To use the nodemailer helper in a non-production environment, you need to set the variable in .env ALLOW_LIST and assign an array with the domains allowed for sending e-mail. This domain must start with an @, followed by a minimum of 2 characters, a . and 2 characters in the end.
In case the informed email is not part of any informed domain, the email will not be sent.
The following domains: and@nave are not allowed as they do not satisfy the domain description, given above.
This project uses objection.js as ORM and knex as query builder.
In order not to use before update hooks on our models, we decided to create a function and trigger via migration, everytime you create a table with updated_at add the trigger to it. (an example is in the file: "src/database/migrations/20180910221504_init.js")
Steps to use Queue UI
After adding a new queue, need to add in queue.js a new adapter