KOALA_INBOUND_ADDR: ip:port, the address inbound server will bind to, default :2514
KOALA_SUT_ADDR: ip:port, the address inbound will call, default
KOALA_OUTBOUND_ADDR: ip:port, the address all outgoing traffic will be redirected to, default
KOALA_LOG_FILE: STDOUT/STDERR/filepath, if using filepath, the log will rotate every hour
KOALA_INBOUND_READ_TIMEOUT: a duration string, set the timeout of inbound read response from sut
KOALA_OUTBOUND_BYPASS_PORT: port, the port of outbound will bypass, eg replay a session with xdebug and pass xdebug remote port
KOALA_GC_GLOBAL_STATUS_TIMEOUT: a duration string, set the timeout of gc for koala global status, eg thread, socket
KOALA_REPLAYING_MATCH_STRATEGY: set outbound replaying match strategy, default use chunk match strategy, support sim for similarity match
KOALA_REPLAYING_MATCH_THRESHOLD: set outbound replaying similarity match threshold
KOALA_WITCH_ADDR: ip:port, witch: a WEB UI to make log and snapshot visible, default :8318
KOALA_OUTBOUND_BYPASS_ADDR: ip:port or :port, split by comma, the address of outbound will be bypassed when recording or replaying a session, eg service discovery address
Build tags
koala_go: for go application compiled with koala-go
koala_replayer: enable replaying mode
koala_recorder: enable recording mode
koala_replayer and koala_recorder can be enabled at the same time, to benchmark recording with replaying.
intercept tcp send/recv
associate send/recv data to same thread id as "session"
request => response => request, so we can know when a "talk" (with request/response pair) is complete
use udp to inform recorder with helper information.
for "system under test" using thread multiplexing (one thread doing more than one thing),
map real thread id to virtual thread id by helper information.
replaying builds on same mechanism, but much more complex
"system under test" is a process, "replayer inbound server" and "replayer outbound server" lives in same process.
They are two tcp servers started by the .so loaded via LD_PRELOAD.
session to replay is injected into the process via "replayer inbound server" tcp connection
"replayer inbound server" call the "system under test" via tcp connection, store the "session id <=> inbound socket" mapping.
"system under test" call external dependencies, which is intercepted to "replayer outbound server", store the "inbound socket <=> outbound socket" mapping
"replayer outbound server" use its own socket to lookup the mapping, to find which session to replay