root <process.cwd()> - root directory. nothing above this root directory can be served
maxage - cache control max age
etag - options for etags
algorithm - hashing algorithm to use
encoding - encoding to use
index - serve index.html files
hidden - show hidden files which leading .s
var file = yield* send(this, [path])
serve.send() allows you to serve files as a utility.
This is helpful for arbitrary paths.
The middleware also adds var file = yield* this.fileServer.send(path).
path defaults to this.request.path.slice(1),
removing the leading / to make the path relative.
For an example, see the middleware's source code.
var file = yield* push(this, path, [options])
Optionally SPDY Push a file.
The middleware also adds var file = yield* this.fileServer.send(path, [opts]).
Unlike send(), path is required.
path must also be a relative path (without a leading /) relative to the root.
The push stream's URL will be '/' + path.
Errors will be thrown on unknown files.
The only option is priority: 7.