开源软件名称(OpenSource Name):ccsl-usp/modelo-latex开源软件地址(OpenSource Url):开源编程语言(OpenSource Language):TeX 93.0%开源软件介绍(OpenSource Introduction):IME/USP LaTeX TemplateA LaTeX template for Masters and PhD/Doctorate dissertations/theses according to IME/USP guidelines. Note that the actual formatting of the document (fonts, cover layout, spacing etc.) is not mandatory; the guidelines deal with the document structure only (the description of the guidelines is included in the template). The template is expected to be useful for unexperienced LaTeX users. Feel free to customize to your needs and, if appropriate, send us improvements. :) The generated PDF file includes a FAQ, a short (but reasonably compreehensive) LaTeX tutorial, and some examples of LaTeX commands. There is also a simple and short cheat sheet (in Portuguese). Besides that, there are lots of comments in the "tese.tex" and other included .tex files about the packages used and things you might want to customize or learn more about. These comments are in Brazilian Portuguese. Even if you have some LaTeX experience, you may benefit from skimming the comments, tutorial, and examples, as they include some useful tips. You need a reasonably recent working LaTeX installation (TeXLive 2018 works, but we recommend 2020 or newer), including biber and biblatex (among other packages). The document may be compiled with "make" or "latexmk" (preferred) and this repo includes a compiled version of it. FAQThere is a FAQ in the example document and this repo includes a compiled version of it in PDF format. Used packages and installationThere are some instalation instructions in the example document, included in this repo in PDF format. The template uses makeindex, biber, and many LaTeX packages. The template probably includes all packages you'd expect, such as the AMS packages (amsthm, amsmath etc.), babel, geometry, hyperref, graphicx, array etc. It also includes many others; in no particular order, these are directly used in the template: etoolbox, expl3, xparse, letltxmacro, regexpatch, fontenc, inputenc, fontspec, mweights, fontaxes, unicode-math, calc, ragged2e, microtype, indentfirst, footmisc, emptypage, caption, biblatex, setspace, parskip, xcolor, textcase, fancyhdr, float, flafter, placeins, pdflscape, tikz, rotating, subcaption, pdfpages, tablefootnote, dcolumn, longtable, multirow, makecell, booktabs, tocbibind, imakeidx, verbatim, mathtools, csquotes, hypcap, hyperxmp, url, listings, textcomp, multicol, metalogo, epigraph, imakeidx, todonotes, soul, soulutf8, translator, pgfgantt, titletoc, titlesec, titleps, framed, adjustbox, threeparttable, colortbl, datetime2, iflang, lstautogobble, froufrou, enumitem, contour, siunitx, pgfplots, appendix, iftex, keyval, cancel, and hologo. Several others are loaded indirectly by these. The default fonts depend on these packages: lmodern, fix-cm, libertinus, libertinust1math, fourier-orns, and sourcecodepro. The example presentation and poster use beamer, beamerposter, appendixnumberbeamer, qrcode, and beamertheme-metropolis. As of 2021, in debian/ubuntu systems, you need to install (with their dependencies) at least: texlive-base, texlive-latex-base, texlive-plain-generic, texlive-fonts-recommended, texlive-generic-recommended, texlive-latex-recommended, texlive-latex-extra, texlive-fonts-extra, texlive-bibtex-extra, texlive-pictures, texlive-science, texlive-lang-portuguese, texlive-lang-english, lmodern, biber, and latexmk. Just run
LicenseThe files that are derived from other projects (natbib-ime.sty, alpha-ime.bst etc.) are subject to their own licenses. The rest of the code is available under the MIT License. The example text, which includes the tutorial and examples, as well as the explanatory comments in the source, are available under the Creative Commons Attribution International Licence, v4.0 (CC-BY 4.0). |