~/PerlKoans/ - don't actually need it to be this path, but this is default
to confirm your environment is working:
conor@box $ perl -c road_to_illumination.pl
road_to_illumination.pl syntax OK
to get started:
* run 'perl road_to_illumination.pl', which calls each koan (about_*.pl) in order. you should see something like:
1. $ perl road_to_illumination.pl
2. not ok 1 - 1 is equal to itself
3. # Failed test '1 is equal to itself'
4. # at about_koans.pl line 15.
5. # got: '1'
6. # expected: '2'
8. Bail out! he who asks a question is a fool for a minute; he who does not remains a fool forever
so you won't actually see the line numbers, but they're useful in explaining what's going on:
line 2 - provides test result 'not ok', test count '1', and test name '1 is equal to itself'
line 3 - provides a more human friendly representation of line 1
line 4 - provides the file and line number of the failing test
line 7 - displays your progression through the Koans
line 8 - some (hopefully) inspirational sayings
* now that you know which test is failing, and in which koan that test lives, go fix the test -- repeat until all tests pass:
Perl::Koans uses the string '__' to indicate where you should fill in your code, typically a value or variable.
for example, if you see:
is (1, __, "1 is equal to itself test");
to pass the test, you would fill in '1':
is (1, 1, "1 is equal to itself test");
in other cases, you may see a failing test without the '__', but the intent is the same: fix the test.
for example, if you see:
is (1, 2, "1 is equal to itself test");
pass the test by replacing the 'expected' value to '1':
is (1, 1, "1 is equal to itself test");
Perl::Koans provides some anchors for where you should be looking to fix tests:
# your code goes below this line
# your code goes above this line
you can walk the road (i.e. fix tests) in whatever editor you choose, here are a few suggestions:
* Windows - Notepad++, Eclipse
* Unix - GEdit, Eclipse, vim
* OS X - Text Wrangler, Eclipse, vim
Komodo Edit is another option, available for all platforms
tests aren't just used in 'if' statements!
Test::More is the de facto standard framework for testing in Perl.
the functions used in Perl::Koans:
* is(<got>, <expected>, <testname>) - successful if <got> is equal to <expected>
* ok(<value>, <testname>) - successful if <value> is true
* like(<got>, <regular_expression>, <testname>) - successful if <got> matches <regular_expression>