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knadh/koanf: Simple, lightweight, extensible, configuration management library f ...

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Go 99.2%



koanf (pronounced conf; a play on the Japanese Koan) is a library for reading configuration from different sources in different formats in Go applications. It is a cleaner, lighter alternative to spf13/viper with better abstractions and extensibility and fewer dependencies.

koanf comes with built in support for reading configuration from files, command line flags, and environment variables, and can parse JSON, YAML, TOML, and Hashicorp HCL.

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  • koanf.Provider is a generic interface that provides configuration, for example, from files, environment variables, HTTP sources, or anywhere. The configuration can either be raw bytes that a parser can parse, or it can be a nested map[string]interface{} that can be directly loaded.
  • koanf.Parser is a generic interface that takes raw bytes, parses, and returns a nested map[string]interface{} representation. For example, JSON and YAML parsers.
  • Once loaded into koanf, configuration are values queried by a delimited key path syntax. eg: app.server.port. Any delimiter can be chosen.
  • Configuration from multiple sources can be loaded and merged into a koanf instance, for example, load from a file first and override certain values with flags from the command line.

With these two interface implementations, koanf can obtain a configuration from multiple sources and parse any format and make it available to an application.

Reading config from files

package main

import (


// Global koanf instance. Use "." as the key path delimiter. This can be "/" or any character.
var k = koanf.New(".")

func main() {
	// Load JSON config.
	if err := k.Load(file.Provider("mock/mock.json"), json.Parser()); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("error loading config: %v", err)

	// Load YAML config and merge into the previously loaded config (because we can).
	k.Load(file.Provider("mock/mock.yaml"), yaml.Parser())

	fmt.Println("parent's name is = ", k.String("parent1.name"))
	fmt.Println("parent's ID is = ", k.Int("parent1.id"))

Watching files for changes

The koanf.Provider interface has a Watch(cb) method that asks a provider to watch for changes and trigger the given callback that can live reload the configuration. This is not goroutine safe if there are concurrent *Get() calls happening on the koanf object while it is doing a Load(). Such scenarios will need mutex locking.

Currently, file.Provider supports this.

package main

import (


// Global koanf instance. Use "." as the key path delimiter. This can be "/" or any character.
var k = koanf.New(".")

func main() {
	// Load JSON config.
	f := file.Provider("mock/mock.json")
	if err := k.Load(f, json.Parser()); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("error loading config: %v", err)

	// Load YAML config and merge into the previously loaded config (because we can).
	k.Load(file.Provider("mock/mock.yaml"), yaml.Parser())

	fmt.Println("parent's name is = ", k.String("parent1.name"))
	fmt.Println("parent's ID is = ", k.Int("parent1.id"))

	// Watch the file and get a callback on change. The callback can do whatever,
	// like re-load the configuration.
	// File provider always returns a nil `event`.
	f.Watch(func(event interface{}, err error) {
		if err != nil {
			log.Printf("watch error: %v", err)

		// Throw away the old config and load a fresh copy.
		log.Println("config changed. Reloading ...")
		k = koanf.New(".")
		k.Load(f, json.Parser())

	// Block forever (and manually make a change to mock/mock.json) to
	// reload the config.
	log.Println("waiting forever. Try making a change to mock/mock.json to live reload")
	<-make(chan bool)

Reading from command line

The following example shows the use of posflag.Provider, a wrapper over the spf13/pflag library, an advanced commandline lib. For Go's built in flag package, use basicflag.Provider.

package main

import (

	flag "github.com/spf13/pflag"

// Global koanf instance. Use "." as the key path delimiter. This can be "/" or any character.
var k = koanf.New(".")

func main() {
	// Use the POSIX compliant pflag lib instead of Go's flag lib.
	f := flag.NewFlagSet("config", flag.ContinueOnError)
	f.Usage = func() {
	// Path to one or more config files to load into koanf along with some config params.
	f.StringSlice("conf", []string{"mock/mock.toml"}, "path to one or more .toml config files")
	f.String("time", "2020-01-01", "a time string")
	f.String("type", "xxx", "type of the app")

	// Load the config files provided in the commandline.
	cFiles, _ := f.GetStringSlice("conf")
	for _, c := range cFiles {
		if err := k.Load(file.Provider(c), toml.Parser()); err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("error loading file: %v", err)

