all the Go field names.
You may have noticed that the name of the Year field changed to released in the output, and Color changed to color. That's because of the field tags. A field tag is a string of metadata associated at compile time with the field of a struct. A field tag may be any literal string, but it is conventionally interpreted as a space-separated list of key:"value" pairs; since they contain double quotation marks, field tags are usually written with raw string literals. The json key controls the behavior the encoding/json package, and other encoding/... packages follow this convention. The first part of the json field tag specifies an alternative JSON name for the Go field. Field tags are often used to specify an idiomatic JSON name like total_count for a Go field named TotalCount. The tag for Color has an additonal option, omitempty, which indicates that no JSON output should be produced if the field has the zero value for its type(false, here) or is otherwise empty. Sure enough, the JSON output for Casablanca, a black-and-white movie, has no color field.
The inverse operation to marshaling, decoding JSON and populating a Go data structure, is called unmarshaling, and it is done by json.Unmarshal. The code below unmarshals the JSON movie data into a slice of structs whose only field is Title. By defining suitable Go data structures in this way, we can select which parts of the JSON input to decode and which to discard. When Unmarshal returns, it has filled in the slice with the Title information; other names in the JSON are ignored.

var titles []struct{ Title string }
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &titles); err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("JSON unmarshaling failed: %s", err)
fmt.Println(titles) // [{Casablanca} {Cool Hand Luke} {Bullitt}]

Many web services provide a JSON interface—make a request with HTTP and back comes the desired information in JSON format. To illustrate, let's query the GitHub issue tracker using its web-service interface, let's see two file: github.go and issues.go

// Package github provides a Go API for the GitHub issue tracker.
// See https://developer.github.com/v3/search/#search-issues.
package github

import (

const IssuesURL = "https://api.github.com/search/issues"

type IssuesSearchResult struct {
    TotalCount int `json:"total_count"`
    Items []*Issue

type Issue struct {
    Number int
    HTMLURL string `json:"html_url"`
    Title string
    State string
    User *User
    CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"`
    Body string // in Markdown format

type User struct {
    Login string
    HTMLURL string `json:"html_url"`

// SearchIssues queries the GitHub issue tracker.
func SearchIssues(terms []string) (*IssuesSearchResult, error) {
    q := url.QueryEscape(strings.Join(terms, " "))
    resp, err := http.Get(IssuesURL + "?q=" + q)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    // we must close resp.Body on all execution paths.
    // (Chapter 5 presents 'defer', which makes this simpler.)
    if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("Search query failed: %s", resp.Status)

    var result IssuesSearchResult
    if err := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&result); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return &result, nil
// Issues prints a table of GitHub issues matching the search terms.
package main

import (


func main() {
    result, err := github.SearchIssues(os.Args[1:])
    if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("%d issues:\n", result.TotalCount)
    for _, item := range result.Items {
        fmt.Printf("#%-5d %9.9s %.55s\n",
            item.Number, item.User.Login, item.Title)
Star-Wars:ch4 Jiang_Hu$ go run issues.go is:open json decoder
5407 issues:
#851   supercool JSON Parser and Decoder
#21    abraithwa Support `json.RawMessage` and `json.Decoder.UseNumber`
#461    mbrucher json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Invalid control character
#5        miikka Decoder options
#170     durack1 JSON decoder timestamp error
#5     MazeChaZe Custom decoder
#36    billchenx json.decoder.JSONDecodeError
#10    jimfulton Make JSON encoder/decoder configurable.
#31        kozo2 JSONDecodeError with Python36 json decoder
#22        amitu automatic Json.Decode.Decoder out of schema?
#15    MazeChaZe Reimplement object decoder using TypeScript mapped type
#3569  stolowski snapd, snapctl: use json Decoder instead of Unmarshall
#25000  tvolkert JSON decoder should support lenient parsing
#23     keleshev JSON decoder example
#3       szarsti consider jsone as json decoder
#287   NausJessy Adds a Double decoder.
#16    vipulasri json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
#111     marrony Adds java encoder/decoder for user types
#93       twhume JSON decoder error on startup, fixed by restarting serv
#23    Guillaum- Add BMT/FMT decoder elements (fitter, banks, ccdb confi
#20567 schmichae encoding/json: reduce allocations by Decoder for \uXXXX
#2          si14 JSON encoder/decoder behaviour
#4        vbraun Crash in JSON decoder
#4     beatgammi Streaming decoder
#1     HelloW0r1 json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 c
#2416  ArunNairI jupyter notebook list - json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
#77    binary132 RTMEvent Decoder?
#28     teodorlu `original` decoder uses `Json.Decode.Pipeline` without
#2     sinisters Make JSON Decoder more lenient
#1532  perfectwe decoder error
Star-Wars:ch4 Jiang_Hu$


