Discord bot for a Danbooru tag-guessing game. Play it here!
Type /start to begin the game.
First, Koakuma links a number of Danbooru images that share a common, randomly-selected tag.
Then, she starts revealing the tag name letter-by-letter.
Type tags in the channel to guess the answer!
Is this SFW?
By default, Koakuma only serves images from safebooru.donmai.us — but that site’s standard for safeprobably misaligns with that of your workplace. You can expect scantily-clad anime babes, but nothing downright explicit.
Why Koakuma?
Well, she fetches stuff from libraries.
Running Koakuma on your server
Set some environment variables:
KOAKUMA_TOKEN # the Discord bot token
KOAKUMA_CLIENT_ID # the ID of the bot user to play as (right click, Copy ID)
KOAKUMA_GUILD # the ID of the Discord server to play in (right click, Copy ID)
# optional, makes /scores work:
# optional, allows more tags in /show if you have a Danbooru Gold account:
KOAKUMA_DANBOORU_API_KEY # get it from https://danbooru.donmai.us/profile
Then run npm i and npx ts-node koakuma.ts to start the bot.
I suggest you wrap it in a restart loop like so, in case the bot crashes somehow: while true; do npx ts-node koakuma.ts; sleep 1; done