It's a moderation bot for Twitch meant for roughly the same things as nightbot, moobot, ankhbot, deepbot, etc. This is and always will be free and open source. It runs off your desktop. I'm always open to feature requests, bug reports, and any constructive critique. Hit me up on Twitch or Twitter or Reddit.
Configurable in the "Settings" tab to display either the bot uptime, the stream uptime, or the lap time.
Shows the amount of time the bot has been open.
Shows the amount of time your stream has been going (if your stream disconnects, this resets).
Shows the amount of time since you've hit the "lap" button.
Mod-only. Adds a time stamp to a log file (both local time and stream time) with the optional comments.
Same as above.
[game name]
Mod-only. Changes the game.
[stream status]
Mod-only. Changes the stream status.
Mod-only. Allows the user to post links for 60 seconds.
(-ul=[mod/sub/streamer]) [!commandname] [text]
Mod-only. Adds a command. The new command can be set to only be used by a certain user level. Using %1%, %2%, %3%, %4%, or %5% when creating a command will replace it with that parameter when the command is run. For example, "!addcom !tree %1% and %2% sitting in a tree" then "!tree wolfish indy" would output "wolfish and indie sitting in a tree". Use %from% to insert the username of the person that used the command.
Same as above.
Mod-only. Deletes a command.
Same as above.
Plays a random quote. If an id is given, it will attempt to play the quote with that id.
[quote author] [quote]
Adds a quote.
Mod-only. Deletes the quote with the given id.
Returns the current song playing.
Mod-only. Skips the currently playing song.
[volume 0-100]
Mod-only. Sets the song volume to this.
Mod-only. Mutes/unmutes the song, does not change the volume level.
[youtube id or youtube url]
Adds a song to the queue.
Displays your points.
How to use:
For Windows: Run koalaBot.exe
For OS X: NWJS is no longer available from the app store, but is available at their website. Download the Koalabot osx .zip and unzip it into the same directory as Run OSX may prompt that the application is from an untrusted source. If that happens, go to settings > Security & Privacy > General, and set the "Allow Apps from Anywhere" option and launch the application. After launching for the first time, it would be a good idea to set the securtiy settings back to "App Store and Identified Developers".
Go to Settings > Bot Config
Click "Get Token"
If Windows pops up something about the firewall, click OK.
Log in to the Twitch account you want the bot to be
If you're using the bot on an account other than the one you stream on, make sure the bot is both a mod and an editor for your channel. To make the bot an editor, go to your Twitch Dashboard on your main account.
Making modules:
Modules are HTML5 + javascript (ES6) + jQuery (2.2.0) + Boostrap (3.3.6). See my example module for working example. To install it, save it as a .js file and place it in the \mods\ folder, then restart the bot. Also see the API for more details and some functionality not used in example.js. Share modules via JSFiddle or Gist.
Making themes:
Themes are just Bootstrap 3.3.6 .css files. Put them in the themes folder and restart the bot.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation version 3.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.