Function Declarations

A function declaration has a name, a list of parameters, an optional list of results, and a body:

func name(parameter-list) (result-list) {

A function that has a result list must end with a return statement unless execution clearly cannot reach the end of the function, perhaps because the function ends with a call to panic or an infinite for loop with no break.
The type of a function is sometimes called its signature. Two functions have the same type or signature if they have the same sequence of parameter types and the same sequence of result types. The names of parameters and results don't affect the type, nor does whether or not they ware declared using the factored form.
Every function call must provide an argument for each parameter, in the order in which the parameters were declared. Go has no concept of default parameter values, nor any way to specify arguments by name, so the names of parameters and results don't matter to the caller except as documentation.
Arguments are passed by value, so the function receives a copy of each argument; modifications to the copy do not affect the caller. However, if the argument contains some kind of reference, like a pointer, slice, map, function, or channel, then the caller may be affected by any modifications the function makes to variables indirectly referred to by the argument.
You may occasionally encounter a function declaration withou a body, indicating that the function is implemented in a language other that Go. Such a declaration defines the function signature.

package math
func Sin(x float64) float64 // implemented in assembly language


Functions may be recursive, that is, they may call themselves, either directly or indirectly. Recursion is a powerful technique for many problems, and of course it's essential for processing recursive data structures. In this section, we'll use it for processing HTML documents. Let's see two program, fetch.go and findlinks1.go:

// Fetch prints the content found at a URL.
package main

import (

func main() {
    for _, url := range os.Args[1:] {
        resp, err := http.Get(url)
        if err != nil {
            fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "fetch: %v\n", err)
        b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
        if err != nil {
            fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "fetch: reading %s: %v\n", url, err)
        fmt.Printf("%s", b)
// Findlinks1 prints the links in an HTML document read from standard input.
package main

import (


func main() {
    doc, err := html.Parse(os.Stdin)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "findlinks1: %v\n", err)
    for _, link := range visit(nil, doc) {

// visit appends to links each link found in n and returns the result.
func visit(links []string, n *html.Node) []string {
    if n.Type == html.ElementNode && n.Data == "a" {
        for _, a := range n.Attr {
            if a.Key == "href" {
                links = append(links, a.Val)
    for c := n.FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling {
        links = visit(links, c)
    return links

To descend the tree for a node n, visit recursively calls itself for each of n's children, which are held in the FirstChild linked list.
Let's run findlinks1 on the Go home page, piping the output of fetch to the input of findlinks1:

Star-Wars:gopl Jiang_Hu$ ./fetch https://golang.org | ./findlinks1

The next program uses recursion over the HTML node tree to print the structure of the tree in outline. As it encounters each element, it pushes the element's tag onto a string array which named stack, then prints the stack. The program outline.go:

package main

import (


func main() {
    doc, err := html.Parse(os.Stdin)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "outline: %v\n", err)
    outline(nil, doc)

func outline(stack []string, n *html.Node) {
    if n.Type == html.ElementNode {
        stack = append(stack, n.Data) // push tag
    for c := n.FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling {
        outline(stack, c)

Note one subtlety: although outline "pushes" an element on stack, there is no corresponding pop. When outline calls itself recursively, the callee receives a copy of stack. Although the callee may append elements to this slice, modifying its underlying array and perhaps even allocation a new array, it doesn't modify the initial elements that are visible to the caller, so when the function returns, the caller's stack is as it was before the call.
Here's the output of https://golang.org again edited for brevity:

Star-Wars:gopl Jiang_Hu$ ./fetch https://golang.org | ./outline
[html head]
[html head meta]
[html head meta]
[html head meta]
[html head title]
[html head link]
[html head link]
[html head link]
[html head script]
[html head script]
[html body]
[html body div]
[html body div]
[html body div div]
[html body div div div]
[html body div div div a]

As you can see by experimenting with outline, most HTML documents can be processed with only a few levels of recursion, but it's not hard to construct pathological web pages that require extremely deep recursion.
Many programming language implementations use a fixed-zise function call stack; sizes from 64KB to 2MB are typical. Fixed-size stacks impose a limit on the depth of recursion, so one must be careful to avoid a stack overflow when traversing large data structures recursively; fixed-size stacks may enve pose a security risk. In contrast, typical Go implementations use variable-size stacks that start small and grow as needed up a limit on the order of a gigabyte. This lets us use recursion safely and without worrying about overflow.

Multiple Return Values

The program below is a variation of findlinks that makes the HTTP request itself so that we no longer need to run fetch. Because the HTTP and parsing operations can fail, findLinks declares two result: the list of discovered links and an error. Incidentally, the HTML parser can usually recover from bad input and construct a document containing error nodes, so Parse rarely failes; when it does, its's typically due to underlying I/O errors.

package main

import (


func main() {
    for _, url := range os.Args[1:] {
        links, err := findLinks(url)
        if err != nil {
            fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "findlinks2: %v\n", err)
        for _, link := range links {

// findLinks performs an HTTP GET request for url, parses the
// response as HTML, and extracts and returns the links.
func findLinks(url string) ([]string, error) {
    resp, err := http.Get(url)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("getting %s: %s", url, resp.Status)
    doc, err := html.Parse(resp.Body)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("parsing %s as HTML: %v", url, err)
    return visit(nil, doc), nil

// visit appends to links each link found in n and returns the result.
func visit(links []string, n *html.Node) []string {
    if n.Type == html.ElementNode &a 








Go 连接池相关总结:HTTP、RPC、Redis 和数据库等发布时间:2022-07-10





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