	// "time" and "type" may have been loaded from the config file, but
	// they can still be overridden with the values from the command line.
	// The bundled posflag.Provider takes a flagset from the spf13/pflag lib.
	// Passing the Koanf instance to posflag helps it deal with default command
	// line flag values that are not present in conf maps from previously loaded
	// providers.
	if err := k.Load(posflag.Provider(f, ".", k), nil); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("error loading config: %v", err)

	fmt.Println("time is = ", k.String("time"))

Reading environment variables

package main

import (


// Global koanf instance. Use . as the key path delimiter. This can be / or anything.
var k = koanf.New(".")

func main() {
	// Load JSON config.
	if err := k.Load(file.Provider("mock/mock.json"), json.Parser()); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("error loading config: %v", err)

	// Load environment variables and merge into the loaded config.
	// "MYVAR" is the prefix to filter the env vars by.
	// "." is the delimiter used to represent the key hierarchy in env vars.
	// The (optional, or can be nil) function can be used to transform
	// the env var names, for instance, to lowercase them.
	// For example, env vars: MYVAR_TYPE and MYVAR_PARENT1_CHILD1_NAME
	// will be merged into the "type" and the nested "parent1.child1.name"
	// keys in the config file here as we lowercase the key, 
	// replace `_` with `.` and strip the MYVAR_ prefix so that 
	// only "parent1.child1.name" remains.
	k.Load(env.Provider("MYVAR_", ".", func(s string) string {
		return strings.Replace(strings.ToLower(
			strings.TrimPrefix(s, "MYVAR_")), "_", ".", -1)
	}), nil)

	fmt.Println("name is = ", k.String("parent1.child1.name"))

You can also use the env.ProviderWithValue with a callback that supports mutating both the key and value to return types other than a string. For example, here, env values separated by spaces are returned as string slices or arrays. eg: MYVAR_slice=a b c becomes slice: [a, b, c].

	k.Load(env.ProviderWithValue("MYVAR_", ".", func(s string, v string) (string, interface{}) {
		// Strip out the MYVAR_ prefix and lowercase and get the key while also replacing
		// the _ character with . in the key (koanf delimeter).
		key := strings.Replace(strings.ToLower(strings.TrimPrefix(s, "MYVAR_")), "_", ".", -1)

		// If there is a space in the value, split the value into a slice by the space.
		if strings.Contains(v, " ") {
			return key, strings.Split(v, " ")

		// Otherwise, return the plain string.
		return key, v
	}), nil)

Reading from an S3 bucket

// Load JSON config from s3.
if err := k.Load(s3.Provider(s3.Config{
	AccessKey: os.Getenv("AWS_S3_ACCESS_KEY"),
	SecretKey: os.Getenv("AWS_S3_SECRET_KEY"),
	Region:    os.Getenv("AWS_S3_REGION"),
	Bucket:    os.Getenv("AWS_S3_BUCKET"),
	ObjectKey: "dir/config.json",
}), json.Parser()); err != nil {
	log.Fatalf("error loading config: %v", err)

Reading raw bytes

The bundled rawbytes Provider can be used to read arbitrary bytes from a source, like a database or an HTTP call.

package main

import (


// Global koanf instance. Use . as the key path delimiter. This can be / or anything.
var k = koanf.New(".")

func main() {
	b := []byte(`{"type": "rawbytes", "parent1": {"child1": {"type": "rawbytes"}}}`)
	k.Load(rawbytes.Provider(b), json.Parser())
	fmt.Println("type is = ", k.String("parent1.child1.type"))

Unmarshalling and marshalling

Parsers can be used to unmarshal and scan the values in a Koanf instance into a struct based on the field tags, and to marshal a Koanf instance back into serialized bytes, for example, back to JSON or YAML, to write back to files.

package main

import (


// Global koanf instance. Use . as the key path delimiter. This can be / or anything.
var (
	k      = koanf.New(".")
	parser = json.Parser()

func main() {
	// Load JSON config.
	if err := k.Load(file.Provider("mock/mock.json"), parser); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("error loading config: %v", err)

	// Structure to unmarshal nested conf to.
	type childStruct struct {
		Name       string            `koanf:"name"`
		Type       string            `koanf:"type"`
		Empty      map[string]string `koanf:"empty"`
		GrandChild struct {
			Ids []int `koanf:"ids"`
			On  bool  `koanf:"on"`
		} `koanf:"grandchild1"`

	var out childStruct

	// Quick unmarshal.
	k.Unmarshal("parent1.child1", &out)

	// Unmarshal with advanced config.
	out = childStruct{}
	k.UnmarshalWithConf("parent1.child1", &out, koanf.UnmarshalConf{Tag: "koanf"})

	// Marshal the instance back to JSON.
	// The paser instance can be anything, eg: json.Paser(), yaml.Parser() etc.
	b, _ := k.Marshal(parser)

Unmarshalling with flat paths

Sometimes it is necessary to unmarshal an assortment of keys from various nested structures into a flat target structure. This is possible with the UnmarshalConf.FlatPaths flag.

package main

import (


// Global koanf instance. Use . as the key path delimiter. This can be / or anything.
var k = koanf.New(".")

func main() {
	// Load JSON config.
	if err := k.Load(file.Provider("mock/mock.json"), json.Parser()); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("error loading config: %v", err)

	type rootFlat struct {
		Type                        string            `koanf:"type"`
		Empty                       map[string]string `koanf:"empty"`
		Parent1Name                 string            `koanf:"parent1.name"`
		Parent1ID                   int               `koanf:"parent1.id"`
		Parent1Child1Name           string            `koanf:"parent1.child1.name"`
		Parent1Child1Type           string            `koanf:"parent1.child1.type"`
		Parent1Child1Empty          map[string]string `koanf:"parent1.child1.empty"`
		Parent1Child1Grandchild1IDs []int             `koanf:"parent1.child1.grandchild1.ids"`
		Parent1Child1Grandchild1On  bool              `koanf:"parent1.child1.grandchild1.on"`

	// Unmarshal the whole root with FlatPaths: True.
	var o1 rootFlat
	k.UnmarshalWithConf("", &o1, koanf.UnmarshalConf{Tag: "koanf", FlatPaths: true})

	// Unmarshal a child structure of "parent1".
	type subFlat struct {
		Name                 string            `koanf:"name"`
		ID                   int               `koanf:"id"`
		Child1Name           string            `koanf:"child1.name"`
		Child1Type           string            `koanf:"child1.type"`
		Child1Empty          map[string]string `koanf:"child1.empty"`
		Child1Grandchild1IDs []int             `koanf:"child1.grandchild1.ids"`
		Child1Grandchild1On  bool              `koanf:"child1.grandchild1.on"`

	var o2 subFlat
	k.UnmarshalWithConf("parent1", &o2, koanf.UnmarshalConf{Tag: "koanf", FlatPaths: true})

Marshalling and writing config

It is possible to marshal and serialize the conf map into TOML, YAML etc.

Setting default values.

koanf does not provide any special functions to set default values but uses the Provider interface to enable it.

From a map

The bundled confmap provider takes a map[string]interface{} that can be loaded into a koanf instance.

package main

import (


// Global koanf instance. Use "." as the key path delimiter. This can be "/" or any character.
var k = koanf.New(".")

func main() {
	// Load default values using the confmap provider.
	// We provide a flat map with the "." delimiter.
	// A nested map can be loaded by setting the delimiter to an empty string "".
		"parent1.name": "Default Name",
		"parent3.name": "New name here",
	}, "."), nil)

	// Load JSON config on top of the default values.
	if err := k.Load(file.Provider("mock/mock.json"), json.Parser()); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("error loading config: %v", err)

	// Load YAML config and merge into the previously loaded config (because we can).
	k.Load(file.Provider("mock/mock.yaml"), yaml.Parser())

	fmt.Println("parent's name is = ", k.String("parent1.name"))
	fmt.Println("parent's ID is = ", k.Int("parent1.id"))

From a struct

The bundled structs provider can be used to read data from a struct to load into a koanf instance.

package main

import (


// Global koanf instance. Use "." as the key path delimiter. This can be "/" or any character.
var k = koanf.New(".")

type parentStruct struct {
	Name   string      `koanf:"name"`
	ID     int         `koanf:"id"`
	Child1 childStruct `koanf:"child1"`
type childStruct struct {
	Name        string            `koanf:"name"`
	Type        string            `koanf:"type"`
	Empty       map[string]string `koanf:"empty"`
	Grandchild1 grandchildStruct  `koanf:"grandchild1"`








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